

1. Select a topic from a list of emerging or reemerging infectious diseases (also found in module 3).

2. Provide the clinical name of the disease, the causative agent,the incubation period, the symptoms of the disease, the person(s) infected, the place and time, the case fatality rate, the mortality rate, the complete outbreak investigative process (six steps), data collection, and epidemic curves.

3. In applying the investigative steps, be sure to provide the following:

a. a reasonable and appropriate rationale for your field work plan

b. support and justification for your diagnosis

c. a hypothesis based on investigative findings

d. a description of the implementation of control and preventive measures, based on your investigative findings


  • length: five to seven pages (excluding cover pages and reference citations)
  • formatting: double spaced
  • title page with title, your name, the course name, and the semester
  • paper content should include introduction, body, and conclusion
  • use APA citation style in the body of the paper, as well as in the references
  • resources should include a mixture of web and regular references
  • correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence construction, and paragraph construction

spss assignment i need you to talk about outputs from spss 1

I already created the outputs from spss and i need written pages explain spss outputs and how they relate to the project.


1 paragraph of introduction, 3 body paragraphs, 1 paragraph of conclusion.Each paragraph needs to have 8-10 sentences


Research your local criminal justice system (jails/prisons/court ordered treatment programs). Discuss the critical issues involved in the treatment of substance abusers in regards to relapse prevention in order to not gain access back into the criminal justice system. Express validated and research based views to offer support, or preferable alternatives to what is currently implemented in your community.

This paper should be 3-5 pages in CONTENT length. A title page and reference section is required, and not included in the 3-5 page total. Your material should be based on information that is obtained through research (not opinions, blogs, etc.), and should be cited properly in your document. Papers will be checked for authenticity, and any detection of plagiarism will not be tolerated.


1. what do you think the outcome of the “trade war” will be? Will there be a winner and a loser? If so, who do you think will be the winner? (100 words)

2. how will the trade war between the united states and china have an impact on european countries? (50 words)

3. how can the united states become less dependent on imports? (50 words)

4. and come up with a new question.


choose an article to read and briefly describe the topic in one or two paragraphs:

  • Global competition
  • Offshoring
  • Multinational workforce
  • Immigration reform

please help 103

You have been recently hired as Public Relations Director by Smart Media Education, a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate youth and parents on a critical approach to consuming modern media. In one month your first big event is to present to a group of the nation’s high school juniors and seniors at the annual Youth Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. Approximately five students from each of the 48 contiguous states will be in the audience.

In this section of the assignment you will a speaker’s outline for your presentation and a sample of your presentation itself.

1.Your speaker’s notes should be completed in a Word document. These will be your notes as you present so make sure they are complete and include the following:

A. An introduction

B. An overview of what you’ll be presenting and why. (Why should these high school students care what you have to say?)

C. Your findings on television commercials

D. Your findings on the impact of media on society

E. A conclusion that summarizes and reinforces the reasons that it’s important to use critical thinking when consuming media

2.Create a PowerPoint presentation from your notes. Using screen capture software, record your presentation and submit a link to the recording along with your speaker’s notes.

A. There are many free versions of screen capture software. Ask your instructor for recommendations if you don’t have a favorite.

please follow the instructions and provide me a paper of atleast 500 words with apa format

provide feedback on how it relates to you and your style. How might you use your style with organization management? How does your style prepare you for operations strategy?

Find the attached document for the reference

research proposal 10 14 pages not including cover and sources pages

the title of this proposal is ( the importance of scientific methods in criminal justice system )

i have attached the literature review and introduction that i wrote about about it down below which you will be needing to see too about writing this research proposal.

here is the reviews that i got for each the lit review and introduction from my professor:

lit review:

While you have some good content and sources, you have some important issues in your submission that you should address. Your first sentence needs work, as it is too vague. Use the format provided in the instructions for the introduction on Blackboard. The page range for this assignment was 5-7 pages, which means a minimum of 5 pages of content, not including the cover page and references. After fixing your formatting and deleting extraneous lines and headings, you had just over 4 3/4 pages. Review APA format. Your in-text citations and references have formatting errors. Your references should be in alphabetical order. Keep your writing clear and concise. Your writing needs work. Please consider using the resources available to you at the university, such as the writing center. Also, I am available to meet with students during office hours, or communicate via email, or set up a time for a phone call

the introduction :

Your topic is unclear. Review APA format. You have errors in your reference page. You need a minimum of three sources, other than the text for the course. Check your grammar and spelling before submitting your work.

now here is the guide lines for the research proposal that you will need to follow in writing this research proposal:

The research proposal final paper will include the following components:

  • Introduction, edited as per the instructions on Blackboard, in conjunction with feedback provided in class and on Blackboard.
  • Literature Review, edited as per the instructions on Blackboard, in conjunction with feedback provided in class and on Blackboard.
  • Methodology, which will include the following: research questions, research hypotheses, operationalization of independent and dependent variables, identification of the target population, the sampling method to be employed, the source of your data, the types of measurement (including precision of measurement if applicable), and a discussion of limitations of your research, including threats to reliability, validity and generalizability of your measurements and findings.
  • Conclusion, which will summarize the most important aspects of your proposal and the utility of the proposed research to the field of criminal justice.
  • Students do not need headings, but four headings for the text are permissible: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, and Conclusion. Use the heading of References for your Reference page(s).
  • Your cover page will have the following information on separate lines: Title of paper; author of paper (your name); course name and number; date of submission (the date you upload your document into Blackboard); and professor

Each submission will be in a word document, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1″ margins, APA format, cover page, reference page at the end, total text length 10-14 pages (not including cover page & reference page).

Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will result in a lower grade.

please be extra careful about writing this research proposal, remember using credible academic sources as this is an academic paper. and this is a research proposal and not a full conducted research paper. please do not take this question unless you’re 100% sure that you will add value and you will be up for writing it and getting me a fantastic grade as this paper is 30% of my passing grade and it is very important.


This lab teaches you the mechanics crafting SQL queries that harness the power of subqueries to handle more complex use cases.

Please see the attached documents for instructions