exercise 12 collective behavior

1-We know that social change is often caused by collective action and/or social movements. Culture also plays a part in social change. For the next few questions we will explore the way that music culture plays a part in social change.
Go to TakingITGlobal’s Music and Social Change Page
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
Go to the timeline and
click on the second picture on the top row (it should take you to information about Strange Fruit by Abel Meeropol).
Click on the “listen” button and listen to the clip.
Read the accompanying text and answer the next two questions.
According to the page, “Strange Fruit” is considered to be the first significant song of what social movement?

the housing rights movement

the grass roots movement

the suffrage movement

the civil rights movement  

2-We know that social change is often caused by collective action and/or social movements. Culture also plays a part in social change. For the next few questions we will explore the way that music culture plays a part in social change.
Go to TakingITGlobal’s Music and Social Change Page
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.

Go to the timeline and
click on the second picture on the top row (it should take you to information about Strange Fruit by Abel Meeropol).
Click on the “listen” button and listen to the clip.
Read the accompanying text and answer the next two questions.
According to the site, the “strange fruit” in the song with the same title are:

rights activists

lynched blacks hanging from trees:



3-Go to TakingITGlobal’s Music and Social Change Page
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.

Go to the timeline and
click on the first picture on the bottom row (Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika (God Bless Africa)).
Click on the “listen” button and listen to the clip.
Read the accompanying text and answer the next two questions.
According to the page, South Africans sang this song (Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika (God Bless Africa)) during the fight against ______________.


American political interference


strange fruit

4-Go to TakingITGlobal’s Music and Social Change Page
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.

Go to the timeline and
click on the first picture on the bottom row (Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika (God Bless Africa)).
Click on the “listen” button and listen to the clip.
Read the accompanying text and answer the next two questions.
According to the site, the song “Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika (God Bless Africa)” is now the __________________ of post-apartheid South Africa.

prison song

official social movement song

Nigerian anthem

national anthem

5-Go to TakingITGlobal’s Music and Social Change Page
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.

Go to the timeline and
Click on the second picture on the bottom row (We Shall Overcome).
Click on the “listen” button and listen to the clip.
Read the accompanying text and answer this question.
According to the site, all of the following are are situations in which “We Shall Overcome” has been sung EXCEPT:

striking workers to Chinese students in Tiananmen Square

in South African prisons

in reference to Sociology 120

the movement against race discrimination in the southern United States

6-Define social movements.

Discuss the stages of a social movement.
Then, based on your reading of The Animal Rights Crusade
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
by James M. Jasper and Dorothy Nelkin, and this week’s lesson, discuss whether or not you think that the animal right crusade can be classified as a social movement.
Explain why or why not.


Read p. 188 in the text, “Will Emoticons Give Your Career a Frowny Face?” If you are a hiring manager and a, otherwise qualified job applicant uses emoticons in their application, consider the following questions:

create a power point 2

create 2-4 slides with the following:

Improve phase of the Six Sigma DMAIC project Modify the process to stay within an acceptable range

Utilize all analytical tools available for Six Sigma as permitted or appropriate including, but not limited to: flowcharts, run charts, Pareto charts, check sheets, cause-and-effect diagrams, opportunity flow diagram, process control charts, failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), design of experiments (DOE) and lean tools. Students can use templates located in the text or online sources.

cite sources in APA format.

analyze in 1 050 words why each ratio is important for financial decision making

Select a Fortune 500 company from one of the following industries:

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Energy
  • Retail
  • Automotive
  • Computer Hardware

Review the balance sheet and income statement in the company’s 2015 Annual Report.

Calculate the following ratios using Microsoft Excel:

  • Current Ratio
  • Quick Ratio
  • Debt Equity Ratio
  • Inventory Turnover Ratio
  • Receivables Turnover Ratio
  • Total Assets Turnover Ratio
  • Profit Margin (Net Margin) Ratio
  • Return on Assets Ratio

Analyze in 1,050 words why each ratio is important for financial decision making.



You are the CEO of Company A, a profitable market share leader employing a best-cost provider strategy.

However, you are now facing significant competition from Company Y (broad differentiation), and Company Z (low-cost provider).

Over the next 12 months, you cannot change your generic strategy. At the same time, you cannot wait a year to deal with the growing threats from Company Y and Company Z.

(A)Discuss the challenges facing Company A that stem from having to compete against both Company Y and Company Z.

(B)Identify at least two positioning strategies that will enable you to strengthen your competitive position with Company Y and/or Company Z.

At least 1 must deal with Company Y, and at least 1 must deal with Company Z.

You must explain how each option is consistent with your best-cost provider strategy and how each option will enable you to maintain or increase profitability and/or market share.


Exam essay format (APA notrequired).

1-1½ pages.

Write essay in this document beginning on the next page.


Frankie ultimately complies with Maggie’s request for assistance in ending her life. James Rachels and Bonnie Steinbock disagree about whether the American Medical Association has a legitimate position on the role that physicians may play in providing this kind of assistance. Explain the central disagreement between their respective position, and then discuss whether you think the means by which Frankie brings about Maggie’s death would be permitted under Steinbock’s understanding of what a doctor is morally allowed to do. Finally, explain whether (and why) you think Frankie’s actions toward the end of the film are morally permissible, anticipating and addressing at least one significant potential objection to your view.


This assignment is designed to help you understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative research designs, as well as select the appropriate method for the research question you have been working on throughout the course.

Step 1: Restate your Week 1 research question and select the type of research (quantitative or qualitative) that is most appropriate for it.-Managing Chronic Pain

Step 2: Summarize the major steps in that type of research.

Step 3: Determine the specific type or approach (i.e., quasi-experimental, phenomenological, etc.) you would employ and explain why that is the best selection.

Step 4: Explain potential data.

Step 5: Explain how analyzing and interpreting that data can inform your research question.

875-word paper

Cite at least one peer-reviewed resource in APA format.


Research any of the acts provided in Table 2-1 of the textbook. Provide in your paper a full description of the act, relevant dates and cite any legal case ever charged or tried under this act.

Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper that fully discusses the topic questions

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

quot america s unjust drug war quot michael huemer

Only two outside sources needed and if you haven’t read “America’s Unjust Drug War” it’s only like 4 pages!

The prompt basically asks does Huemer give a good arguement that people have the right to use drugs? Why or why not?

the morality of library fines

What is the moral problem of library fines, overdue fines and collecting debt. ? What ethical theory might be applid in this situation ? and what are the solutions?