Please answer the following questions: PLEASE make sure the answers are correct: The notes attached might have some information that helps you with the assessment since they are in class notes but it is not everything, so using other resources is definitely necessary
1) The plant hormone strigolactone works by:
Which of the following situations would disrupt phyllotaxy in Arabidopsis?
If corn plants are grown at a high density, they will be taller. What is one reason for this?
Root gravitropism is primarily the result of:
The SHP and IND genes are both required for valve margin identity. When you examine fruit from the shp mutant (lacks the SHP transciption factor), you find that the IND gene is no longer expressed in the fruit. What is your interpretation of this result?
Expression of the FUL gene throughout the fruit results in:
Cytokinin and auxin are two plant hormones that play important roles in plant growth. If you place a piece of a tobacco stem on agar medium, which conditions will result in the formation of roots.
Domestication of maize began:
Which of the following is a good reason to invest in algae as a bio-manufacturing platform?
The photoreceptor phytochrome switches between two forms depending on the type of light it is exposed to. What is the active form of phytochrome and what wavelenght of light switches it to this form.
What is the connection between maize domestication and regulation of branching in Arabidopsis
In Arabidopsis, what gene functions in both the strigolactone and karrikin signaling pathways?
What is the phenotype of a plant that has a max2 scion and a wild-type stock?
What structure is required for FT to move from the phloem companion cell to the sieve element?
What experiment demonstrated that expression of CO in the phloem companion cells was sufficient for flowering?
What is a short-day plant.
What are the functions of the AUX1 and PIN1 proteins?
How long ago did domestication of our crop species begin?
Domestication of maize resulted in a reduction in the number of shoot branches. Why do you think this was important?