choose one still from the movie rome and analyze the basic elements of camera work

Film: ROMA (Alfonso Cuarón, 2018)

Choose one still from the movie, ROME, and analyze the basic elements of CAMERA WORK

Use the questions below to analyze how the camera work contributes to the visual style and story content of a film.
For a close analysis, it is best to pick a single image.

1. Camera Placement

How does the angle of the camera placement affect your view and the meaning of the image? What is going on in the story here? How does the what we see here, contribute to the story.

How does camera distance affect your view and the meaning of the image?

How does the framing of the image affect its meaning?

Does off-screen space add to your understanding of the shot?

Is the camera objective or does it seem to represent the point of view of a character? If the latter—if it is subjective—what effect does that have?

2. Focus and Depth

What kind of focal length or angle of view does the camera lens appear to offer on the scene? Is it wide-angle, telephoto, or zoom? Does it switch back and forth within the scene? How does this lens affect your view and the meaning of the shot?

Notice which planes (foreground, middle ground, and background) of the image are held in focus. How does the focus influence the mise-en-scène and your reading of the shot?

3. Stock, Exposure, and Effects

Is the film in black-and-white or in color? If it is a contemporary film shot in black-and-white, what does that choice suggest?

If in color, are the colors especially vivid or saturated? What impact does this effect have on your reading of the shot?

Does the shot use overexposure and/or slow, fast, or stop-motion to dramatic effect? What is gained (with regard to aesthetics and content) by using this technique?

assigment 320 1

make word file about “visa” inc.cover the point below.

-tell me about company history, evaluation

-online payment system

how effective they are

-competitor analysis

-all 8 key elements

-company vision, mission, value preposition, revenue model, value chain

-swot analysis, competitive stratergy

– business model

-e model concept, target market about 4 to 5 pages.

two proposal projects

I need help doing two projects from MHSO programs (below) and demonstrate them with two of the seven NCHEC Responsibilities (below).

Propose projects, I need two examples of work completed during this semester. These examples may include but are not limited to needs assessments or evaluation surveys, pamphlets, social media messaging, PowerPoint presentations, public service announcements, newsletters and/or informational videos. See the table below for additional examples. The proposed examples will be approved with MHSO programs which are (Impaired Driving and Aggressive Driving programs) at this website: The examples should demonstrate an entry level proficiency in two of the seven NCHEC Responsibilities and listed in the table below.

NCHEC Responsibilities


Note: You are NOT limited to these examples

Assess Individual and Community Needs for Health Education

Needs assessment or evaluation survey

Plan Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs

Program plans/ program implementation documentation

Implement Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs

Sample implementation materials (presentations, educational materials prepared for the target audience)

Conduct Evaluation and Research Related to Health Education

Evaluation surveys and/or analysis examples

Administer Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs

Health Program reports and/or Training Manuals

Serve as a Health Education Resource Person

Pamphlets, brochures, PSA video, education packages, presentations, newsletters

Communicate and Advocate for Health and Health Education

Social media messaging samples; legislative briefs on public health issues

astronomy assignment 4

(1) Kepler’s 2nd Law

(3 pts.) A comet is only visible when it is sufficiently heated by the Sun (more about this later in the course). Use Kepler’s 2nd law to explain why comets, which tend to have very eccentric orbits, are generally only visible for a small fraction of their orbit.

(2) Kepler’s 3rd Law

(3 pts.) (a) There is an asteroid that orbits the Sun in a circle, once every 15.4 years. Using Kepler’s 3rd law, calculate distance between this asteroid and the Sun. Don’t forget the units of your answer. No credit for an answer without showing how you derived it.

(3 pts.) (b) There is an asteroid that that orbits the Sun in a circle at a distance of 22.5 AU from the Sun. Using Kepler’s 3rd law, calculate how much time it takes for this asteroid to orbit the Sun. Please show your work for this problem as well.

Galileo’s observations of the phases of Venus is a classic example of the scientific method. Look at the figure below which shows the phases of Venus for the heliocentric and geocentric models of the solar system. The geocentric model predicts that Venus will go through a certain group of phases, while the heliocentric model predicts that Venus will go through a different group of phases.

The phases of Venus as seen in a geocentric and a heliocentric model

(4 pts.) (a) Describe in words what phases the geocentric model predicts that Venus will go through.

(3 pts.) (b) Describe in words what phases the heliocentric model predicts that Venus will go through.

(2 pts.) (c) Describe in words the observations that Galileo made by studying Venus with his telescope: What phases did Venus actually go through?

(2 pts.) (d) Describe in words the explanation of the observations – what could Galileo conclude?

(3 pts.) (e) Galileo also observed that at certain times in the Venus cycle, Venus appeared much larger, and at other times, it appeared much smaller. Galileo attributed this change in apparent diameter to the changing distance between the Earth and Venus. If Ptolemy’s geocentric model was correct, would Venus appear to grow larger and smaller in our sky, or would it remain at the same same size throughout a cycle?

(4) What to do?!
(3 pts.) You are dressed up in a spacesuit on an EVA outside the space station. A fellow crew member accidentally cuts your life support cable. What can you do? You are floating detached from the space station with little oxygen in your suit. You have a big wrench in your hand. To get back to the space station do you throw the wrench:

(a) side ways

(b) away from the space station

(c) towards the space station

(d) at your buddy

Choose which option is correct and write an explanation that includes at least one of Newton’s Laws of Motion.

(5) Phases and Venus

(4 pts.) Suppose we observe the planet Venus tonight and we see that from our perspective here on Earth, Venus is almost full. At the same time, if there was an observer on Venus who could see the Earth with a telescope, what phase would the Earth appear to be in from the Venus observer’s perspective? (Hint: Draw a diagram of the Earth, Sun, and Venus.)

(6) Floating in Space.

Most people believe that the astronauts float around in the space shuttle because there is no gravity in space, but that’s not true!

(2 pts.) (a) Let’s think about the Moon: Describe how the Moon moves over the course of one month.

(3 pts.) (b) Suppose we magically flipped a switch and turned off all the forces that pull on the Moon. According to Newton’s first law how would the Moon move?

(3 pts.) (c) Assume that the Moon’s orbit around the Earth was a perfect circle. Would the moon be accelerating right now? Use a few sentences to explain your answer. (Hint: Remember that “acceleration” has a different meaning in astronomy than in every day life!)

(2 pts.) (d) A friend of your says, “Wouldn’t it be fun to go out into space where there’s no gravity?” How would you persuade her that there really is gravity in space? (Please use an example other than the Moon.)

organize 2

For this assignment, you will compare the position of police chief with that of a business executive.

  • What are the similarities and differences in the leadership styles of a business executive and a police chief? Refer to the traits discussed earlier in the course.
  • In what specific ways do a police chief’s management tasks resemble those of an executive in private business? A police chief does not need to meet with stockholders, and a business executive doesn’t have to interrogate suspects, but they do have numerous tasks in common.
  • Strategic planning is an important part of leadership. Of course, a police chief will have the goal of reducing crime rates. Explain at least five other legitimate, measurable goals that a police chief will want to attain. How will the chief determine whether the goals have been met?
  • Discuss the specific leadership requirements that subordinates in a police department will have, and show how they resemble or differ from those in a private company. In other words, show how the supervision needs of a patrol officer or dispatcher would differ from those of an employee in a typical business.
  • A difficult challenge confronting many police departments is that of recruitment and hiring. Many departments find it difficult or impossible to recruit new officers to match the diversity of the community. How can a police chief address this challenge?

Support your analysis and suggestions with proper reasoning, examples, and research data. Use structured text like bolding, headings, bulleted lists, and charts/tables where appropriate to increase the clarity of your communication. Cite the resources you use in APA style.

mediating the palestinian israeli dispute

Answer one of the following questions:

1. From the perspective of an Israeli statesman, which would be the most and least suitable of the listed organizations for serving as the mediator in the next round of negotiations with the Palestinians over the issue of statehood for the Palestinians. Be sure to explain the reasons behind your judgments of the two organizations’ suitability/unsuitability.

The United Nations
The United States
The Arab League
A country like Norway that has no ulterior motives, is not militarily strong or located nearby

2. From the perspective of a Palestinian leader, which would be the most and least suitable of the listed organizations for serving as the mediator in the next round of negotiations with Israel over the issue of statehood for the Palestinians. Be sure to explain the reasons behind your judgments of the two organizations’ suitability/unsuitability.

The United Nations
The United States
The Arab League
A country like Norway that has no ulterior motives, is not militarily strong or located nearby

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Support your analysis with research from at least 2 sources and cite those sources appropriately. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions.

essay employee separation

In the readings for this week there is a discussion about turnover and employee separation. Name some of the objective reasons noted in the discussion for releasing or terminating an employee. What are some of the ramifications? What were some of the issues in which Christians have an opportunity to “let their light shine?”

Noe, R., Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Chapters 13 & 14

  • Noe, R. (2016) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management(ISBN 9780077718367).New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.

supply chain 23

Pls read and answer in 1-2 paragraph in APA style, pls include at least one outside resource and cite it.

Pick a product with which you are very familiar or that you can anticipate being able to research easily. Map the supply chain of your product as far back as feasible, identify the mode of transportation used between each stage of the channel. Discuss how the implementation of supply chain management can result in enhanced customer value. Provide examples.

what s the difference between the structure process outcome and the quality management system

  • Compare how the two models define and measure quality outcomes.
  • Which model best supports the framework of evidence-based medicine in defining and measuring quality outcomes? Why?
  • How can an organization ensure that healthcare services are providing value to the patient? Justify using examples.

guided response presentation by experts

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ video presentations. Provide a substantive response to two of your peers. As you respond to your peers, consider the following:

  • What are the expert’s points of view in their presentations?
  • Were these appropriate to the fields of expertise and the backgrounds provided?
  • What evidence was used to support the conclusions?
  • What additional viewpoints exist?
  • How might an individual from a different professional approach the topics?