digital logic design

design a sequential circuit using flip flops to implement and control a 3- story building elevator.



Situational Leadership and Personal Values

Northouse (2018) describes the Situational Approach to leadership as a style encouraging leaders to change their style to accommodate the demands of a given situation. Kouzes and Posner (2017) explain that “In order to Set the Example, you need to: live the shared values and teach others to model the values” (Kouzes & Posner, 2017, p. 73). In this question you will explore the possible contradiction of situational leadership and setting an example.

Can leaders be situational and still be true to their values? Please provide some examples, either from a personal perspective or from the contemporary leadership community. Also support your comments with academically credible sources.


Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2017). The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Wiley.


Using all available resources (i.e. textbook, journal articles, Internet), prepare a 2-3 page written-up (single spaced), plus appropriate figures, regarding the seismicity of the region.


Setup a Virtual Machine (VM) using Oracle VirtualBox and use Kali Linux as the Operating System (OS). See Once you have Kali up and running running spend approximately two hours exploring this environment. Once complete post two paragraphs about your experience.

research paper 1198

Research Paper Guidlines

  • 1600-1800 words Double Spaced (you could write more if you would like)
  • MLA Format is required
  • Papers should have no more than four online sources (must be from a .org, .edu, .gov to be accepted, with the exception of e-books and academic articles/journals). Other websites/domains will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Minimum of three primary and three secondary sources (6 Total)
  • Must have a works cited page at the end
  • Late papers will be marked down 5 points for each day its late
  • Videos will not be counted as sources

Important info to keep in mind as you write:

If you are quoting someone, or a passage from a book, please keep your quotes/passages to no more than 3 sentences each time you do this. I would like to see the originality in your work in addition to your own analysis of working with both primary and secondary sources.

Please do not include images or pictures in the body of the paragraph. If you want to include them, please attach them at the end of the document/paper.


i attached an example of how the format of research paper should go




art exhibition essay creative writing

I would like you to write about an exhibition on your choice of theme or artist(s). The essay must be 12 pages including ten works of art, and at least eight annotations of academic, peer-reviewed sources for your annotated bibliography.


research into a 18 page rough draft.

  • Outline Block an evening to read the comments I’ve made on your annotated bibliography. Wake up early the next morning. Spread the hard copy pages of your annotated bibliography in front of you, and write an outline that turns the organizing cues in the bibliography into sub-titles, and possibly one-sentence main ideas. Stop working.
  • Storyboard Write the main idea of each section (Introduction, Body 1,2,3…, and Conclusion) on a respective sheet of paper. Tack the sheets of paper on your wall. For three days, as you pass the sheets by, note on the top-half of each sheet what your readers believe, know, and are likely to accept from your research. On the bottom-half of each sheet, work into what they don’t know or are unlikely to believe. The ascending order will help you organize your information.
  • Engage Sources This step is helpful at any point in your process of drafting. I usually end up in this step after I’ve put out my first draft. I go back to the sources of a section and decide whether I am disagreeing, agreeing, or creatively qualifying the source. Then, I read my annotation to see if it reflects that engagement. If it doesn’t, I re-write my annotation. This is a helpful organizing technique when I have writer’s block.
  • Once you have a storyboard and/or outline. On a consecutive Monday, Wednesday and Friday block three early morning or late evening 100-minute rough drafting sessions. Get your timer and before you start it, go to the bathroom and get a glass of water and a snack. Shut yourself in your room and time your work. Whenever you’re distracted, you can add minutes to the timer. You are the only person who can discover the science of how long it takes you to complete a page of writing. And that time will vary on the project and your experience. But tracking it helps you become a more efficient and focused crafts person early in your career.
  • Citation Check Up Once you have written a rough draft you need to plan time to check up all your internal citations. This is an excellent activity to do with a Netflix original in the background

General guidelines to follow when completing this assignment are to focus on getting your argumentation development and reasoning out first. Later we will focus on stylistic choices. Focus on:

  • Coordinating the number and relationship of sub-ordinate arguments supporting the thesis
  • Signposting transitions between paper sections
  • Adhering to the Chicago format, citations are a must
  • Argument construction and narrative developments
  • Drafting 18 pages with all paper components from the introduction to theconclusion minimally developed (go for breadth over depth at this stage, push for completion)

In the final draft, you will revise, focusing on:

  • Soother transitions
  • Sentence mechanics, precision and clarity
  • Lax on vivid word choices and descriptions
  • Sections and subsections
  • Writing compact paragraphs, each of which make a point in less than 2/3 a page
  • Finalizing 20 pages
  • Sections and Subsections You may devise your own format for sections and subsections so long as you keep it consistent. Here’s some guidelines that Turabian suggests:

TOPIC:(Make this about the future of Advocacy consider the following:)

Topic: Electoral democracy and social advocacy

Narrowed Topic: “Get out the Vote” advocacy campaigns and voter ignorance

Narrowed Topic: Why Get out the vote campaigns, like Tinder’s Swipe the Vote, is not good for U.S. democracy

Narrowed: How future get out the vote campaigns can do better for U.S. democracy

Narrow Down again: ***

o which advocacy campaigns are you studying that have failed? Why did they fail?

oHow would you use the evidence in your section three to improve those failed get out the vote campaigns?


Note: Online students, please select one of the two subjects to discuss.

  • In one (1) paragraph, reflect on what you have learned so far in this course. Determine the most interesting, unexpected, or useful piece of knowledge that you have learned. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • In the second half of the quarter, we will extend our statistical thinking concepts to practical applications. We will discuss using tools (e.g., Excel) for the execution. Watch the video titled b Descriptive Statistics using Data Analysis tool in Excelb , located atB Next, speculate on the overall manner in which you would use tools, such as Excel, to apply a business critical thinking strategy. Include one (1) example of such application to support your response.

Everything we went over was similar to Statistical thinking strategy, understanding business processes, tactics to deploy statistical thinking.


On page 2 of his essay, Aquinas defines law as: an ordinance of reason for the common good promulgated by him who has care of the community. By stating that law is for the common good, Aquinas endorses the natural law view that law serves a moral purpose. This moral purpose is to promote or serve the common good. Do you agree that law, properly speaking, serves a moral purpose? Aquinas is well aware that some actual human laws do not serve a moral purpose (e.g., when they solely serve the interests of the ruler or an elite class), and on his view these laws are unjust. Do you agree that laws that go against the common good are unjust? What is the common good? How do we know it?

For your contribution, feel free to post 3-4 thoughtfully constructed sentences articulating your answer to one or more of the questions noted above. Be sure to support your view with reasons for why you endorse the position you do, and why someone else should agree with you.

carrer management write a goal setting table and your action plan

Upload ONE PDF or Word document containing your Goal Setting Table AND your Action Plan.

  1. Please fill out the Goal Setting Table template found on the resource tab “Assignment 7 – Action Plan Sample & Goal Setting Table Template” and use it as a guide to structure the write up portion of assignment 7- Action Plan.
  2. See the sample of what I am looking for with the write up on the second page of the template.
  3. Delete the sample and write your own final reflection on the page following the goal setting table
  4. there is a simple , that will be very helpful for your work, please read carefully