NOTE: The only knowledge you should be writing about is from the provided materiel. Nothing new, just stick to the material please. Also, this is a college level so your writing should be checked carefully and written in a professional way.
There are 3 different materials which will help you with the 3 questions from 1-3. The first one for question 1 is Consciousness, the second for Q2 is Freedom, and the last one for Q3 is Chinese room. 17:43:382021-06-23 17:43:38philosophy of artificial intelligence 1
I need someone to log in into my online class and take Test 5. It will be 46 Questions and you will have 56 minutes to complete it. It is worth 80.4 points. The test will be on Chapters 11-13 This is the website for the book Reference log in is. Username: Password: capital “P” Panda818! I will provide the test website log in once I pick the recommended tutor. Please I need someone who is an expert in Psychology major.
no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please only use the references below.
Discussion – Imagine you are a human service professional bound by general ethical principles, but also by the agency policies of your employer. Your agency only provides career assistance; all other assistance is a referral to other resources. The client is in a situation where she/he cannot afford clothes for interviews and your agency provides no monetary assistance. Other options have been exhausted and you are contemplating paying for an outfit yourself because this client is sincerely trying to become self-sufficient. Utilize the 4 assumptions of Kitchener’s model of ethical decision-making and, following a National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) ethical principle arrive at a rationale for paying or not paying for an outfit for the client. Kitchener’s Model and the Ethical codes of the National Organization of Human Services will be used in your final paper.
Martin, M.E. (2014). Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings (3rd. ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education. ISBN: 9780205848058
National Organization of Human Services: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. This site is the primary site for human services ethics, careers, conferences, publications, etc.
Robson, M., Cook, P., Hunt, K., Alred, G., & Robson, D. (2000). Towards ethical decision-making in counselling research. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 28(4), 533–547.
Urofsky, R. I., Engels, D. W., & Engebretson, K. (2008). Kitchener’s Principle Ethics: Implications for Counseling Practice and Research. Counseling & Values, 53(1), 67–78. Retrieved from….
For this discussion board post, respond to the prompt in two to three paragraphs (no bullets). Paragraphs should be organized by topic and not simply address the questions in order. Include information from sources when appropriate, complete with MLA in text citations.
Prompt: After reviewing all learning resources for this module, review the CRJS Essay Assignment and consider the criminal justice issue you plan to write about in your essay. Write an essay topic proposal that addresses the following:
Why have you identified this specific problem/issue as your essay focus?
What do you already know about this topic?
What two readings and/or learning resources do you plan to use in order to justify your arguments in your essay?
Why have you identified those two resources for your essay? What specific information do you plan to use in your essay?
What do you need to find out about this topic? What is your plan for researching your topic?
Who is your audience? What do you want the audience to know/believe/understand/do after reading your essay?
Response to questions should be organized into paragraphs by topic.
Include at least one quotation or paraphrased idea for each of the two sources you plan to use in your essay.
For each quotation/paraphrase, include MLA style in text citation with the author’s last name and page number in parentheses (Last name #).
Include an MLA style Works Cited list with the two (or more) module readings you plan to use in the essay at the end of the post. 16:56:272021-06-23 16:56:27after reviewing all learning resources for this module review the crjs essay assignment and consider the criminal justice issue you plan to write about in your essay write an essay topic proposal that addresses the following
After reading “Chapter 6: Remixing” in Rewriting, 2nd edition (pages 125-143), type up an outline.
Choose 10-15 important concepts you learned in this section. Use quotation marks or paraphrasing appropriately to avoid plagiarism, and include a page number for each of these concepts. Also, use bullet points or numbering for each new concept. Underline or bold any key terms/phrases for emphasis within each bullet point.
For each bullet point (concept), add 1-2 sentences, explaining the importance of this concept, or why it stood out to you. Use complete sentences.
Aim for 400-800 words total. Put this word count in the 5th line of your heading.
The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate a deep understanding of the reading. Think of it as a study guide you can refer to easily later. Be sure to upload a doc, docx, or pdf file.
Critical Response (Rewriting)
Critical Response (Rewriting)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcepts
5.0 pts
Full Marks
10-15 concepts are included using quotation marks or paraphrasing appropriately, and page numbers are provided for each concept.
0.0 pts
No Marks
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSignificance
5.0 pts
Full Marks
For each concept, an explanation of its significance is included. Student avoids merely summarizing what the author is saying and focuses on why what the author is saying is important.
Using reliable Internet sources and/or the CSU Online Library, search for and locate a recent court case or lawsuit related to sexual harassment in the workplace. Then, conduct a case study in which you analyze the case, presenting an argument and applicable evidence about your selected court case or lawsuit. Consider the concepts learned in this course as you analyze the case and present your analysis.
Include the following in your paper:
a brief description of the conduct that precipitated the selected court case or lawsuit and how Title VII protects against this conduct;
an analysis of the use of the complaint procedure and the employer’s response to any complaints;
a discussion of preventive steps that could have been used to prevent the harassment from occurring; and
a summary of the costs to the employer, financial and otherwise, stemming from the lawsuit and the underlying conduct.
You are required to use a minimum of three sources, one of which may be your textbook as reference material for your case study. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages, and should follow APA style. 16:49:212021-06-23 16:49:21unit 3 search for and locate a recent court case or lawsuit related to sexual harassment in the workplace then conduct a case study 1
The information security program management (ISPM) is a very important process as it provides oversight for the balance between compliance, security, and resources (Rogers, 2018). The company CIO, Erwin Carrington is responsible for the development, maintenance, and approval of the plan. The ISPM also states the responsibilities and roles of all individuals who have access to the related systems. There are three main portions to the ISPM, planning, programming, and budgeting. There are for basic strategies that support the goal of reducing the expected cost of cyber attacks (Davis et al., 2016, p. xx). These four strategies are: minimize exposure, neutralize attacks, increase resilience, and accelerate recovery. This paper will identify 5 risks that require a financial investment and discuss the applicability of one selected strategy.
Restarting the SETA program Red Clay Renovations CIO reported that the CISO is working to restart the companies’ security, education, training, and awareness (SETA) program. The risk of not having a cyber awareness-training requirement or strategy is risky as people are the biggest cybersecurity target. 95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error, this means a SETA program or process should be of the most importance (FraudWatch, 2019). The neutralize attack strategy strives to prevent as many attacks as possible and reduce the impact of the attack (Davis et al., 2016, p. xx). This strategy can be used to clarify exactly what needs to be planned. Neutralizing attacks that employees are highly susceptible to, like phishing and social engineering, allow for a basis of what needs to be done. To ensure that a SETA program is maintained and managed, it may be reasonable to establish a contract with a third party that privates the training annually. This would be considered a financial investment on people. This requires fewer technical controls.
Smart Device Red Clay Renovations utilizes smart devices that can be accessed from a web application that doesn’t have any security beyond a username and password. This is a serious risk because these devices are installed into smart homes, with little security; these homes could be attacked easily. Utilizing the neutralize attacks strategy informs us that system management must reduce inherent risk (Davis et al., 2016, p. xx). To reduce the risks or neutralize possible attacks, we must remediate the installation process, and this can be done with official doctrine. This risk calls for a process investment. The investment could be a policy, followed by guidelines that enforce the security of smart devices and set standards for smart device security.
Smart Office IT Architecture The Smart Office network architecture has a few issues. One of the issues is the inefficient sever location. The servers should be placed in a proper DMZ; instead, they are placed in the path of the network and the firewall. Neutralizing the chance of an attack will require a technology investment. The CISO should implement a proper DMZ or an application-proxy gateway. The application-proxy gateway places a firewall between the server and the network and the Internet. The network firewall serves as a proxy agent that acts as an intermediary between the two hosts (Scarfone, 2010, p. xx). The second issue pertains to the wireless portion of the network. The architecture description gives little to no instruction on the connection methods of the wireless devices. The document only mentions that they are addressable to their IP address. This is a risk to the network as it may be possible for any device from inside or outside the network to attack resources. To neutralize the risk of attack, a financial process investment is called for. The development of this process would enforce guidelines for connecting to the network via wireless fidelity as well as how to ensure items are authorized.
BYOD While BYOD may save Red Clay Renovations money, it is a risk to the organization. BYOD policies allow devices that connect to the network regularly to leave the network and return. This offers the risk of malicious software being installed when the device connects to other networks. While contractors are not allowed to BYOD, regular employees are allowed to bring their devices provided the devices are required to perform their duties. This requires people and process investment. The people investment would include the training of employees who have the privilege of BYOD and instructing them of the required processes. The process investment would include the development of an authorization system for devices before they enter the facility. These together should make for a strong effort to neutralize attacks within the BYOD privileges.
Summary Overall, the budgeting for cybersecurity can be made very simple. It is apparent that the cybersecurity team can never reach 100% security, so a strong IT security program with distinct goals can prevent unnecessary spending in regards to the budget. Most of the investments that Red Clay Renovations must consider are people and process investments. This saves the organization’s finances associated with responding to cyberattacks. Neutralizing attacks pertains preventing as many attacks as possible and reducing the impact of the attack (Davis et al., 2016, p. xx). This strategy allows for the organization to look at current security options and allows for the technology to be fortified. This strategy is very powerful if implemented properly.
Davis, J. S., Libicki, M. C., Johnson, S. E., Watson, M., Kumar, J., & Karode, A. (2016). A Framework for Programming and Budgeting for Cybersecurity. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation.
Even though this article is from 2013 the Lean In phenomenon is still going strong. Do some research on Lean In and write a paper on your thoughts about Lean In. What do you think about Lean In and do you believe that it has an effect on women in business and explain?