Assume You Are A Maryland Resident And Medicaid Recipient Looking To Enroll In A Managed Care Plan, Review The Maryland Managed Care Savvy Essay Writers

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Assume You Are A Maryland Resident And Medicaid Recipient Looking To Enroll In A Managed Care Plan, Review The Maryland Managed Care


Assume you are a Maryland resident and Medicaid recipient looking to enroll in a managed care plan, review the Maryland Managed Care Website(s) at:

Assess and evaluate HealthChoice, Maryland’s statewide mandatory managed care program based on the following evaluation criteria. Please choose one (1) of the MCO’s under HealthChoice to evaluate (e.g., Maryland Physician’s Care).

Using the table format below, answer the questions (using a narrative format) in each section that appear in bold type. Please be sure to include a reference page.

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Part I – Paying for Hospital Services

Discuss (in about 2-3 pages) the advantage and disadvantage of the following hospital payment systems on cost containment and provider behavior:

  • Fee-for-service
  • Per diem
  • The DRG-based payment system (i.e., Medicare’s Inpatient Prospective Payment System)
  • Capitation

Part II – Paying for Physician Services

Using the background materials and the information you find from the literature and on the Internet, respond (in about 2-3 pages) to the following questions:

  1. Discuss the difference in Medicare payment methods for outpatient services and physician services.
  2. Discuss the difference between bundled payments and global payments.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Length: Write a 2- to 3-page paper, typed and double spaced, with 12 pt. Times New Roman font and 1-inch page margins. Use headers throughout the paper. This will aid you in not overlooking vital elements of the assignment and make the document easier for the reader to follow.

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Environmental Scan Savvy Essay Writers

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Environmental Scan

ources for your Environmental Scan: The Learning Resources list several listservs to which you can subscribe. You will need to conduct an Internet search for assessment and evaluation blogs. Do not assume that all blogs are equal; some are marketing tools by consultants that may not advance your knowledge. If you use websites as resources, be certain they are updated frequently and are not simply static repositories of information.

What to log: The purpose of a scan is to read and reflect on many sources of information. Realistically, however, you will not be able to reflect on all topics. Create your own heuristic technique for a simple tally of all topics that emerge; and in addition to that, select several topics to actually report on. Your report may take the form of synthesis of comments on these topics, or the report may compare and contrast the treatment of those topics on the different listservs and blogs. 

Topics can range from statistical tests to requests for proposals to rationales for external evaluators. Use the range of topics to educate yourself on evaluation vocabulary as well as professional-level discourse.

Quality of Work: At the doctoral level, a scan such as this should include your synthesis and interpretation at the professional level. You may want to refer to your bookshelf on research methodology to review standards for content analysis and discourse analysis. (Computer-mediated communication permits discourse between individuals and thus the research methodologies around discourse may be appropriate.) While this Assignment does not require that you identify a method, your written product should reflect research standards of validity, reliability, and fairness.

Your blog should also reflect the evolution of your thinking across the term. Thus, the assignment is constructed for observation and reflection across time. The Environmental Scan is not a snapshot of issues to be compiled at a single point in time. Rather, it will be the gradual accumulation of blog posts that will permit your interpretation of your topic to mature. 

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Co120 w7a Savvy Essay Writers

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Co120 w7a

Emotional Reactions 

For this assignment, you will write a paper  to discuss emotional reactions. In your paper, provide an illustration of a specific emotional reaction of a situation you were in. Then explain the emotional reaction using two different theories of emotions discussed in Chapter 7. Finally, provide an argument for which of the two theories offers a better explanation of the emotional reaction. Your paper should provide detailed analysis incorporating reading and textbook material. If outside sources are used, proper citation of the source should be included.

The goal of this assignment is to adapt your topic to the audience (your classmates), use a clear organizational pattern, and present an extemporaneous paper. 

  Wood, J. T. (2016). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters. (8th ed.).Boston, MA:

 Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781337089647

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recent environmental issues Savvy Essay Writers

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recent environmental issues

Recent Environmental Issues versus the Environmental Health Laws


The media are replete with examples of environmental issues exposing us to health risks. The growing concern of environmental issues is the reason why the environmental health laws, such as CAA and CWA, were introduced in the 1970s. There have been several amendments throughout these years.


Using your course textbook, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, research on examples of the following topics:


Environmental Issues that Have Occurred in Last One YearMajor Environmental Health Laws that Have Been Introduced in Past Ten Years


On the basis of your research and understanding of the topic, answer the following questions:


In the past one year, which environmental health issue is the most grave one and why?What is the role of various government agencies that are charged with enforcing and evaluating the impact of the law?How have the government agencies been able to assess the gravity of the issue?Which one is the most important environmental health law that has been introduced within the past few years and why?Analyze the intended impact of environmental health laws on your local community.What are the laws that were in effect, or should have been in effect, at the time when the environmental issue occurred?

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Memory Hack Review Savvy Essay Writers

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Memory Hack Review

The topic of bipolar disorders   Memory Hack Review is also extensively presented in books and novels. Patty Duke an academy award winning American actress used to be bipolar patient who has had bipolar attacks of disorder through out her life. She described the disease in her book and spoke about her struggle with disorder in numerous interviews. Kay Redfield Jamison, a well known psychologist was diagnosed bipolar disorder when she was 28, published two books, including her own experiences with the disease and analysis of interaction between illness and creativity. Other famous people also wrote about the topic and the way mental disorders influenced their life.

These four services are the ones we believe are minimally necessary to break the cycle of illness, arrest and incarceration, and recidivism. We believe these services – described in brief below – can be implemented quickly, cost-effectively, and with positive results. However, these services can only be effective if the programs that provide them are structured and staffed by people who understand and are prepared to address trauma as a risk factor for both mental health problems and criminal justice involvement. A trauma-informed system that features trauma-specific interventions can help ensure public health and public safety and transform individuals’ lives.

Forensic Intensive Case Management (FICM) is designed for justice-involved people with multiple and complex needs and features services provided when and where they are needed. FICM focuses on brokering rather than providing services directly, making it less expensive than ACT. For a brokered service model to be effective, communities must have adequate and accessible services to which individuals can be linked. What makes these services “forensic” is “criminal justice savvy,” that is, providers understand the criminal justice system and the predicaments of their clients involvement in it.

Mental disorders strike millions of people of any age, income, education level, or cultural background. Mental illness symptoms are described as any disorder or condition affecting human brain and influencing how a person thinks, feels, behaves and/or interacts with others. Although the symptoms and reactions can range from mild to severe and are different depending on the type and severity of mental disorder, a person with an untreated mental disorder often is unable to cope with life daily routines and demands, so the timely assistance of a mental health professional is necessary to manage the illness effectively.

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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HIM Savvy Essay Writers

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External standards, Regulations and Initiatives.




  1. Write a 2 page essay describing how external standards, regulations, and initiatives  impact the health information profession and HIM staff. You may want to consider the following questions as you are writing:
    • How do regulations and initiatives help the profession?
    • How might they give us new challenges?
    • How do we learn about them and understand what we need to do to respond?
    • Do they help to create new jobs? Do they eliminate jobs? Do they change jobs?
    • How does an HIM manager go about applying these to processes within the HIM department?
  2. Cite supporting materials from scholarly resources such as journals.
  3. Be sure to write a formal paper with an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.


Your paper should:


  • be 2 pages in length.
  • properly cite research sources.
  • be free of spelling and grammar errors.


Be sure to write a formal paper with an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. Format your essay in Arial 10 or 12 font and double space with APA format.

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Health policy Final Project Milestone Two: Factual Overview Savvy Essay Writers

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Health policy Final Project Milestone Two: Factual Overview

Description: For your second milestone in your final project, you will develop a factual overview of your chosen issue, addressing in detail the following elements:

** Chosen Issue : Immunizations**

  1. Describe the importance of the issue to the healthcare organization.
  2. Identify the key organizational stakeholders involved in the issue. Review the facts and consider whether any stakeholders are involved in the issue who
    may not be immediately apparent upon casual observation.
  3. Explain how key stakeholders played a role in shaping the health law and policy issue identified in the scenario.
  4. Identify potential legal risks and malpractice issues that apply. Be sure to provide evidence or examples to support your response.
  5. Identify potential value conflicts among key stakeholders. Be sure to provide evidence or examples to support your response.

Guidelines for Submission: Your factual overview should be 2 to 3 pages in length. It should be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. All citations and references should be formatted according to current APA guidelines.

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HA520 Unit 10 Discussion Savvy Essay Writers

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HA520 Unit 10 Discussion

Benjamin Schortgen  

Samantha Thompson 

Hello All

As a group we decided to do Case Study 2 on Bayview Surgery.

Ethical issues are problematic and healthcare institution should be transparent with billing for services. In this scenario it is hard to say where the unethical move lies, the surgical center who quoted her or the insurance who has little to no interest in getting to the bottom of the issue. The billing process is a sensitive one that goes in the way of services being rendered prior to a bill being complete. This is to keep issues for arising with extra services being needed but not paid for. Many patient don’t understand the billing cycle and how it works in a hospital facility. With that being said, it doesn’t mean that there should be no conversation or explanation. Helping a patient to understand what they are facing for their financial future is so important to standard of care, but also letting them know that we can’t give them a quote is also our ethical responsibility.

Variables in this scenario have to be thought of as well. What if the surgery had not gone as planned and more services were needed? This could include having a reaction to anesthesia or excessive bleeding. These are situations we hope don’t happen but have to consider. What if this ended up not being an outpatient surgery and she had to be admitted to the hospital? The encounter has to be closed before the billing can be sent off. The keeps things cleaner and closes the margin of error. 

 Benjamin Schortgen 

Our group (CJJB Consulting) decided to review scenario 1

Jennifer Rivers, Joshua Pardue, Courtney Canty, and Benjamin Schortgen

The Merriam-Webster dictionary’s primary definition of “fair” is, “marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism” (Merriam-Webster 2019).  A healthcare organization uses national standards to bill for services using a wide variety of standards and practices.  What they choose to collect, however, can be based on contracted pricing, capitation, and insurance bundling. 

The government requires uniform charging but not payments and self-pay patients have no bargaining power when it comes to the payments collected ( 2019). How CJJB consulting see this self-pay issue play out oftentimes is a bill being generated, and if a self-pay patient cannot afford the medical expenses, the charges are written off.

Legally, a not-for-profit organization must comply with government regulations and rules, in our opinion, this is unethical by the governing body, not the not-for-profit. Everyone wants “transparency” but in healthcare this remains difficult and convoluted.  The government requires a charge be generated, let’s say $1,000, but it reimburses the healthcare organization $400+ 6% for operating costs.  What entity can out bargain the United States government? Third party insurance companies have contracts pre-determined and let’s say they pay 77% of usual and customary +$20 for overhead.  This is still much less expensive than a self-pay patient who gets the full $1,000 bill after medical service is provided.

In this instance, if we were the ultimate authority on this, we would remove this government requirement of mandated pricing. Let hospitals charge what they want, but require they let people know up front what those costs are.  Competition in a market tends to drive prices down, not up, which can help in making services more affordable when self-pay patients are deciding how to move forward with their healthcare.


Hospital Billing Explained: AHA. (n.d.). Retrieved December 20, 2019, from

Fair. (n.d.). Retrieved December 20, 2019, from

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Discussion: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Different ANOVA Designs Savvy Essay Writers

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Discussion: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Different ANOVA Designs

Below are general types of ANOVA designs we will be reading about in this module. The differences in methodology are based on experimental design:

  1. One-Way Between-Subjects Design
  2. One-Way Within-Subjects (Repeated-Measures) Design

Debate the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of ANOVA designs with your classmates. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each from a statistical and practical perspective, and provide a real world example (one for each design) where each design might be used.

Pick one of your real-world examples and use your real world example to explain in detail, how the example you provided fits the design selected for that example. Make sure to discuss your:

  • Experimental design
  • Sample size
  • Number of variables
  • Number of levels for each variable
  • Why you chose the design you selected (between-subjects or within-subjects design)

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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