

Based on our readings about the origins, founding, and first hundred years of the country, discuss whether the early United States was truly a REPUBLICor actually an EMPIRE. One way to begin would be to get a good dictionary and look up the definitions of the two words.

Consider the impact of U.S. policies and actions toward ANY OR ALLof the parties listed BELOW.

Remember that your thesis must make a choice: REPUBLICor EMPIRE. You may choose to argue that the U.S. evolved to become both a republic and an empire. But whichever choice you make, you should specify how and why and when that happened. In other words, your argument must be based on historical facts, not simply opinion.

You should cite facts in support of your thesis (argument). Whichever option you select, you should be able to find plenty of facts to support it in our two textbooks and two books of primary sources. If you wish, you may also cite other sources to support your argument. However, if you cite Internet sources, they should be either “.edu” or “.org” sites, not “.com.”

INDIANS Consider how white people treated Native Americans from the earliest colonial days until 1877. Address not only early colonial conflicts – physical, material, spiritual – but also conflicts on western and southern frontiers of the early United States. Remember that the Reconstruction era in the South also marked the beginnings of the so-called Indian Wars west of the Mississippi River.

BLACKS Consider how white people – North and South – treated Africans and their descendants in the New World, from the earliest colonial days until 1877, the end of the Reconstruction era in the South. Be sure to specify and distinguish between white people of different social status, economic class, and geographic location. Remember to distinguish between free blacks (in different places) and slaves (also in different places).

WOMEN Consider how the wealthy, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant men who generally ruled the country treated women of all races and socio-economic classes, from earliest colonial days through the end of the Reconstruction era in 1877. Be sure to specify by race and class.

IMMIGRANTS Consider how white men and women already living here treated other white immigrants to the New World. These would include indentured servants during the colonial era; Catholics, from the early colonial era onward; and early to mid-19th century immigrants, such as Germans and Irish. Address how the treatment afforded to immigrants varied according to their gender, ethnicity, social status, economic class, and religion.

MEXICANS Consider the Mexican-American War, known in Mexico as “The War of North American Aggression.” What existing U.S. policies contributed to the war? Precisely how did the war come about? How was it promoted by U.S. politicians and prosecuted by U.S. armed forces? What territory changed hands as a result, and who benefited from that exchange? For example, who came to rule California and its gold fields?


Your essay should be 7-10 pages long. It should have a Bibliography and End Notes, according to the guidelines you can find in the Rampolla book. Bibliography and End Notes are NOT counted in the 7-10 page requirement. So, in total, your submission should be about 9-12 pages in length.

Please observe these specifications: One-inch margins; double-spaced; 12-point type; Times New Roman font. Please be sure that each page of your essay has a HEADER with YOUR NAME, as well as the PAGE NUMBER.

Thanks to Steven Posusta and his excellent book Don’t Panic: The Procrastinator’s Guide to Writing an Effective Term Paper(well worth its modest cost) here are some guiding principles to help you write your essay about whether or not the early United States was a republic or an empire.

First, a simple format that will produce an effective thesis statement for almost any essay:

#1 Although

(general statement, oppositeopinion from your thesis)

#2 nevertheless,

(yourthesis, your idea)

#3 because

(examples, supporting evidence; #1, #2, #3, etc.)

For example:

#1 Although many people thought Albert Einstein was a genius,

#2 nevertheless, he was an idiot,

#3 because he never learned to tie his shoelaces, etc., etc., etc.

That’s Posusta’s basic “Instant Thesis” format. And it’s very useful. I urge you also to study the Rampolla book, especially her Chapter Four, as well as her suggestions about Bibliographies and End Notes. (Please use endnotes, not footnotes.)

For the your essay on Republic v. Empire, the Posusta Instant-Thesis format should do the trick. However, as many of you have already noticed, you may want to argue that the U.S. was FORMALLY a republic, but IN SUBSTANCE already had or soon acquired aspects of an empire. Even so, you can still use the Instant-Thesis format.

Remember the first thing to look for when forming your thesis iscontrast.

FOR EXAMPLE: “Albert Einstein was a genius, buthe could never tie his shoes.” “Plato lived long ago, buthis ideas still apply.”

This kind of contradiction is built into the theme of our essay. As a result, your thesis statement almost writes itself. For our assignment, the first thing for you to decide is whether the early United States was a republic or an empire. Then specify on the basis ofwhich actions toward the specific types of people that you choose to address: women, Indians, blacks, indentured servants, immigrants, Mexicans, etc.

This not the only way to write a thesis (see Rampolla) but it usually works. First, simply write the answer to the basic question – republic or empire — in blank #2 above. For example: #2. nevertheless, in substance, the U.S. was already (or soon became) an empire,

We know that blank #1 needs only to contradict #2. So, for example:

#1 Although the government of the United States was in form that of a republic — OR — Although the United States was formally a republic,

#2 nevertheless, in substance, the U.S. was already (or soon became) an empire,

#3 as can be seen in its treatment of (insert here your reasons and evidence).

There is a duality built into the question, making it simple to choose sides. Once you choose, all that remains is for you to find and specify the reasons whyyou chose your thesis. But remember, whatever thesis you choose, you must stick to it and prove it by citing examples from our textbooks and our books of primary sources, as well as any other sources you may want to cite.

Finally, after you’ve completed the various paragraphs that form the body of your essay, you should write a CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH. This is ESSENTIAL, but a fairly simple thing to do.

A concluding paragraph just restates your thesis in a slightly different way. For example: “In conclusion, it is clear that [INSERT HERE YOUR RE-WORDED THESIS STATEMENT] as shown by [INSERT HERE A CONDENSED LIST OF YOUR REASONS AND EVIDENCE].

Now, what do you do if you get to the conclusion and realize that you have NOT PROVEN your argument? Simple. Just go back and change your thesis statement to reflect what you have actually been able to prove.


You need to find the contrast or contradiction in your assignment. Then take some time to figure out which argument you would prefer to make. You can argue the question either way. There is no “right” answer. One way is as good as the other. The choice is entirely yours. But whichever side you choose, you need to back it up with evidence from the sources that you cite.

Another way to look at this assignment (or any essay) is to think of it the way a journalist is taught to approach writing a newspaper article:

1) Tell them what you’re going to tell them;

2) Tell them;

3) Tell them you’ve told them.

These three “tells” correspond directly to the three parts of any essay: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Both the Introduction and Conclusion are usually a single paragraph. The last sentence of the introductory paragraph should be your Thesis Statement. The first sentence of your concluding paragraph, should be along the lines of “In conclusion, ___________.” or “Therefore, it is clear that __________ .”

The Body of your essay can be any number of paragraphs, however many you feel you need to make a convincing argument in support of your thesis, yet still not exceed the length requirement. In this case, ten pages.

The first sentence of each paragraph in the Body of your essay should state directly one of the key points in support of your thesis/argument. (If you’ve done a good job of outlining your essay, this will be easy to do.) The rest of that paragraph should simply flesh out that aspect of your argument. If you want to, you can write more than one paragraph for each of your key points.

You will want to write MORE THAN ONE draft of your essay. You will want to read it to yourself OUT LOUD. And it’s a good idea to give it to someone else whose judgment you trust to read it, too. That way, if there’s something they don’t understand, you’ll know you need to rework that part.

I hope this helps you to get started on your essay – and the sooner the better. Above all, remember that a good essay is ALWAYS re-written several times.


You will log in and go into the intellipath in the course

You will then click on Unit 1 Determine My Knowledge Task and complete it in full

Unit 1 is about Identifying Risks



Ryan v. U.S. Department of Justice, 950 F.2d 458 (7th Cir. 1991)

Read the assigned case. Before you read the court’s decision determine how you would find if you were the judge. Write a discussion post based on your decision. After your post, go back in the case. Were you correct? Did the court find the way you thought they would find? Did they do so for the same reasons? Post a reflective post on your analysis of the case versus the court’s analysis.

You must read at least three other students’ reviews and comment. Your replies must be no less than 100 words each.

2. Case Brief Guidelines:

  • Students will brief all assigned cases for the module in which they are assigned. The case briefs are to be the student’s own work. The learning process takes place with the student reading, analyzing, and summarizing the facts and issues in a case; copying someone else’s work is not part of the learning process. However, students may consult with each other, discuss cases, and use the product of those discussions to write their briefs.
  • Your classmates will depend on you to write a thorough, accurate brief of the case(s) assigned. You, in turn, will rely on your classmates to do the same for their cases.
  • A copy of your brief will be posted in this module’s Case Brief Discussion board.
  • Be prepared to explain, justify, or dissent from your assigned case, as the instructor and/or classmates may query you about the case.

3. Case Brief Discussion

In the Case Briefs Discussion area, give your constructive feedback on the submissions that have been posted by your classmates. Your remarks can be opinion, but must be based on your experience, research, and/or prior learning. Use this area to gain valuable insight on how your fellow colleagues approached the Case Briefs and how your professor gave feedback and suggestions. Apply this information going forward to strengthen your own work. Apply this information going forward to enrich your understanding of the material, improve your ability to apply that knowledge to new content, and to strengthen your own work.

You must read at least three other students’ reviews and comment no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. Your replies must be no less than 100 words each.


Quality Paper Presentation #1

Attached Files:

Due by 5/2 at 11:59 pm.

“Chinese OEM Reduces Returns.” Explain how!

English is my second language please write it in this style

please don’t use too many advanced words..


Final Project

A 7- to 10-page written product that details your approach, results, and interpretation of findings. This should be a formal, scholarly paper, one that adheres to the APA guidelines.

Part A

  • Present your research question clearly.
  • Explain why you selected your dataset and the statistical test you applied to that dataset.
  • Detail whether your test has statistical power or not.
  • Use one of the statistical tests covered in this course.
  • Visually display your results, in APA format.
  • Detail how your findings might impact social change.
  • Ensure that your Final Project is 7–10 pages in length, in APA format.

Part B

With the same information create a narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you present the results of your Final Project

cognitive behavior therapy

Like behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy also has strong empirical support. For this discussion, find a scholarly, peer-reviewed research article from the Capella library that supports REBT, CT, and/or CBT theories, techniques, or procedures. Then, in your post, respond to the following prompts:

  • Describe the premise and results of the article and indicate how the research in the article can be applied to practice.
  • From a multicultural perspective, apply the results from the article to a client from diverse cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds.
  • One of the mainstays of CBT is homework. What kind of homework would you assign to a client and how would you decide the type of homework to assign?

300-400 words.


Take the time to assess your long-term, mid-term and short term goals; please be detailed when stating those goals. How would you define success in your career? What is it going to take to achieve your goals prior to and after graduation? Conclude with a defined professional mission statement that includes components of your professional values and intentions.

need help writing paper 7

I would like help writing my paper. I don’t have any expectations other than getting what I paid for. This is for a MBA last class and its week 1. Depending on the work, I am willing to use this service all six weeks. Thanks 😀


1 paragraph, APA citations new roman times font 12


Purpose of Assignment

The theory of market economies emphasizes freedom of choice and limited government intervention. The classic argument for government intervention is market failure – the inability of the market economy to correct itself from a dysfunctional state (such as the Great Depression). Students will examine articles from the University Library to analyze real-world examples of U.S. government intervention programs and apply current week readings to make intelligent conclusions about the economic policies.

Assignment Steps

Locate up to three different articles/publications and/or use The Economist Online. Examine one case of significant government intervention as it relates to your current industry of employment (REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY). You may access EBSCOhost, ProQuest or The Economist Online.

Examples of intervention programs you may select, but are not limited to:

  • US agriculture support programs
  • Low income support programs (Food Stamps, Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
  • Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
  • Low-income rent controls and housing vouchers (CHOOSE THIS ONE, since its related to real estate)
  • Government promotion of renewable energy sources to discourage use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil
  • Unemployment Insurance
  • Bailout of U.S. banks and other financial institutions during the Great Recession
  • Bailout of U.S. automakers during the Great Recession
  • Social Security retirement benefits

Develop a minimum 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation including detailed speaker notes or voiceover including the following:

  • Describe the intervention and detail its history.
  • Analyze the arguments for government intervention as opposed to arguments for market-based solutions. Hint: See the information in our course textbook on market failures.
  • Examine who may be helped and who may be hurt by the selected government intervention.
  • Examine externalities and/or unintended consequences of such intervention.
  • Determine the cost trend of the intervention program since its implementation including whether costs are increasing, decreasing, or vary with the state of the economy.
  • Evaluate the success or failure of the intervention in achieving its objectives and develop conclusions.
  • Recommend whether the program should be continued as is, discontinued, or modified and defend your recommendation.

Note: The use of tables and/or charts to display economic data over the time period discussed is highly encouraged. However, if your source includes the copyright symbol, which looks like this: ©, then you should not copy any table and/or charts from that source. You could use, but are not required to use, charts/graphs retrieved from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED web site as long as the data sources used by FRED to create those charts are government sources such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis or the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Use in-text citations in the speaker notes only, and add all references used in the reference slide.

Slides need to be with bullet point contents with short sentences only, don’t copy and paste the speaker notes in the actual slides.

Speaker notes need to be in detail and explaining the bullet point contents of each slide.