

Respond to the following and include the questions in your responses:

1. What does he do with the raw data? How does he construct his images?

2. Do you think the implementation of a visual image as an example of a statistical number is effective? Why?

3. What is the BIG QUESTION?

Submit your answers using the assignment tool or as an attached word doc.

answer question 118

Find an article that deals with an aspect of managerial communication. Discuss the article in terms of how the article interests you and how you might tie it into a proposal. Explain why you chose this article for discussion.

1 page

APA Format

2 References

finalizing the draft

Comment 1:

You suggested two different policies, however you should try to make it more detailed and explain more how you would do it and in which ways it will affect everyone who is involved. Also include how your organization will participate, in what ways and how you think the result would be.

Try to make your executive summary shorter because it takes a lot of space and should be as concised as possible.

Moreover, another area of improvement is can be the application of the spiral model, you should be more detailed on it include examples.

Be sure to double check your sources and the format of them.

Comment 2:

In your “executive summary” section, I think it would be a good idea to clearly state the organization that you are representing and as well who the policy paper is for/ directed towards (i.e. president, government, etc.)

In your “origin/history of the problem” section, there are some sentences that in my opinion are a bit short, so I think that it would be best if you combine some sentences together. In your “critique of policy options” section, I am not sure if this was intended or not but some of the paragraphs I felt were too short. I think combining some of the paragraphs or adding a bit more to the ones that only have a couple of sentences would be a smart move.

There are minor spelling and grammar issues that can also be easily fixed.

I have attached a sample policy paper and wish you could format the paper like how the sample is. Also, to please finalize the paper accordingly from the above comments.


750-1,000-word document to be submitted individually. You may use reputable websites, but be sure your facts are accurate

Please see attached for complete instructions.

211 introduction of the state park

Write an introduction and Sightseeing guide of the Huston Woods State Park http://parks.ohiodnr.gov/huestonwoods for the tourists. 1-2 pages, single space.



you can include:

park overview,


activities and facilities…


1)As noted by Fennelly (2017), there are different stages to identifying vulnerabilities of a physical protection system (PPS). The vulnerability assessment (VA) process can be segmented into the following three phases:

  • Planning the VA
  • Conducting the VA
  • Reporting the results of the VA

Select 1 of the phases and discuss the details of that phase. Also comment on why you selected that phase.

2)Discuss the textbook’s recommendations for improving business-IT communication. Provide examples from your own experience to support your ideas.

Forum rules:

    • Your answer must be substantive, which usually requires 300 words or more
    • Your answer must be well written and well organized
    • Your answer must include one properly formatted APA in-text citation to a scholarly reference. The full reference must be provided at the end of your answer with a link if one is available.

stress reduction and cognitive behavioral therapy

1. Discussion: Stress Reduction

Have you or someone you know experienced health issues as a result of stress? What types of health issues can result from stress and how can we reduce stress to lead healthier lives? In your discussion post, identify ways that you currently reduce stress in your life, or ideas you have for reducing stress that you want to try in the future.

2. Discussion: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

As illustrated in the module materials, cognitive-behavioral therapy is currently the most widely practiced therapy. Why do you think this is so? Discuss the reasons you think it is the most widely practiced form of therapy currently, and how it achieves results. What common elements are shared by cognitive therapy and all other forms of therapy?

pay offs and risks of capital investments 1

Discussion: Pay-Offs and Risks of Capital Investments

The three most important considerations in capital budgeting for long-term, high-expense projects are planning, evaluation of alternatives, and financing. These considerations should be a visible part of any strategic investment plan. Planning includes carefully considering the potential pay-offs and risks of a project. The evaluation of alternative projects or programs comes about through applying appropriate decision-making techniques. Because of the long-term life and high expense of capital projects, proper financing usually necessitates effective debt management. In this Discussion, you ascertain how capital investment decisions are made in a specific public organization. Then, you recommend a major capital investment for this organization and analyze the potential pay-offs and risks associated with it.

this is the question

Post a brief description of a major capital investment, e.g., property, buildings, building additions, equipment, software, or technology that will last more than a year, that you might recommend for the public organization. Discuss how the use of cost benefit analysis could be use to determine if this investement is a financially sound one for the organization. Then, analyze its potential pay-offs and risks, and explain how the organization might mitigate those risks.

Be sure to support your posting and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Mikesell, J. L. (2018). Fiscal administration: Analysis and applications for the public sector (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

  • Chapter 7, “Capital Budgeting, Time Value of Money, and Cost-Benefit Analysis: Process, Structure, and Basic Tools” (pp. 311-349)
  • Chapter 15, “Debt Administration” (pp. 673-716)

complete short health disc 1

What is the importance of standardization of mortality rates? What is the usefulness of the different methods of standardization? Please elaborate your answer and provide references.


Need help in java. Instructions Provided. Needs to be done in eclipse. Price negotiable.