identify and describe three of murray s needs explain how these needs help to explain an individual s personality and behaviors

Identify and describe three of Murray’s needs.

Explain how these needs help to explain an individual’s personality and behaviors.


Develop a treatment plan for a client who is struggling with the issue/problems resulting from not developing trust (from the Trust vs. Mistrust stage in Erikson’s theory of personality development). Be sure to use techniques and goals Erikson would use.


After reading Chapter 13, summarize how each element; culture, religion, and ethnicity impacts our personality development. Explain why this information is important to include in any treatment plans you develop.

powerpoint and report

4) Group Project:Maximum group number for each group is 4. Power point is required for the presentation. A hard-copy written report needs to be submitted by the due day.

a) Bank performance analysis and strategic advising(12 points)

b) Written report(4 points)

c) Oral presentation(4 points)


I uploaded a file of management discussion’s instructions, resources and discussion questions. Please let me know if you have questions and need more informations.

short discussion 42

As we near the end of our class, we will take some time to reflect on what we have learned/discovered. Please share what you have discovered/learned about:

  1. Yourself as a writer
  2. Compassion
  3. Your use of Social Media and your Cell phone

film analysis for the movie mid90s

For the film Mid90s

Type Written, Double spaced, 12pt. Times new roman, 1” margin

Answer the following questions in a minimum of 2 full pages (maximum of 5) using complete sentences in essay form. Give explanations WITH EXAMPLES to help describe all details.

DO NOT PROVIDE A SUMMARY OF THE STORY, WE’VE ALREADY SEEN IT. DO NOT REVIEW THE FILM. Time spent summarizing the plot of the movie will not help your grade. Instead, please respond to ALL the following questions in the form of an essay. (A simple way to do this is to make each set of questions, below, its own paragraph. Please don’t include the question numbers in your paper.)

1. Consider the four approaches to studying film history; the aesthetic approach, the technological approach, the economic approach, and film as social history. Why do you think this film should be considered in one approach versus the others? What are the greatest accomplishments of this film from a historical perspective? Justify your choice with a brief analysis. Refer to pages 433-435 of your book if you are having trouble.

2. Using your own criteria developed in class of what makes a film great, discuss this film in terms of that criteria. What aspects of this film fit in with your given criteria? Defend or denounce the critical merit of the this film, by your standards of what makes a film great.

research and apply emerging web technology trends

answers part a and part b

Your report should be approximately 750 – 1000 words and don’t forget to reference your information sources.

Help find the mean and standard deviation values

Seven samples were obtained having the values 21, 22, 26, 29, 27, 26 and 24. The mean and standard deviation values are ____________?



Google EarthLinks to an external site.) where images taken at different times provide evidence of coastal erosion resulting from coastline modification by human activity, tsunami, hurricane damage to barrier islands and erosion of cliffs by wave activity and storms. See footnote about Google Earth below.

The procedure to follow mirrors that of Part C of the Coastal Processes exercise in Module 15. It entails using the search function to obtain images for the designated latitude and longitude and the time function in Google Earth (it appears as a clock in the bar of options – see Figure 1 below) to display images before and after key events. In addition this assignment follows the prior exercise in requiring that your answer to all of the questions in this exercise should be written to describe how the image helps explain the process or phenomenon that is the focus of each question. Hence, your answers should make explicit reference to the characteristics observed in the image for the chosen location as if it was being used as an illustration of the process or phenomenon in a textbook.

There are four sets of data to examine for this assignment:

  1. Images from Banda Aceh, Indonesia (5° 33.5′ N, 95° 17′ E) from before and after the tsunami of December 26 2004.
  2. Images from before and after the Japanese tsunami of March 11 2011 at Yuriage, Japan (38° 11′ N, 140° 57′ E), Yagawahama, Japan (38° 22′ N, 141° 29′ E) and Sunamori, Japan (39° 00′ N, 141° 38′ E).
  3. Images related to Pea Island, a barrier island north of Cape Hatteras (35° 41′ 04″ N, 75° 28′ 58″W) Hatteras that was breached by Hurricane Irene in August 2011.
  4. Images of the region of northern Senegal where the Senegal river flows into the Langue de Barbarie (15° 58′ N 16° 31′ W), which was breached on October 3 2003 to counter possible flooding – the original man-made breach was just 4 m wide.

Figure 1: Google Earth image of the Bloomington campus for 8/12/2007 showing the clock option and the navigation bar to select images from different dates.

Google Earth Bloomington 2007-1.png


The exercise employs Google Earth (
Google EarthLinks to an external site.), specifically Google Earth Pro, which cannot be accessed from the web but needs to be uploaded as a free application – the Pro version, which can be downloaded via the link entitled Older Versions (
Google Earth Pro (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) at the top of the Google Earth page, provides access to past images. (The requirement for access Google Earth (
Google EarthLinks to an external site.) was noted in
Technological Requirements for the course.)

Question 1 5 pts

Explain how the coastline of Banda Aceh was changed by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami making explicit use of images from Google Earth to illustrate your answer.

A strong answer will designate locations according to latitude & longitude in Google Earth that provide visual complements for the explanation of coastal erosion resulting from a tsunami. Specific reference will be made to aspects of the features in the image(s) – e.g. changes in barrier island and coastlines – that exemplify the process.

Question 2 5 pts

Explain how the coastlines at Yuriage, Japan, Sunamori, Japan, and Yagawahama, Japan, were changed by the 2011 Japanese tsunami making explicit use of images from Google Earth to illustrate your answer.

A strong answer will designate locations according to latitude & longitude in Google Earth that provide visual complements for the explanation of coastal erosion resulting from a tsunami. Specific reference will be made to aspects of the features in the images – e.g. changes in barrier island and coastlines – that exemplify the process.

Question 3 5 pts

Describe the process of rebuilding of coastal facilities since the 2011 Japanese tsunami based on the latest images in Google Earth for the regions affected at Yuriage, Yagawahama, and Sunamori.

A strong answer will designate locations according to latitude & longitude in Google Earth that provide visual complements for coastal rebuilding. Specific reference will be made to aspects of the features in the image(s) – e.g. restructuring and engineering works – that exemplify the process.

Question 4 5 pts

Explain the changes occurring to the barrier islands at Pea Island near Cape Hatteras associated with Hurricane Irene in 2011 and compare them with the changes occurring to the barrier island off Senegal breached by human engineering activity in 2003.

A strong answer will describe the feature of the two breaches (Pea Island and Langue de Barbarie) and how they both evolved over time. Specific reference will be made to aspects of the features in the image(s) – e.g. changes in barrier islands – that exemplify the process occurring.

Question 5 5pts

Bonus Question (5 bonus points)

Explain the differences in coastal erosion that by comparing images of erosion of barrier islands associated with the 2011 Japanese tsunami at Yuriage and Sunamori versus the erosion of Pea Island near Cape Hatteras associated with Hurricane Irene in 2011 and the man-made breach of the Langue de Barbarie barrier island in Senegal in 2003.

A strong answer will designate locations according to latitude & longitude in Google Earth that provide visual complements for the explanation of coastal erosion of barrier islands resulting from a major tsunami, a category 3 hurricane, and a man-made breach. Specific reference will be made to aspects of the features in the image(s) – e.g. changes in barrier islands – that exemplify the process.

voices of the undocumented ii

Voices of the Undocumented II

  • After reading the book, I want your opinions, thoughts, suggestions, etc.
  • Two pages minimum.
  • If using quotes from the book, please include page
  • Due Tuesday
  • Has this book changed your outlook on undocumented and your views on the current U. S. immigration policy? Please explain.
  • In the San Francisco Bay Area, the Day Worker Center of Mountain View is supported by the community and police department. Do you think that is a good policy, even though many of the workers are undocumented? Why or why not?
  • There are approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. today. What do you think America’s policy should be concerning them?
  • In many of the stories, the workers dream of returning to their home country. Do you think they will? If not, why not?

health education strategies


Determine health education strategies appropriate for targeted audiences.


You are a medical professional at a local health department which provides a clinic as an option for community members for medical visits such as annual physical exams, vaccinations, and non-urgent medical matters. The community health center is also connected to the health department and is used to educate patients on their medical condition further after they are treated by a medical provider.

The health department clinic has seen an increase in patients with hypertension (high blood pressure). The clinic and community health center are in need of health education materials to further educate patients on this cardiovascular disease.


Create an FAQ (frequently asked questions) sheet to be displayed in the community health center to educate individuals on high blood pressure.

Include these points:

  • What is hypertension?
  • What causes hypertension?
  • Are there any other health problems that associated with hypertension?
  • Is hypertension preventable?
  • What are the treatment options?
  • When should I seek medical attention for hypertension?

Your FAQ should contain a title and a list of questions and answers. They do not need to be numbered, but you should apply formatting to make the questions stand apart.


For more information about hypertension, review the following:

To assist you with formatting an FAQ document, please see the following examples:

Grading Rubric











Did not Submit

No Pass




Not Submitted

The FAQ lacks basic organizational structure and is difficult to follow and understand.

The FAQ has a basic organizational structure that attempts to answer questions in a logical order.

The FAQ has a clear organizational structure that answers questions in a logical order.

The FAQ has an organizational structure that answers questions in a logical order and anticipates potential follow-up questions from readers.

Not Submitted

The FAQ lists no sources or uses sources of dubious or questionable quality.

The FAQ lists a single legitimate and useful source of information.

The FAQ lists two or three legitimate and useful sources of information.

The FAQ lists more than three legitimate and useful sources of information.

Not Submitted

The FAQ is missing information on one or more of the following topics: what hypertension is, its causes, or related illnesses and conditions.

The FAQ includes minimal information explaining what hypertension is, its causes, and related illnesses and conditions.

The FAQ includes clear and effective information explaining what hypertension is, its causes, and related illnesses and conditions.

The FAQ includes effective information explaining what hypertension is, its causes, and related illnesses and conditions with clear explanations in easily-understood layman’s terms.

Not Submitted

The FAQ ignores prevention, treatment, or information regarding the need for medical attention.

The FAQ explains prevention, treatment, and information regarding the need for medical attention with some lack of clarity or effectiveness.

The FAQ explains prevention, treatment, and information regarding the need for medical attention with some reliance on technical language.

The FAQ explains prevention, treatment, and information regarding the need for medical attention in easily-understood layman’s terms.

Not Submitted

Frequent use of improper language, slang, or non-professional language.

Language is generally appropriate for professional context with several lapses into informality or slang.

Language shows use of formal professional English throughout with only minor lapses of informality and slang.

Language shows proper formal professional English with no lapses of informality or