explain the double bluff sources lectures fromkin 1

Double spacing,

• 11 or 12-point font (Times, Helvetica, Calibri, etc.),

• 1 inch margins,

• No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,

• No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.

• Include a bibliography and in-text citations,

• You may use any standard citation style, (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.),

• Please do not use outside sources, the only book allowed is

Fromkin, David. Europe’s Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914? Vintage Books. 2005. (Entire book)

Also, you can write about other topic:

Apply the balance of power to the behavior of the major powers in 1914

Explain wars of retribution and apply it to Austria and Serbia in 1914 (sources: lectures, Fromkin).

Explain the war state and apply it to 1914 (sources: lectures, Fromkin).

Explain maneuver and siege warfare and apply it to 1914 war plans

integrate basic knowledge of the core disciplines within public health and deliver educational programs that promote public health


  • Create a 15-20 slide presentation that promotes public health.
  • Be sure to integrate the core disciplines within public health.
  • Create a narration script in the notes section of your PowerPoint to develop a 30-60 minute presentation that will be uploaded to the Unit 8 Assignment Dropbox.


  • The presentation should be at least 15-20 slides in length.
  • Include a list of references in APA format, including the information used from the modules.

funding types

Hospitals, outpatient centers, and free standing surgical centers are dependent on many funding sources to pay for their services.

  • Compare and contrast approval/payment from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commercial insurance, and the traditional Medicare program (not a Medicare health maintenance organization [HMO]) available to these types of facilities.
  • How do the different funding types impact the strategic management of the facility?

cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

revise an essay 16

revise essay

everything you need to know is in the file i linked. its the essay and the steps that you need to do please

business negotiation skills assignment 7 5 pages 1

Answer the following questions using as many proper paragraphs as you need.Proper paragraphs have an introduction sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.Questions may require multiple paragraphs to answer. Each answer should be fully explained. If you find yourself answering a question in a sentence or two you are not sufficiently answering the question. The grading and expectations for this assignment are going to be difficult. A very high standard of output is expected. A copy of your assignment must be submitted to www.turnitin.com


Q. What is a position?

A.A position is a blah blah. It tends to be this. It can also be that. A position is etc.In conclusion, a position is such and such.

The book link:


Please answer each question in 1.5 – 2 pages


1) Reviewing chapter 1 in Getting Past No, describe the concept of going to the balcony, what the author describes as the advantages of this technique, how it can help you in negotiation, and provide an example of where you have used this technique (in life or in our class).

2) Reviewing chapter 2 in Getting Past No, describe the concept of stepping to the side, what the author describes as the advantages of this technique, how it can help you in negotiation, and provide an example of where you have used this technique (in life or in our class).

3) Reviewing chapter 3 in Getting Past No, describe the concept of reframing, what the author describes as the advantages of this technique, how it can help you in negotiation, and provide an example of where you have used this technique (in life or in our class).

4) Reviewing chapter 4 in Getting Past No, describe the concept of building a golden bridge, what the author describes as the advantages of this technique, how it can help you in negotiation, and provide an example of where you have used this technique (in life or in our class).

5) According to the book Getting Past No (chapter 5), describe the appropriate ways you can use power in negotiations.

personal reflection paper 3

The assignment is a personal reflection paper. This means that the subject of your paper is you!

To get you started, here are some questions you can answer, in paragraph format, to talk about yourself. It is not necessary to answer any and/or all of these questions. They are only put here to

direct your thoughts or give ideas for your paper.

1.Why did you decide to go to college?

2.What made you choose Lone Star College?Have you attended college at any other


3.What is your major and why?

4.If you haven’t selected a major, what interests you, so far, in school?

5.What interests you in the world today?

6.What is one significant achievement you’ve made so far?

7.What is your greatest strength and, in contrast to that, your greatest weakness?

8.What are your thoughts on the requirements of History, English, and Math courses in


9.Do you intend on transferring to a university after you finish classes at Lone Star College?

If so, where will you transfer and why? If not, does your academic path at Lone Star College complete your education?

articles summary 5

Each summary should be between 100 and 150 words providing the main point of the article and the main supporting arguments. Be sure to provide the article title and author’s name.

Here is the links of the articles, pick three of them to write three separately summaries.


Discussion 1:

“Harassment”  Please respond to the following:

  • Select two (2) of the following types of harassment: same-sex harassment, cyber harassment, or hostile virtual environment. Investigate the significant ways in which the selected type of harassment could alter work conditions in any organization. Then, formulate a plan to minimize the selected type of harassment in the organization.

Discussion 2:

  • View the video titled “John Kotter – Communicating a Vision for Change” (4 min 16 s) below. You may also view the video athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGVe3wRKmH0. Next, assess the means of communication that are available to us as leaders. Review Kotter’s comments regarding communication, and efficient and effective communications. As the leader of a large organization implementing a change, develop a strategy for communicating your vision of change. Discuss the tools that the organization would use as well as the frequency of communication.

Discussion 3:

Dissemination of Knowledge” Please respond to the following:

  • Select either direct or indirect dissemination of information and knowledge. Using three (3) of the six (6) basic elements, (i.e., the source, the recipient, the relationship between them, the knowledge to be transferred, the method of transfer, and the organizational context within which transfer occurs), suggest one (1) problem that may occur in each element. Justify your response.
  • Compare and contrast the major similarities and difference between tacit and explicit knowledge. Then, determine the two (2) most effective and the two (2) most ineffective dissemination mechanisms in a virtual learning environment for each type of knowledge. Justify your response.


Stat 226

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Toal word count: 500

Compare quantitative and qualitative approaches to social science research. Use information from lectures, discussion section.

Answer the following questions:

  • What is (at least) one major difference between quantitative and qualitative approaches?
  • What types of research questions are better studied using quantitative approaches and what types are better studied with qualitative approaches?
  • Good research convinces us that something is true. Discuss why researchers often build their arguments using BOTH correlational evidence (showing an IV and DV co-vary across cases) and process-tracing evidence (showing the logical sequence of events by which changes in an IV cause changes in a DV).

Make sure to cite at least 2 of the following readings. Links to readings are available HERE

  • Gonick, L. and W. Smith. 1993. The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. 7-26. New York: HarperMacmillan.
  • Brians, C. 2016. From Abstract to Concrete: Operationalization and Measurement. Empirical Political Analysis (8th edition), edited by C. Brians: 88-105. New York: Routledge.
  • Ragin, C. C. and L. M. Amoroso. 2011. Using Quantitative Methods to Study Covariation. Constructing Social Research (2nd ed.), edited by C. C. Ragin and L. M. Amoroso: 163-188. Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Best, J. 2001. Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians and Activists. 9-29 and 30-61. Berkeley: UC Press.
  • Yin, R. K. 2014. Getting Started: How to Know Whether and When to Use the Case Study as a Research Method. Case study research: Design and methods (5th ed), edited by R. K. Yin: 3-15. Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Mill, J. S. 1970 (1888). Two Methods of Comparison. Comparative Perspectives: Theory and Methods, edited by A. Etzioni and F. Dubow: 205-213. Boston: Little, Brown.
  • Mitchell, R. B. and T. Bernauer. 1998. Empirical research on international environmental policy: designing qualitative case studies. Journal of Environment and Development 7(1): 4-31.
  • Fearon, J. D. 1991. Counterfactuals and hypothesis testing in political science. World Politics 43(2): 169-195.
  • Kramer, P. D. 2014. Why doctors need stories. New York Times. 18 October 2014 (accessed: 23 March 2019).