Response two of my classmates discussions in hour Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Response two of my classmates discussions in hour

Post by Tanya YarritoMena

1 day agoWeek 5 Why Remember? Discussion

 The Israelites forgot where they came from, which was enslavement and very harsh living. So since they forgot where they come from and what God has done for them they became very greedy and sinful. They were so close to God but yet so far because they let their greed put a strain on their relationship with them. Being able to tell the new generations of the generation their mistake will help them to understand what they should and should not do. Do not let history repeat itself. This I can relate to because I use the stories of what God’s people had been through and learned from him to help guide me in my relationship with God and help guide me to a path of my faith in God. It is important for the Isrealities to remember so they can stay humble and obedient to God so they can gain a close relationship with him . Their ancestors mistakes and story that we learned in Exodus was the blueprint of how not and how to gain a close relationship with God. 

Post by Jennifer AfalavaLilio

1 day agoWeek 5 – Why Remember

What is the place of Deuteronomy within the story of the Bible? What purpose did it serve to the ancient Israelites? What purpose does it serve today?

Deuteronomy is the the part of the Bible where the Israelites are finally going to enter the promise land. The Israelites has wandered the wilderness for 40 years because of their complaining, their lack of faith and most importantly their disobedience to God’s laws. The purpose it served the ancient Israelites is the reminder of what God had brought them from and the miracles He performed. He removed them from slavery, he performed the plagues on Pharoah and his people, He parted the Red Sea, he provided manna and gave them quail when they insisted on having meat and even gave them shade (with a cloud) to lead them along with many more miracles. Today, it serves as a lesson and a reminder that God makes a way for His people and wants what’s best for us, but we also have a responsibility to follow the guidelines He’s given us in the Bible. God is leading us to the Promise Land for eternity if we choose. 

Do you see your life as connected to the biblical story? Why or why not?

Absolutely! I fail daily and have to ask for forgiveness for my shortcomings from God. Also, I fail my circle – family, friends, etc., but I’m constantly reminded to do better, learn from my mistakes and press on. I know the importance of the company I keep to encourage good behavior that will glorify God and not myself. I am no different than the children of Israelites. I’m constantly refocusing on Him and trying not to complain and forget that He is control and demands obedience. This story is one I can relate to and relevant to learn from. 

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Part 2 Savvy Essay Writers

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Part 2


NTR2050 Course Project Nutritional Care Plan For this project, you will identify a case study and then develop a nutritional care plan for the client associated with that case. You should begin working on your project in advance of Week 5 as you construct the details of your case. The completed nutritional care plan for your client is due in Week 10.  Please read this entire document to gain understanding of the project scope and those tasks you will complete. This project will take you several weeks to complete. Do not delay beginning the work on this project. When you have completed each part of the project, please submit to the appropriate drop box as a Word document.  Project tasks to be completed in Week: 5

 Task 1: Choose from one of the following stages: pregnancy, infancy and childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. List the specific nutrition issues affecting individuals in your selected stage. 

Task 2: Choose a disease or medical condition that could possibly, or commonly, affect your individual. This could be anything ranging from diabetes to cirrhosis. Using the ABCDs of nutritional assessment, create a case study based on an actual client or patient. You can also make one up. Include the following in your case study: Anthropocentric, relevant biochemical tests, clinical assessment, and dietary intake analysis. Be sure to include a list of common medications that may be used to treat your patient’s condition and identify potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions that may be relevant. Identify your client’s cultural background and give clues as to their socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables. For example, your patient may be a senior living alone on a fixed income or might be living in a nursing facility with reputed staff. Project tasks to be completed during Weeks 6–10 (due during Week 10): 

Task 1: Create a nutritional care plan for your client. This will include an evaluation of nutritional risk, a list of interventions, and a list of expected outcomes. List the goals of medical nutrition therapy for your patient and suggest an appropriate diet. Does your patient/client require a dietary modification of their regular diet? Are enteral feedings by tube necessary? If so, what formula will you use and why? Describe your recommended method of administration. 

Task 2: Describe your nutrition education teaching session with your patient and/or their family. What teaching methods will you use (explanation, discussion, demonstration, handouts, etc.)? In your own words, write a paragraph detailing three specific points that you will need to teach your patient about his/her new diet. In addition, give at least one tip to avoid potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions.

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Gaining Acceptance into professional careers … 12 PAGES DUE BY 48 HOURS Savvy Essay Writers

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Gaining Acceptance into professional careers … 12 PAGES DUE BY 48 HOURS

 Even if you do not currently plan to seek further education beyond the bachelor’s degree, the Department of Psychology wants to be sure, before you graduate, that you would know how to proceed if you ever had to apply. You may, therefore, write a 10-15 page APA-style paper on graduate plans that includes: a) the advanced degree(s) necessary to pursue a career in a specific area of psychology or a psychology-related field of your choice; b) which departments at which universities offer the necessary degree(s); c) your criteria for narrowing the choice to your “top ten” and then to the three most likely departments for you; d) each of the three most likely department’s criteria for acceptance and how well your credentials match those criteria; e) the 2-3 specific faculty members in each of those three departments whose publications best match your interests (with a brief description of and reference list for those publications); f) the degree requirements in each of these departments (what courses/activities you will have to complete, how many years it will take, what percentage of entering students complete the program, etc.); and g) a fully worked out 2-3 page “statement of interest” that you would submit along with your application to your top department. These graduate plans will be accepted at any earlier time, but not beyond the deadline shown on the Tentative Calendar. Dr. Lord will grade each paper as pass or fail, based on how well you address each of these 7 sections. Failing papers cannot be revised. 

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ethics discussion Savvy Essay Writers

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ethics discussion

Please respond to the following questions and then comment on the posts of at least three students in a thoughtful and meaningful way.

1) Please watch this short mini-documentary about Singer’s views: (Links to an external site.)

Do you think Gandhi’s quote about “moral progress,” stated at the beginning of the film, is correct?  Or not?  Please explain — and then describe one argument Singer offers in the documentary, explaining if it is compelling.

2) Please watch this classic Twilight Zone episode (25 minutes) and explain how Singer could interpret this film’s message in light of his arguments.  If the scenario in the film took place (hypothetically), what moral argument, if any, could humans give in response?  Does this film and Singer’s article make a compelling case that much of our treatment and use of non-human animals are ethically unjustified from the perspective of the ones being used?  Please explain.


The Twilight Zone – To Serve Man (Links to an external site.)The Twilight Zone - To Serve Man


To Serve Man (Part 2) (Links to an external site.)To Serve Man (Part 2)


To Serve Man (Last Part) (Links to an external site.)The Twilight Zone (Classic): To Serve Man - It's A Cook Book!

3) Please read this Wikipedia entry on “Speciesism.”  Take a particular look at the section about the “Argument from Marginal Cases.” (Links to an external site.)

What do you think about Singer’s argument here that if we are to avoid speciesism, we must at least consider doing to human animals what we now do exclusively to non-human animals — assuming both have similar levels of sentience or the ability to feel pain. 

For example, if we are going to experiment on rabbits (for product testing or medical research), then must we also consider experimenting on human beings with similar abilities? 

If we argue in response, “But Singer, humans have a special dignityanimals do not have,” Singer would ask us to think carefully about whether that prejudice (“human chauvinism”) towards our own species is morally justified. 

He argues that just like valuing the interests of one’s own race, gender, or sexual orientation above others is morally wrong, isn’t valuing the interests and feelings of human animals over the similar interests and feelings of other animals, merely because we are homo sapiens and regardless of whether we are without brain activity (or even without a brain at all), morally wrong?  For Singer, a moral person must look at the particular traits of the animals involved and judge accordingly, instead of automatically assuming that human animals’ minor interests ought to trump other animals’ major interests.

Why, in other words, would one think it is moral to experiment on a conscious adult rat, dog, cat, or primate, yet never even contemplateexperimenting on a human being with a similar, or a decreased, level of ability and sentience?  Singer would ask, “It is complete speciesism to cause suffering to a highly conscious non-human animal, with a social life and the ability to feel pain, yet never contemplate experimenting or using a human being of comparable abilities, for example, someone who is in a permanent vegetative state, who can feel no pain and has no consciousness.  Why are fully conscious and aware cats, dogs, and primates experimented upon, yet we (in our speciesist mindset) would never dream of experimenting, for instance, on a child born without a brain or someone in a permanent coma?” 

Does the “Argument from Marginal Cases” work?  Please explain.

4) How do you respond to Warren’s argument that abortion is generally morally justified because we must compare the rights of a full-fledged moral person (an adult woman) with the rights of a potential person (a fetus) — when they conflict in the case of an unwanted pregnancy, the actual person’s rights override the rights of the potential person? 

She argues that abortion is a moral matter (something is killed, to be sure), but no person is being killed, since fetuses do not have any, or at least all, of the traits of a person.  (If we give fetuses full moral personhood, then we must, to be consistent, also give many non-human animals personhood, such as fish, cats, cows, and many other creatures, since they have many more person-like traits than a fetus.  Incidentally, one could argue against Warren here, and argue that recognizing fetuses’ rights also entails recognizing the rights of non-human animals.) 

Is this a compelling argument for the morality of abortion?  Please explain.

5. When it comes to deciding when a pre-born genetic human is a person (in the sense of attaining full moral value), there are at least four views:

1) Personhood begins at conception.

2) Personhood begins at birth.

3) Personhood begins after birth, perhaps age 1-2.

4) Personhood begins sometime between conception and birth.

Each of these positions has its advantages and disadvantages.  1) and 2) are the easiest in some ways, since there is a clear dividing line marked by conception and birth.  However, one can ask what happens at conception that makes a newly fertilized egg a full moral person, when all it has is potential and a unique genetic code?  One can also ask, if birth is the dividing line, why that being was not a person an hour before birth?  (What, a skeptic could ask, magically happens at conception or birth?) 

If we consider views 3) and 4) we also encounter questions.  If a newborn is not yet a full moral person, then why do we generally react with horror at infanticide but have philosophical debates about abortion?  If personhood begins in between conception and birth, then what special marker determines the threshold between non-person and person?  (Heartbeat?  Brain activity?  Movement/quickening? Each of these markers has something to say for it, yet they all seem to bearbitrary in some sense — none stand out as an obvious and non-controversial dividing line.)

In your view, when does moral personhood begin?  Please provide an argument that could potentially convince anyone; please avoid citing religious texts and beliefs that will not be convincing to fellow students who are outside of that particular religious tradition.

6. Please read David Frum’s, “Let’s Get Real About Abortions”: (Links to an external site.)

What would Marquis likely argue about this article?  And do you agree with Frum or Marquis?  (Or both?)  Please explain.

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640- Final Paper Savvy Essay Writers

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640- Final Paper

Must be APA format, plagiarism free, avoid using contractions, and incorporate the christian view. 

The final paper is a change recommendation for the organization with which you 

currently are employed. Choose an issue in the organization for which you can make 

a positive impact.  The paper is due Saturday (Day 7) of Week 8. It will be evaluated 

using the Weekly Writing Assignments and Final Paper rubric (Appendix A).   Use 

the text reading “Managing Organization Change and Innovation” as the general 

guideline for preparing your analysis and approach.  Your paper should include 

recommendations for improvement and suggestions for implementation of the 


Guidelines for organization:

Prepare the final paper using the following guidelines:

10 –15 pages (including the title page and reference page), typed, double-spaced, 

Times New Roman font, using APA standard. 

The title page should include the title of the paper, your name, course name and 

course number, and date of submission

The body of the paper should include the following:

Introduction of the issue and its history

Diagnosis of the problem

Discussion of appropriate methods for change

Impediments and limiting conditions

Evaluation of change

Proposed outcome and benefit of the change

Role of management in effecting the change

Brief summary of the biblical implications

The reference page should include a minimum of 10 references, including the 

text, The Holy Bible, books and articles from academic sources (Net Library), and 

other periodicals.

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Each of the urban theorist you have read (Wirth, Jacobs, Burgees, Dear, Molotch, and Mandanipour) has been asked for a public statement on the competing plans for Flushing Meadows Corona Park by the local media. Your paper should present a statement for e Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Each of the urban theorist you have read (Wirth, Jacobs, Burgees, Dear, Molotch, and Mandanipour) has been asked for a public statement on the competing plans for Flushing Meadows Corona Park by the local media. Your paper should present a statement for e


Each of the urban theorist you have read (Wirth, Jacobs, Burgees, Dear, Molotch, and Mandanipour) has been asked for a public statement on the competing plans for Flushing Meadows Corona Park by the local media. Your paper should present a statement for each theorists and support the statement with evidence from their writings. You should also discuss which redevelopment plan each theorists would support and why, using evidence from their text .

Your paper must do TWO THINGS for EACH THEORIST:

1) Construct a concise statement that you think each theorist would say based on what you have learned about their perspective(s). Each statement should reflect the theorist general ideas about the nature of and problems associated with urban life. Explain why you think each theorist would make the statement you’ve made up for them by using specific evidence from the texts.

2) Explain which plan each theorist would ultimately support, or if you think they would not support either, which elements of each plan they would support. Why would they NOT support the other plan or certain elements of other plans? Provide specific evidence from their writing to explain your decision.

Format: Your paper must be typed in times new roman 12pt front, double spaced, with 1″ margins all around. It must be clearly organized with topic sentences and appropriate transitions, grammatically correct and proofread.

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Food Label and Health Savvy Essay Writers

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Food Label and Health

n this assignment you will analyze food labels, list the nutrient classes and their functions, and summarize the consequences of overnutrition and undernutrition.

Complete the Food Label and Health assignment by providing a response of at least 300 words in APA format to this assignment. Include the following:

  1. Discuss what the 5/20 rule is according to the Food Label and You video. Include an example of a food label from your own pantry, clearly stating how the rule applies to specific nutrients on the food label.
  2. Outline how the 5/20 rule would be applied to at least two chronic diseases. For the diseases mentioned which nutrients should be reduced or increased?
  3. Discuss the proposed Food Label changes outlined in the Textbook explaining how the changes would help consumers understand food labels more effectively.
  4. Examine the food labels for three food items in your own pantry or refrigerator. Name the food products and build a list or a chart, indicating the following components:
  5. Total calories per serving
  6. Percentage of calories from fat
  7. Total amount of carbohydrates (in grams)
  8. Total amount of protein (in grams)
  9. Total amount of fiber (in grams)
  10. From your knowledge of nutrient intake and their associated chronic disease risk, are there changes you would make for the food labels examined?

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Artificial Intelligence: Decision Tree Algorithm Savvy Essay Writers

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Artificial Intelligence: Decision Tree Algorithm


Decision tree algorithm used extensively in every filed for instance Computer science (artificial intelligence and data mining), business case studies, finance and medical science. The decision tree helps to formulate the condition which can be used to draw conclusion and filter data sets easily. Use given data set and draw a decision tree using ID3 algorithm.

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Industrial Cyber Security Savvy Essay Writers

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Industrial Cyber Security

 Please do the research on the topic ( Advantech – WebAccess (SCADA) and complete the attached word file based on specific requirements.  It is one of the vendor for industrial cyber security. 

A key objective of any academic program is the refinement and reinforcement of strong communication skills. The same ability of a cyber security professional to compile information and present findings, observations, and recommendations in a clear, concise, and understandable manner is equally important. It is for these reasons that a requirement exists for the successful completion of this course to perform research and compile a technical paper centering on a specific automation vendor and their industrial solution offering.

The paper will focus on selecting a company and one of their industrial control system offerings. Solutions are often aligned to specific industry sectors and customer bases. These solutions should be understood to then look at vulnerabilities that have been disclosed targeting these systems. Equally important is the impact to the business operations of the end-user or asset owner should any of these vulnerabilities be exploiting – either intentionally or accidentally.

It is essential to evaluate the unmitigated risks associated with these vulnerabilities and develop a recommended list of actions that would help the asset owner in mitigating some of these risk in order to improve the operational integrity of their cyber-physical systems.

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Task 3-2 Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Task 3-2


Family History

Taking a family history is an important step in determining current and future health needs and education. There are many tools available to complete a comprehensive health history. The Surgeon General’s Family Health History tool is part of the larger Family Health History Initiative that encourages people to talk about and write down health issues that seem to run in the family, bringing a larger focus on this important issue. This assignment allows the learner to use the tool and become familiar with this initiative.

General Guidelines:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • This assignment uses a rubric.      Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become      familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to      use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is      located in the Student Success Center.
  • This assignment requires that at      least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and      at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
  • You are required to submit this      assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
  • Use the Surgeon General’s Family      History Tool at (      to complete this assignment.


Use the Surgeon General’s Family History Tool ( to document your own family history. (Kristine, I am African American and my family history is Diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.)

Designate a proband for the pedigree with a disease or condition of interest.

Write a 750-1,000 word summary of your findings. Include the following information:

1. Discussion of the heredity patterns discovered.

2. Evaluate the risk of transmission to other/new family members.

3. Propose the feasibility of using this tool in your own practice.

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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