
According to the second form of Kant’s categorical imperative(Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end), would it be morally permissible for me to agree to be someone’s slave? Explain

1.5 – 2 page essay.


Assignment must be 100% original no plagiarism

Assignment (4 pages in APA format)

Using the assessment tools provided in Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, conduct a self-assessment of your own leadership characteristics, style, and skills. Complete four assessment tools for this self-assessment assignment. Be sure to:

  • Evaluate and assess your current leadership characteristics, style, and skills based on the assessment tools given
  • Select one tool to give to a colleague or supervisor so he or she can assess your leadership skills. Explain your reason for the tool (use the text as a reference and cite work)
  • Include actual results or summaries of the results you collected using these assessment tools
    • (address) explain the tool including the results or summaries from each tool including results
  • Identify your personal leadership strengths as well as areas for improvement
  • Include references (citations) to the leadership concepts covered in Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice and Understanding your social agency involving relevant issues related to ethics, diversity, and power in the organizational setting

The paper is required to have:

  • Title page
  • Introduction paragraph (The purpose and the main idea of the assignment)
  • Conclusion (Final details and a paragraph that is effective and well-structured)
  • Reference page


Assignment Steps

Part 1:

Analyze the Week 1 Business Growth Overview dataset. This is a marketing report generated by an analyst for the Senior Vice President (SVP) of Marketing at a large corporation. The analyst is new and has provided summary data but no insights or commentary for the SVP.

Construct a minimum 525-word memorandum for the SVP providing insights and commentary. The memorandum should include your analysis of the following:

  • Major areas of increase and decrease in revenue or type and/or category of business
  • Trends that are evident in terms of revenue or type and/or category of business
  • Insights that would help formulate marketing strategies to either continue growth or reverse decline
  • Additional analysis you (if you were SVP) would like to build a marketing goal and strategy or strategies (and why)

Part 2:

Select a global or multi-regional (does business in more than one country) company and one of its products or services that will serve as the basis for your marketing plan. You should obtain two years of annual reports as well as two years of 10K reports (provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s business and financial condition and includes audited financial statements) for your data source. Once you have selected your product or service, you must define the size and type of your selected company that provides the product or service (available from annual reports). This need not be elaborate but must include total number of employees, production volume, distribution methods, and so forth. Record this information in a summary document as outlined below.

Company and product selection is a critical part of this project. You must ensure your proposed company can implement the marketing methods discussed in Marketing Management.

Prepare a minimum 175-word summary document and send it to your instructor as a record of your selection. The summary document should include the following:

  • Name of Company The Coca- Cola Company
  • Location of Company Headquarters-Atlanta, GA
  • Name of Product or Service selected- SODA
  • General description of company (number of employees, revenue, type of ownership, web page, etc.)
  • General description of product or service-No. 1 provider of both sparkling and still beverages.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

social problems discussion and reflection problems 4

Must have the book Social problems: Societal Crisis, Capitalism, & Democracy by KIm Macinnis

must make references from the book and use citations as outside research and sources are forbidden and will result in a failing grade.

Must read the chapters Social Network Analysis and the Study of Terrorism: Ideologically Motivated Murder: The Threat Posed by White Supremacist Groups by David J. Caspi

The Paradox of Embodied Agency in Campus Sexual Assault: College Women Respond by Lauren J. Germain &

The United States in the World: Power and Terror:Conflict, Hegemony and the Rule of Force by Noam Chomsky

after reading those chapters, you must answer these questions below:

1. Do movements such as “Occupy” help stimulate social change? How does concentrated wealth play a role?

2. What can males do to help combat sexual assault? How do notions of masculinity play roles in producing rapists?

When making references and citations be sure to include page numbers

Also must respond to two students’ discussion posts 150 words minimum each

theological thought

Part I: Indicate whether the following statements are true or false in the space provided.

1. _____ The idea that human beings have completely free will and can believe in Jesus by their own strength is considered a heresy.

2. _____ The most important teaching in Christian Theology is the doctrine of sanctification.

3. _____ The means of grace are the Word, Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and Prayer.

4. _____ The Greek term baptizo (“to baptize”) must mean “to immerse in water.”

5. _____ Only Roman Catholics believe in the real presence of Christ’s body and blood in the Lord’s Supper.

6. _____ The Greek term ecclesia means “gathering.”

7. _____ The “Kingdom of the Right” refers to the church/spiritual realm.

8. _____ The “Kingdom of the Left” refers to the state/civil realm.

9. _____ The study of last things has both an individual and a shared dimension.

10. _____ The New Testament teaches that the final judgment will be in accordance with—but not on account of—works.

Part II: Match the definition on the left with their proper term on the right.

11. _____ The bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper are A. Pelagianism

transformed into the body and blood of Christ.

B. Semi-Pelagianism

12. _____ A Church which teaches a mixture of truth C. Synergism

and error.

D. Monergism

13. _____ View of conversion which says human beings E. Roman Catholic view

alone converts themselves.

F. Lutheran view

14. _____ The bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper are G. Reformed view

only symbols of the body and blood of Christ.

H. Zwinglian view

15. _____ A Church which teaches truth. I. Orthodox

J. Heterodox

16. _____ View of conversion which says God alone

converts human beings.

17. _____ While partaking of the bread and wine in the

Lord’s Supper believers ascend into heaven and feed

upon Christ with the mouth of faith.

18. _____ View of conversion which says human beings

begin to convert themselves but God must aid in

completing conversion.

19. _____ The true body and blood of Christ are present

with the bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper.

20. _____ View of conversion which says God begins to

convert human beings but the human being must aid in

completing their own conversion.

Part III: Indicate which of the following (A, B, C, or D,) best answers the question.

21. What is faith?

A. Devotion.

B. Trust.

C. Loyalty.

D. None of the above.

22. What is grace?

A. The favorable disposition of God toward humanity because of Jesus.

B. The favorable disposition of God toward humanity because of the Law.

C. The favorable disposition of God toward humanity because of love.

D. None of the above.

23. Who gets credit for salvation according to Pelagianism?

A. God.

B. Man.

C. Both God and man.

D. None of the above.

24. Who gets credit for salvation according to Semi-Pelagianism?

A. God.

B. Man.

C. Both God and man.

D. None of the above.

25. Who gets credit for salvation according to Synergism?

A. God.

B. Man.

C. Both God and man.

D. None of the above.

26. Who gets credit for salvation according to Monergism?

A. God.

B. Man.

C. Both God and man.

D. None of the above.

27. Does the Bible teach that human beings can fulfill God’s commands?

A. Yes because if God commands it we must be able to do it.

B. No because sinful human beings are incapable of fulfilling God’s commands.

C. Yes because “ought implies can.”

D. None of the above.

28. What is sanctification?

A. When Christians makes themselves holy by following God’s will.

B. The internal transformation of the Christian flowing from the forgiveness of sins.

C. The internal transformation of the Christian causing the forgiveness of sins.

D. None of the above.

29. Which member of the Trinity is most closely associated with the work of sanctification?

A. The Father.

B. The Son.

C. The Holy Spirit.

D. None of the above.

30. What is the difference between justification and sanctification?

A. Justification is internal and sanctification is external.

B. Justification is transformational and sanctification is a legal declaration.

C. Justification deals with Christian living and sanctification deals with the forgiveness of sins.

D. None of the above.

31. What did Martin Luther mean by “a Christian is a perfectly free lord of all subject to none?”

A. A Christian is subject to no other human being in the civil realm.

B. A Christian is subject to no other human being when it comes to justification.

C. A Christian is subject to no other human being when it comes to sanctification.

D. None of the above.

32. What did Martin Luther mean by “a Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all subject to all?”

A. A Christian is unwillingly subject to other human beings the civil realm.

B. A Christian is willingly subject to other human beings when it comes to justification.

C. A Christian is willingly subject to other human beings when it comes to sanctification.

D. None of the above.

33. Which Greek philosopher had a negative view of the material world?

A. Socrates.

B. Plato.

C. Aristotle.

D. None of the above.

34. Which religion has a negative view of the material world?

A. Judaism.

B. Christianity.

C. Islam.

D. None of the above.

35. What are the means of grace?

A. The instruments God uses to offer and apply the forgiveness of sins.

B. The rules which human beings follow in order to earn salvation.

C. The means by which human beings learn right from wrong.

D. None of the above.

36. What does the term “sacrament” mean?

A. The Word of God.

B. Baptism.

C. The Lord’s Supper.

D. None of the above.

37. Which of the following is a necessary condition in order to be classified as a sacrament by Lutherans?

A. Instituted by the Apostles.

B. Involving the use of blessed objects.

C. Having the promise of earthly blessings attached.

D. None of the above.

38. Which of the following are sacraments according to Lutheranism?

A. Baptism.

B. Confirmation.

C. Ordination.

D. All of the above.

39. Which of the following are valid modes of baptism?

A. Sprinkling with water.

B. Pouring of water.

C. Immersion in water.

D. All of the above.

40. What is the chief issue at stake in the debate over infant baptism?

A. Whether infants should be sprinkled or immersed in water.

B. Whether or not infants have original sin.

C. Whether God or the person receiving baptism is the active party.

D. None of the above.

41. What is ecclesiology?

A. The study of salvation.

B. The study of the sacraments.

C. The study of the church.

D. None of the above.

44. Which of the following are characteristics of the church?

A. Holy.

B. Catholic.

C. Apostolic.

D. All of the above.

45. Which of the following are the marks of the church?

A. The true proclamation of the gospel.

B. The correct administration of the sacraments.

C. Both A and B.

D. None of the above.

46. What are the Two Kingdoms?

A. The church and civil realms.

B. Heaven and earth.

C. Israel and the church.

D. None of the above.

47. Who rules the Kingdom of the Right?

A. God.

B. Human beings.

C. The devil.

D. None of the above.

48. Who rules the Kingdom of the Left?

A. God.

B. Human beings.

C. The devil.

D. None of the above.

49. What is eschatology?

A. The study of the church.

B. The study of last things.

C. The study of the Holy Spirit.

D. None of the above.

50. Which of the following are views of the millennium?

A. Partial-millennialism.

B. Mid-millennialism.

C. Anti-millennialism.

D. None of the above.


Based on the article and executive summary outline i attached below, finish 2 tasks:

Task 1:

Write full 1 page( no double space, not including references) Executive summary for R.K. Webb LLC Staffing Problems Project paper.

+ The background information

+ The issue/problem

+ The solutions to the discussion question from the paper

+ The theories used

+ References (if have)

Hint: My groupmate finish the outline already, you can based on the Executive summary outline file i link below to finish this task.

Task2: Based on the “R.K. Webb LLC Staffing Problems Project paper.

Make 3 slices powerpoint, each slice 6 lines, each line 8-10 words

  • Problem analysis
  • Solution to problems
  • Thoughts and Conclusion


Project: The Role of Leadership

One of the obstacles to defining the role of a leader is the difficulty in defining what leadership entails. Think about the role of leadership in the criminal-justice system and answer the following questions in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document:

  • How can you differentiate between the role of a leader and a manager in the criminal justice system with reference to the following:
    • Operational functions of the organization, such as budget planning, recruitment and hiring, infrastructure maintenance, and performance reviews
    • Relationship with subordinates in the organization
  • Are there any overlaps between effective leadership and effective management roles in the criminal-justice system?
  • Does being an effective leader in the criminal justice system conflict with being an effective manager?
  • Are leadership responsibilities tied to official job descriptions in criminal justice or could a criminal justice agent of any position be a leader? Why?
  • How do the different ways of interpreting and defining a leader’s role influence effective leadership? Explain with reference to the various definitions of leadership as a specialized role and a shared influence process.


Homeland Defense and Security Strategies and Policies

APA style and in length between, 3-5 pages

juvenile justice 25

In Chapter 1 of the text, our author talks about “putting it all into perspective.” Prior to beginning work on this discussion,

Select one of the juveniles from your reading, the videos, or from a personal experience with a particular juvenile in mind. Address the three questions in the following quote from the Lollis (2018) video Prison Documentary Prison Life of Young Kids, Hard Time Prison Documentary 2017 HD (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.:

“In a world that demands justice when the unthinkable becomes reality, there are no easy answers when that reality involves minors. The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world and remains the only nation that, in rare circumstances, will sentence its juveniles to life without parole. Is it a solution? Does it work? Do we care?”

capstone week 2 discussion

This week you have read about several areas of financing as it relates to the health care system and some health care retail areas that may be of interests. For this assignment, put yourself in a nurse manager, director of nursing, Chief Nursing Officer (CNO), or business owner role. Discuss three or more business principles as discussed in the Greg Fisher Power Point-in the learning activities (in your own words) which are needed to maintain safe, quality, patient-centered care that is fiscally sound, provide supportive data. In your discussion consider:

  • Why have you selected the business principles?
  • Are the business principles used at your current facility?
    • If you feel that they are, give supportive examples.
    • If you feel they are not give examples of how they could be implemented.
  • Why are those specific principles important in health care?
  • Why are those specific principles important to you?

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.

Post a thoughtful response to at least two (2) other colleagues’ initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: “This is interesting – in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management principle) and according to the literature…” and add supportive reference. Avoid comments such as “I agree” or “good comment.”


  • Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.

Words Limits

  • Initial Post: Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page)

Note: Since it is difficult to edit the APA reference in the Blackboard discussion area, you can copy and paste APA references from your Word document to the Blackboard discussion area. Points will not be deducted because of format changes in spacing.