meets Student Learning Outcomes required by the ACGM 2015 on Critical Thinking and Teamwork
The class will be randomly assigned a team of 3 or more students. Within a team, each team member will select 1 work of art from an approved professional art gallery. The team will be creating a PowerPoint with images of each of these art objects.
The team will attempt to contact one another via eCampus. You do not all have to all visit the same gallery website.
The assignment can be completed by merging the individual team members’ PowerPoints together through the TEAM GALLERY CRITICAL REVIEW GROUPS tab. Under this tab and your selected group, you will see GROUP TOOLS including:
· SEND EMAIL (allows you all to communicate with your group only through eCampus)
· FILE EXCHANGE (allows you to upload your partial PowerPoint for others to add to)
· GROUP TASKS (allows each of you to set tasks and deadlines for the group).
Each student will need to complete the following three levels of discussion for their selected piece: Description, Analysis and Interpretation. As part of the Interpretation, each student will need to write a brief comparison/contrast between their selected artwork and at least one other team member’s selected artwork. See rubric below and PowerPoint template on eCampus for more details.
Description 30 % of points earned________
Write the title of the artwork being discussed, the artist’s name, year created, name of gallery, estimated size of the piece, and a description of the piece. In the description, create a visual image with words.
Analysis 40 % of points earned________
Based on the description provided in the introduction, analyze the artist’s intent or message within the work of art. Provide notated research if needed (the gallery may have more info online, and/or the artist may have a personal website.) to further interpret the background of the artist and the era in which it was created. The innovation and expression of ideas of the artist should be better understood through this research. Discuss the Visual Elements and Principles of Design. Which Visual Elements and Principles of Design are present in this work of art? Provide specific explanation.
Interpretation 30% earned ________
Discuss the content of the piece. Why was it created? Does it have a narrative or discuss social issues? What emotional feeling is present? Summarize your reaction to this art object.
Compare and contrast this work of art with at least one other team member’s chosen artwork.
Look for these VISUAL ELEMENTS:
visual tools an artist uses to make a work of art
1. Line: Lines can show outline, imply a third dimension, show direction or movement
2. Shape, Volume, & Mass: Shape refers to 2 dimensions, for instance, a square. Mass refers to a sense of bulkiness and/or 3 dimensions, for instance, a cube. Volume refers to containing height, weight, and depth.
3. Light & Value: Light reveals form. Where is the light source? What is the range of values, from light to dark, in the art you are reviewing?
4. Color: How does the artist use color in the art object you are reviewing? Is it the primary colors only? Is it emotionally soothing or jarring?
5. Texture and Pattern: Does the art object you are viewing have actual texture, could you feel it? Or does it have implied texture, suggesting that it is smooth or rough? Does it have an overall pattern on the surface?
6. Space: If your object is architectural or sculptural, it will have 3-dimensional space. Try to describe the space. If your object is two dimensional, how does the artist imply space, for example, through linear perspective, overlapping of objects, smaller or larger objects, or atmospheric perspective?
7. Time and Motion: Does the art object imply time or a succession of events, for instance, a sunset, or motion, for instance, a sculpture that moves?
the organization of the composition or design of the artwork
1. Unity and Variety: Unity is a sense of oneness in the art. Variety maintains interest or diversity in art
2. Balance: Symmetrical balance occurs when both sides of the art object are similar in size or shape. Asymmetrical balance occurs when the two sides are quite different in the appearance of the objects in the art.
3. Emphasis and Subordination: How does the artist draw your eye to the center of attention of the art object? Is there a focal point? How does the artist make the rest of the artwork subordinate to the center of interest?
4. Scale and Proportion: Scale means size in relation to a standard or “normal” size. Proportion refers to size relationships between parts of a whole, or between two or more items perceived as a unit. Sometimes these are deliberately incorrect, as in Hierarchal Scale in the art of antiquity.
5. Rhythm or Repetition: The repeated use of a color, shape or line to create expression
Who is on your team?
To find out who is on your team, click on the tab to the left “TEAM GALLERY CRITICAL REVIEW GROUPS”. You will see your group and possibly a link for the whole class. Click on your Group/Team. Then you will see everyone’s name on your team, and you will be able to email each other through the functions on that screen, and share files with each other.
I know group or teamwork can be scary and/or frustrating, but you will be evaluating your group afterwards, so be the best team player you can. The only thing you have to do together is combine your parts together, compare your work to another teammate’s work selected in one of the sections of the assignment. Then, one of the team members will need to upload the finished team PowerPoint for the whole group. (This should only be submitted as a PowerPoint)
What is a Gallery? Where can I go?
Art museums and art galleries are two different types of entities.
The primary difference is that while one goes to an art museum to view art and learn about art from an educational or cultural experience; one goes to an art gallery to view art, discover new artists, possibly from the perspective of purchasing the art.
Most museums are funded by governments, foundations, and corporate and private donors, and they are operated on a non-for-profit basis.
Galleries seek to make profit and gain exposure for themselves and the artists they represent.
Art galleries, are usually small businesses or centers that exhibit art for the purposes of promoting and selling art. One would typically visit an art gallery to discover an artist, possibly with an interest in buying the art.
Art museums, on the other hand, are larger and are intended for education and cultural experiences. One would typically visit an art museum to view and study its permanent collection or to visit a touring exhibit of works on loan from another museum or institution.
For this Team Gallery Critical Review assignment, you may visit any of these gallery websites:
· For art galleries across DFW and the United States you can search this handy website:
· Make sure the website has all of the information about the works of art you need.
o A great example is Conduit Gallery:
· Make sure it is a gallery and not a museum.