
Foro VI: Sistema Reproductor, Sistema Gastrointestinal y Hepatobiliar

Favor de contestar las siguientes preguntas en el portal y no utilizando documentos adjuntos. Su opinión es importante en este curso y todos los estudiantes deben ver sus respuestas a los temas discutidos. Recuerden incluir las referencias al final de su foro y reaccionar a dos aportaciones de sus compañeros.

Foro 6

Una mujer de 26 anos consulta a su médico por presentar coloración amarillenta de la piel, pérdida de apetito, y una sensación de molestia en el área gástrica superior. Niega haber consumido drogas intravenosas y no ha recibido productos sanguíneos. No recuerda haber consumido mariscos crudos o haber bebido agua contaminada. Tiene una hija que va a una guardería. A. ¿Qué pruebas pueden realizarse para confirmar un diagnostico de hepatitis A. B. ¿Cuál es el modo más frecuente de transmisión de hepatitis A? Se sugiere que la fuente pueda ser la guardería de su hija. Explica el motivo. C. ¿Qué métodos pueden usarse para prevenir el contagio a otros miembros de la familia?


Two questions:

· Is certification under the ISO standards necessary for competing in the modern market? What should companies consider when deciding whether or not to become certified?

· Provide an example of ISO certification of an organization, and how it has been helpful or not helpful in competing with other organizations.

Please be sure to include your source(s).

I just need to discuss this in class and it has to be minimum of 175 words.

need references as well.

below is the online book we are using

Jacobs, F. R., & Chase, R. B. (2014). Operations and supply chain management (14th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


Chapter 13 Essay

Commander in Chief, POTUS, the leader of the free world. Our President is all of those and more. When the Framers of our Constitution were creating the three branches of the government, they decided that the Executive branch would be represented by one individual, the President. They felt it would be more impactful in dealing with foreign countries (text, p507). The President also has expressed and implied powers, which include making treaties, granting pardons, nominating and appointing officials, the power to veto, and command of our military (text, p509).

Through the years the Office has evolved, in the 1830’s it gained the national convention system for nominating new presidents (text, p508), and in 1926 the Supreme Court strengthened The Office by confirming it’s implied powers, for example, the removal of officials (text, p509). In 1939 the Executive Office of the President was created, this is a large staff of highly trained individuals who work directly under the President (text, p523). Additionally, in these 200 plus years our nation and the world has changed dramatically. I don’t think George Washington was even thinking about trans-gender rights, but Barack Obama dealt with this issue during his term. Sadly, presidential security was not a major concern when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a citizen, and what happened to JFK was very much the unthinkable. These days the security of the President is taken very seriously, and it would not be far-fetched to say our President might be the most well protected individual on the planet. And although we do have terrorism to deal with these days, let’s not forget about the American civil war in which our nation led by Lincoln at the time had to endure gruesome bloodshed amongst our citizens.

I think the Executive office is much more bureaucratic these days, but also has a mountain more of issues to deal with. Technology has changed a lot for us, and I feel that technology is the answer to allowing our President to be more responsive to the people. Through the possibly of apps for our phones to directly bring issues to POTUS, and harnessing the power of social media, I feel is the future of addressing concerns and issues.


Ginsberg, Benjamin. Lowi, Theodore J. Weir, Margaret. Tolbert, Caroline J. We The People: 11th Core Edition. New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2017.

what types of legal claims can be made by a plaintiff in a given scenario

I need a 6-10 paragraph paper for my Business Law 100 class that answers the questions put forth in the attached scenario. The first paragraph should be an introduction and the final paragraph should be a conclusion paragraph. The answers should be in discussion form. Answers should be in proper APA format. The paper is due no later than 11:00 PM EST on Saturday, May 18th.

write a process of steps an organisation can follow for making a decision

Prepare a paper describing the steps from your research of how a decision is made or create a model to demonstrate your understanding of decision-making as a process. There are images of models for decision-making that you may also use. Ensure you cite the image. Include APA headings for an Introduction, Decision-Making Steps, Analysis, and Conclusion. Give examples and citations to describe the decision-making process. Explain why this is a reasonable approach, give examples in your analysis.

MARCHISOTTI, G. G., DOMINGOS, M. L. C., & DE ALMEIDA, R. L. (2018). Decision-Making at the First Management Level: The Interference of the Organizational Culture. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 19(3), 1–26.…

Mueller, J., Melwani, S., Loewenstein, J., & Deal, J. J. (n.d.). Reframing the Decision-Makers’ Dilemma: Towards a Social Context Model of Creative Idea Recognition. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 61(1), 94–110.…

De Smet, A., Lackey, G., & Weiss, L. M. (2017). Untangling your organization’s decision making. McKinsey Quarterly, (3), 68–80. Retrieved from….


doing a report about montebello water plant filed trip and i uploaded the notes to following the steps


Final project Paper/Brochure 100 pts

You will research three topics from the course objective stated in this syllabus. Resources used must include the following: Textbook, online article, Ted Talks or research based you tube video, and an outside book source. You must use direct quotes and give author credit in paper.

According to (Title of article, book, or speaker)…. , he/she/name of author, state that “……………..” (Author’s name)

In this article by…states, “……” (Author’s name)

Your paper should not include ALL Quotes but also any personal or professional experiences. If you have not had any that state what you might say or do if a child or parent comes to you with an issue with child abuse or anything related to the topics you chose. What would you say, what would you do, do you have a resource, reference or place they could go to for help.

You must have a reference page in the back of paper. This should be a 7 page paper, single spaced, 12 Font, Times Roman.

You must give an outline on each topic and make sure each topic flows well in the paper with the other topics.

You will also make a brochure that will go along with your paper.

More on this topic will be discussed closer to mid semester.

I am extremely serious about spelling and grammar. I typically adhere to the “Rule of Ten,” which means that I stop reading your paper when I count 10 major errors. I will simply return the paper to you with no credit. I would highly recommend the writing Center or having someone proof read your paper before handing it in to me. Others can often catch mistakes that you don’t.

According to….

In this article by…states…

Book Name: Understanding child abuse and neglect 9th edition by Crosson-Tower(2014)

Course objectives:

  1. Examine the historical overview of child abuse and neglect.
  2. Prepare an individual advocacy plan for preventing child abuse and neglect.
  3. Select community agencies that effectively impact child abuse prevention and treatment.
  4. Conclude how individual cases of child abuse can affect the dynamics of day care, preschool, or school programs.
  5. Research what effects abuse will have on childhood physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development.
  6. Illustrate how domestic violence relates to child abuse.

7. Examine profiles of child abusers.

8. Formulate hypotheses regarding personal, societal, and cyclical causes of child abuse and neglect.

9. Compare and contrast diverse parenting practices in a variety of cultures.

10. Compile pertinent information required of a Mandated Reporter and other legal issues related to child abuse and neglect.

11. Recognize and appraise indicators of child abuse and neglect.

12. Classify types of child abuse and neglect.

statistic project help

Hi, I wanna someone to finish this statistics project using R programming. I will attach the data sets while starting it. thx


write a 6-page short science fiction story which is mainly about exploration of solar system with decent amount of scientific concepts.


Project Requirement

You must complete all 6 sections of this project, write a report, which is expected to be completed with quality. Also, a PowerPoint with findings and demo .