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Please log in and reply to 2 students posts for Business Course
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Write a discussion post responding to the following question:
Identify several Web-related tools to enhance Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and discuss how these tools provide enhancements. Which of the tools you identified seem more robust and deliver better enhancements? Why?
Utilizing the concepts regarding Commercial Paper (Chapters 22 and 23) and the Bible (more than the scriptures assigned), write a post explaining what commercial paper means, as well as a biblical discussion regarding lending from both a lender’s perspective and a lendee’s perspective.
Cite a minimum of two (2) scholarly peer reviewed sources (beyond your textbook or the Bible) applying APA guidelines (250-450 word count range).
This case study is an examination of the renewal of quality at Corning in the decade since 2002. It is a story of quality, innovation, operating excellence, and renewal, but above all, it is a story of leadership. The great companies overcome the obstacles, and the poor companies fall by the wayside. (See PDF)
Through research from academic and scholarly resources, evaluate and discuss the following elements:
The paper should contain the following APA formatted elements:
I want 2 or 3 questions to focus on my research essay that will provide a solution.
I have my thesis attached.
The prompt is: our goal is to develop a thesis based on your research (research question) into masculinity and mental health, and provide at least two solutions to the issue you have researched.The main purpose of an argument/persuasive essay is to convince your audience to take your side on an issue by presenting a logical idea and supporting it with specific and appropriate researched evidence.
The three readings are:
– Fill out the annotation worksheet attached, one for each reading!
Watch and listen to the radiolab story and and do a 1.5 page write-up on it. Summarize about the story, but mainly explain which side of the debate is taking a Deontological moral approach to the issue, and which side is taking a Utilitarian moral approach. Below I have provided a picture of all the instructions you need to follow.
https://www.wnycstudios.org/story/rhino-hunter (Links to an external site.)
In this HW you have to read the story FIRST and then write a page about it, it will inclouds,
First Paragraph – Summary about THEY MAKE THEIR CLIMB “Paula Gunn Allen’ (1979) (characters,plot, and overview of the story) ( NOT SHORT )
second Paragraph – Analysis. ( Your general understanding of the author meaning: The purpose for writing)
you have to use quotations. “…..â€
I will send the pictures of the story!
700 words
APA format
Assignment must be typewritten – five page maximum (12 point font, single sided and double spaced).The student must identify all legal issues (with emphasis on business law legal issues) for the following fact pattern:
Enzo, an enterprising young college student was deep in debt.His life has not been easy.His father died when he was an infant and his mother abandoned him in order to marry a rich CPA.Enzo was bounced around between relatives and foster care, but has been on his own for the past couple of years.He finished high school early and has started college at age 17.
Enzo is in desperate need of cash for books, food, tuition, and rent.He has decided to permanently borrow a car from his girlfriend, Gina who is also 17.Gina is in the military reserves and has been called to active military duty.Gina asked that Enzo take possession and care of the car until she returns.As compensation, Gina gave Enzo the right to use the car while it is in his care.Enzo agreed.
Enzo knew that he would be spending most of his time at Gina’s apartment. Before Gina left, Enzo wanted her to get cable from Time Warner so he could watch his favorite shows in HD. Gina agreed but insisted that Enzo also co-sign the one year contract for cable along with her. The contract called for $50.00 per month for the twelve (12) months.
Two days after Gina departed, Enzo placed the car on eBay and sold it to the highest bidder.Enzo forged Gina’s signature on the car title to allow the sale to Mr. Buyer.Mr. Buyer had never met Enzo or Gina and assumed that the car belonged to Enzo and the sale was legitimate.Enzo signed Gina’s name to Mr. Buyer’s check and negotiated the check over to Mr. Landlord for rent.One week later, Gina unexpectedly returned. Gina now wants her car back and has filed a lawsuit against Enzo and Mr. Buyer.Mr. Buyer wants his money and is suing Enzo and Mr. Landlord.
You are the legal aid attorney assigned to represent Enzo.Enzo tells you to just void the sale of the car since he is legally a minor and can void contracts.Further, Enzo instructs you that if a judgment is made against him to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and discharge the debt.
After Gina files the lawsuit against Enzo, he begins to harass Gina, both by making repeatedly obscene telephone calls to her cell phone and by confronting her at her work and at her apartment, making threatening gestures and demanding that she drop the lawsuit.
Identify all legal issues, including, but not limited to, the rights and liabilities of Enzo, Gina, Mr. Buyer, and Mr. Landlord and Time Warner Cable.