Brazil and South Africa are multi-ethnic, multi-racial societies committed to economic and social justice. Both are resource rich and regional economic powerhouses. Both, however, have persistent poverty and injustice. What are they doing wrong?
If you believe Free Trade is better, explain why in that forum; otherwise, explain your support of Managed Trade in that forum. In either case, post your thread. Make sure to compare Brazil and South Africa in your essay.
Free Trade
If you believe that free trade better serves the economic needs of people, explain why by responding to this thread.
Managed Trade
If you believe that managed trade better serves the economic interests of people, explain by why responding to this thread.
I expect each writing assignment to have:
(1) A clear thesis statement, which addresses directly the question posed by the instructor;
(2) A body of factual examples that support your thesis; these examples may be drawn from either the assigned readings or properly cited sources researched independently by the student. Posted threads drawn from the work of another must be appropriately cited; plagiarized threads will be penalized;
(3) a coherent paragraph structure that emphasizes your main points and college-level English; and,
(4) A succinct concluding paragraph.
400-600 words(400 is fine)