Answer the following questions using as many proper paragraphs as you need.Proper paragraphs have an introduction sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.Questions may require multiple paragraphs to answer. Each answer should be fully explained. If you find yourself answering a question in a sentence or two you are not sufficiently answering the question. The grading and expectations for this assignment are going to be difficult. A very high standard of output is expected. A copy of your assignment must be submitted to
Q. What is a position?
A.A position is a blah blah. It tends to be this. It can also be that. A position is etc.In conclusion, a position is such and such.
The book link:…
Please answer each question in 1.5 – 2 pages
1) Reviewing chapter 1 in Getting Past No, describe the concept of going to the balcony, what the author describes as the advantages of this technique, how it can help you in negotiation, and provide an example of where you have used this technique (in life or in our class).
2) Reviewing chapter 2 in Getting Past No, describe the concept of stepping to the side, what the author describes as the advantages of this technique, how it can help you in negotiation, and provide an example of where you have used this technique (in life or in our class).
3) Reviewing chapter 3 in Getting Past No, describe the concept of reframing, what the author describes as the advantages of this technique, how it can help you in negotiation, and provide an example of where you have used this technique (in life or in our class).
4) Reviewing chapter 4 in Getting Past No, describe the concept of building a golden bridge, what the author describes as the advantages of this technique, how it can help you in negotiation, and provide an example of where you have used this technique (in life or in our class).
5) According to the book Getting Past No (chapter 5), describe the appropriate ways you can use power in negotiations.