discussion io

Read chapter 8

Each question must have at least 3 paragraphsand you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post.

1. Describe a clinical experience that was troubling to you. Describe what bothered you about the experience and what could have you done differently utilizing critical thinking.

2. Describe how patients, families, individual clinicians, health care teams, and systems can contribute to promoting safety and reducing errors.

3. Describe factors that create a culture of safety.

reading response 241

For this Reading Response, respond to following prompts in 2 page

For many years, having to write in standard English made writing feel “mechanical” to Barbara Mellix, and she says she felt “separate from the language” (paragraphs 16 & 20). Do you feel like your spoken, home, or social English is the same as the kind of English you are expected to use in school and workplace writing? If not, do you think that has an impact on your writing, as it did on Mellix’s writing? Is there anything about your home/social and spoken language(s) that you feel you have to “shut out” when you write? Explain. (prompt is from Writing About Writing, 3rd edition, Wardle and Downs).

Your grade on this paper will consider the following:

____ (1) Does the paper clearly and thoroughly address one of the above prompts, even if such thoroughness requires you to exceed the minimum development requirement?

____ (2) Have you submitted the paper on time? Assignments will be accepted late, up to a point, but with a late penalty — NO EXCEPTIONS since you can also submit early if you wish — see below for more specifics;

_____ (3) Is the paper at least 500 words of text, not including the title, name information, and Works Cited page (but it can be more); 

_____ (4) Does the paper illustrate a strong grasp of the grammar, punctuation, and spelling expectations of a 3000-level college course? 

_____ (5) Is the paper formatted according to 8th edition MLA guidelines? This means checking your format in three places: the general paper format (e.g. header, title, spacing, font, etc.); in-text citations, which are expected for an assignment that makes reference to sources, as this one does; and a Works Cited list, which is required any time you have in-text citations. If you prefer to use APA or another style sheet, you may, but please identify which style you are using in a comment that accompanies this paper submission in D2L.

course learning reflection

Please begin by identifying three large ideas or concepts from the class that you found interesting /provocative/revelatory/worthy of remembering. Each of your three 500-word reflections should fall into two parts:

Part A (250+ words): Carefully identify/frame this idea (as if explaining it to a friend). Why did you find it important (i.e., why do you choose it)? Did it reinforce or contradict your previous thinking? Please specifically quote one of the course readings in this portion.

Part B (250+ words): How would you connect this idea to any of the course learning outcomes (pop culture as a reflection of social/historical context; the relationship to a commodity culture; assumptions of embedded race, class, generation, and/or gender)? How might you fit these new or reinforced understandings of pop culture fit into your life? Please include both general and specific examples of resulting thinking and/or behavioral shifts.

Note: Your writing must be original to this assignment; we will not accept work written for posts for this class (please refer to the syllabus for all Academic Honesty guidelines).

Each of the three 2-part reflections is worth 85 points (note the 5-point bonus), and will be graded according to the following rubric:

ten question assginment

Ten Question Assignment

DE BUAD 262 Organizational Behavior

The following questions require you to think critically about the content presented in your text, synthesize the materials and/or reflect upon how the concepts apply in your own experience.

Answer each question clearly and comprehensively making sure you tie in all appropriate and relevant terms and theoretical concepts from your text.Answer the questions in proper sequence and begin your answer by restating the question.Use other information sources as well as your text i.e. other texts, newspapers, business magazines etc. as appropriate, as they can considerably strengthen your answers. Where possible enrich your answers with illustrations from your own personal experience or observations. Your answer to each question should be around 500 words in length and be properly formatted using APA.

Your assignment will require you to explain and apply terms from the text. Be sure that you explain/define the terms so that I will understand and that I know that you know the correct meaning.While such explanations can properly occur in the sentence, in parenthesis, or in a footnote, I strongly prefer that you define /explain your terms in a footnote at the bottom of the page.Please cite references from the text the same as you would any other source.

What Profs Want.

All material that is taken from source material, other than your own experience, should be cited to avoid plagiarism.Also, make sure you paraphrase material correctly; avoid word for word plagiarism as explained in “What Profs Want” posted on the course site. Again a reminder, use examples liberally to strengthen your report and support your point. Examples can be drawn from your personal experiences (ideal situation) other texts, the Internet, business magazines, newspapers such as the Globe and Mail, .and if you are desperate from your course text.)

Please include student ID number, course and section number.Also, number your pages.

Please submit your assignment as a Word document to the Assignment Dropbox no later than the deadline posted on the course site.Any assignment not submitted by the time listed above will be graded as ‘0’ unless a valid and relevant medical certificate is presented which explains the failure to meet the deadline.
If you have other conflicts which might impact on your ability to meet the deadline, contact me as soon as possible.

whether or not the word quot ally quot should be included in the lgbtqia acronym

Think about the articles you read regarding whether or not the word “ally” should be included in the LGBTQIA+ acronym and do 3 things (300 words total):

A. List 1 reason why you think the LGBTQIA+ acronym should include ally (300 WORDS)

B. List 1 reason why you think LGBTQIA+ acronym should not include ally (300 WORDS)

C. Do you think A should include ally? Explain your reasoning (300 WORDS)

Your posts MUST contain at least ONE citation in your answer to each question. This citation will come from either our course readings and/or outside empirical or reputable news sources (NOTE: Wikipedia is not considered a reputable source and will therefore not count as a citation you can use to earn credit). You will cite both within the text (author, year) and must also include the full reference at the bottom of the response. No specific citation format is required (APA, MLA, etc are all acceptable).

mapping a magnetic field lab report

I need help on physics lab report and will provide you with the login info. The lab report is about magnetic fields.

an easy quiz

covers Chapters 1-5

Consists of 4 questions, short answer format
– Please review each question carefully

were the radical republicans correct in their assumptions regarding the south or could lincoln s approach have paved the way for a continuation of the political social and economic gains that african americans had achieved during reconstruction

700 words

discusses the Black Codes

identify relevant information on the linked PBS American Experience site, Reconstruction The Second Civil War ( https://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/reconstruction )

Identify and incorporate at least one additional outside source to support your discussion

reply to qd 2 week 4 last 2 answers


I would need reply for the following 2 post from my classmates. Between 100-150 each reply. Any questions do not hesitate to contact me. Thx!

1- Veronica,

Many times electronic things may fail. They may make corrections electronically and lose everything that was done. If they also make corrections by hand on paper, they will have that to look back on and re read whenever, even if the electronic copy fails or does not fail. Some people prefer it since it is what they are used to and others just fear losing all their work. They like to have a hard copy to refer to.

2- Christina,

The peer review process may still be done manually for a couple different reasons. One is the writers may be old school and not want to change the way they do things. Also, this way they have a hard copy to prove it was their work and also they do not have to work about not being able to get to it due to computer downtime or it getting lost if something were to happen to the computer. Getting into someones computer is easy for some people these days so someone else may receive the work and then claim it as their own. Quality control can be better monitored if not done electronically. As technology rises because it could make the peer-review process much faster we will probably see more go through electronically than through standard mail.


Ali, P. A., & Watson, R. (2016). Peer review and the publication process. Nursing open, 3(4), 193–202. doi:10.1002/nop2.51

lifetime fitness

After reviewing your assigned readings from Fitness and Wellness 11th ed. Chapter 1, provide a two to three paragraph description defining and comparing physical fitness and wellness. How do they both contribute to physical longevity and quality of life? Be sure to use APA style.

Teacher comments: I expect that you will not use your own personal views when posting and responding to discussions, but rather I would like for you to find peer reviewed research and cite the references after your posts and discussions.

No plagiarism and no copy and past