short eassy Savvy Essay Writers

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short eassy

1. As a sales manager for a baby food concern, you want to evaluate the ability of your representatives to obtain good shelf space in grocery stores. How would you do this? Before implementing this process, you call a meeting of your reps to explain your evaluation process to them. What would you say?

2.“Let’s face it. Our product is no different from that of 20 other competitors. It sells for the same price and for the same terms. We all give the same service. It really doesn’t matter to the buyer which of us gets the order. So the only way we can get an edge is through our aggressive entertainment and gift program. We work hard at making our buyers happy with us. They enjoy doing business with us.” Do you see any ethical problems involved here? What possible consequences are there to the company? What would you do differently, if anything?

3. What supporting points could be made over allocation of indirect marketing costs, by the proponents of each side, in the full-cost versus contribution-margin controversy ? Which of the two concepts do you advocate, and why?

4.If a company made a territorial volume analysis and found some subpar territories, how might these facts affect the following activities relating to salespeople?

a) supervision
b) compensation
c) training

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Professionalism Savvy Essay Writers

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 1. 250+ word count 

Define professionalism. What behaviors and skills are needed for effective professionalism in the workplace? What professional behaviors and skills are essential to the work environment in a nursing home?

2. 250+ word count  

Observe a team in practice within a nursing home. Reflect on the group’s communication and cooperation. How well did this group interact as a team? Are there areas that could be improved? 

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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HA520 Unit 5 Discussion Savvy Essay Writers

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HA520 Unit 5 Discussion

In at least 150 words Using two of those references answer the following 


Library Articles:

Coyne, J. S., & Singh, S. G. (2008). The early indicators of financial failure: A study of bankrupt and solvent health systems. Journal of Healthcare Management, 53(5), 333–345.

Kaufman, K. (2008). Managing risk in a challenging financial environment. Healthcare Financial Management, (8), 45–50.

Schuhmann, T. (2008). Hospital financial performance: Trends to watch. Healthcare Financial Management, (7), 59–66.

Shoemaker, W. (2011). Benchmarking boon: Tapping public available data to improve performance. Healthcare Financial Management, (8), 78–92.

Optional Textbook:

Finkler, S. A., & Ward, D. M. (2006). Accounting fundamentals for health care management (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Chapter 7: “Reporting Financial Information: A Closer Look at the Financial Statements”

Chapter 8: “The Role of the Outside Auditor”

Chapter 10: “Inventory Costing: The Accountant’s World of Make-Believe”

Chapter 11: “An Even Closer Look at Financial Statements”

Chapter 12: “Notes to the Financial Statements: The Inside Story”

Chapter 13: “Ratio Analysis: How Do We Compare to Other Health Care Organizations?”

What is the key difference between financial statement analysis and operating indicator analysis? How are these types of analyses useful to healthcare managers and investors? Consider a healthcare organization with which you are familiar and discuss what are some of the problems or challenges inherent in financial statement analysis? 

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Case Study 3: Missed Opportunities Savvy Essay Writers

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Case Study 3: Missed Opportunities



 “Missed Opportunities”,

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

1.        Examine the pros and cons from the perspective of Crestview Hospital of the placement of its new billboard directly adjacent to Briarwood Medical Center. Interpret the reaction of customers and other community stakeholders to the billboard postings.

2.        Use competitive marketing entry strategies to suggest the action that Briarwood Hospital should undertake to counter the messages in the new Crestview Hospital Billboard postings.

3.        Recommend the marketing communication strategy or strategies that both Crestview and Briarwood Hospitals should employ. Justify why the Governing Board of both hospitals should take a proactive role in promoting and implementing effective marketing strategies.


4.        Assess the value of the various marketing research tool(s) that Briarwood and Crestview hospital could use to promote effective marketing communication strategies. Justify your response.

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Homeland Security Savvy Essay Writers

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Homeland Security

 Answer the below questions in pages or more. At least two references are required for each question. Use proper in text citation format in the latest APA guideline.

1.) What is your assessment of the “truth” about the definition of homeland security? In other words, what do you believe homeland security really is? Do you believe homeland security does, or should, focus exclusively on the threat of terrorism, or should it be genuinely “all-hazards,” including other man-made or natural disasters? What sense do you have thus far regarding how Pres. Trump would approach the issue of defining homeland security?

2.) On September 11, 2018, we will observe the seventeenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. If you were old enough to be aware and have some understanding, please share and describe your own personal experience and reflections of the 9/11 attacks: For example, you might describe your age at the time, where you were or what you were doing when you first heard of the attacks, your reaction or understanding of it then, and how that event has—or hasn’t—personally affected you since then. Or, perhaps your parents, older siblings, or other people close to you were affected in some profound way. Some of you may already have been adults, working in law enforcement, the military or some other career.

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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ARTS IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY: Research Project Savvy Essay Writers

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Your research project is to do a time-line from one period of  art that you studied this semester. You will need to break that era  into 9-12 sections and have an image to represent the section you are  discussing. Track it through the time it lasted.

Art Trend: Album covers (images etc)

Artist: George Condo

Use Microsoft PowerPoint

  • The art of George Condo
  • The history of album covers
  • The styles of Contemporary art  from 1950-2020

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It1 Savvy Essay Writers

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n this module, I include a file called Bisection Technique. I use an example similar to the textbook described in section 2.1.  I start to solve the example by hand and complete it using MATLAB. After reading the Bisection technique lesson 4 and section 2.1 of the textbook, answer the following discussion question in your own words. 

When running the Bisection method in lesson 4 (program 1.1), with a tolerance of 0.001 the answer is 1.3652 which is equivalent to p9 according to the table 2.1 from the textbook.  When running p13 in lesson 4 (program 1.2), the answer is 1.3651 which is equivalent to p13.  Which one of the answers do you think is the most accurate answer closest to the solution and why? Which of the two calculation methods do you prefer and why?  Elaborate in your answers.

file attached 


Lesson 4
Bisection Technique
To find a solution or root of an equation f(x) we can apply the bisection method, which is an
approximation technique to get closer and closer to the value of the root by dividing the
interval in half after each iteration.  The bisection method or binary search technique is based
on the Intermediate Value Theorem.  Suppose f is a continuous function on the interval [a,b]
with f(a) and f(b) of opposite sign, the Intermediate Value Theorem implies that a number p
exists in [a,b] with f(p) = 0.  The method calls for a repeated halving or bisecting of subintervals
of [a,b] and at each step locating the half containing p.
f(x) = x
has a root or solution in
[a,b] = [1,2]?
1)   Let’s check if f(1) and f(2) have opposite signs according to the Intermediate Value
f(a) = f(1)
= (1)
+ 4(1)
– 10 = -5
f(b) = f(2)
= (2)
+ 4(2)
– 10 = 8+16-10 = 14
The answer is yes, which means since f is continuous there must be a solution in the
interval [1,2].
2)   Let p be the solution we are searching for and let p1 be the first midpoint of [a,b] = [1,2].
= (a+b)/2 = (1+2)/2 = 3/2 = 1.5
= (1.5)
-10 = 2.375
3)   If
= 0
then p1 is the root or the solution, so p= p1. Done.
Otherwise, if
is not equal to zero, which is the case, we’re going to replace either a or b by
p1 to obtain a new interval closer to the root or the solution.  
How do we know which one to replace?  Simple.  The goal is to keep two intervals of which
their functions have opposite signs when we calculate the function
at these two intervals.  The
question to ask is rather which of the two
has opposite sign to the function
a)   If
have the same sign, then they don’t satisfy the Intermediate Value
Theorem.  We replace
, so the new interval that contains the solution p will be
[p1, b].
b)   If
have opposite signs, then they satisfy the Intermediate Value Theorem.  
We replace
so the new interval that contains the solution p will be [a, p1].

In our case,
f(a) which is f(1)
has opposite sign to
f(p1) which is f(1.5)
. We replace (
which is 2 by
which is 1.5).  The new interval that contains a solution is [a, p1] = [1,
Next we go back to step 2 and step 3 by repeating this process again to find the new
midpoint p2, check if p2 is the solution, if not obtain a new interval.
Let’s continue with steps 2 and 3.
Step 2:
a.   let p2 be the second midpoint of [a, p1] = [1, 1.5].
= (a+p1)/2 = (1+1.5)/2 = 2.5/2 = 1.25
= f(1.25) = (1.25)
-10 = -1.796875
Step 3:
Which of the two
has opposite sign to the function
Which of the two
has opposite sign to the function
= -5;    
f(p1) = f(1.5) = 2.375;  
f(p2) = f(1.25) = -1.796875
The answer is
f(p1) = f(1.5)
f(p2) = f(1.25), so we replace a by p2.
Therefore, the new interval that contains a solution is: [p2, p1] = [1.25, 1.5].
We repeat steps 2 and 3 again and again until
f(midpoint) = 0
or within a Tolerance, let’s
say 0.001 = 10
To do this we can use the MATLAB tool.  The following program 1.1 can be used to find
the root of the same function using bisection method with a tolerance of 0.001 = 10
%Program 1.1 Bisection Method
%Computes approximate solution of f(x)=0
%Input: inline function f; a,b such that f(a)*f(b)<0,
%     and tolerance tol
%Output: Approximate solution xc
function xc = bisect(f,a,b,tol)
if sign(f(a))*sign(f(b)) >= 0,

  error(‘f(a)f(b)<0 not satisfied!’)
%ceases execution
k = 0;
while (b-a)/2>tol
 if fc == 0              
%c is a solution, done
 if sign(fc)*sign(fa)<0  %
a and c make the new interval
 else                    %
c and b make the new interval
%new midpoint is best estimate
1.  Copy and paste this program in MATLAB in the editor window.  
2.  Save the program as bisect.
3.  To run the program, type the following in the command window:
>> bisect(@(x) x^3+4*x^2-10,1,2,0.0001)
@(x) x^3+4*x^2-10
represents the function
represents the interval
represents the Tolerance.
The output is:
ans =

The following MATLAB program 1.2 can be used to find the root of the same function
using bisection method with 13 iterations meaning that we will find the midpoint 13 times pn =
%Program 1.2 Bisection Method
function [x e] = mybisect(f,a,b,n)
% function [x e] = mybisect(f,a,b,n)
% Does n iterations of the bisection method for a function f
% Inputs: f — an inline function
%         a,b — left and right edges of the interval
%         n — the number of bisections to do.
% Outputs: x — the estimated solution of f(x) = 0
%          e — an upper bound on the error
format long
c = f(a); d = f(b);
if c*d > 0.0
   error(‘Function has same sign at both endpoints.’)
disp(‘           x                  y’)
for i = 1:n
   x = (a + b)/2;
   y = f(x);
   disp([    x     y])
   if y == 0.0     
% solved the equation exactly
       e = 0;
% jumps out of the for loop
   if c*y < 0
e = (b-a)/2;
1.  Copy and paste this program in MATLAB in the editor window.  
2.  Save the program as bisection.
3.  To run the program, type the following in the command window:
>> bisection(@(x) x^3+4*x^2-10,1,2,13)

@(x) x^3+4*x^2-10
represents the function
represents the interval
represents the number of iterations.
The output is:
  1.500000000000000   2.375000000000000
  1.250000000000000  -1.796875000000000
  1.375000000000000   0.162109375000000
  1.312500000000000  -0.848388671875000
  1.343750000000000  -0.350982666015625
  1.359375000000000  -0.096408843994141
  1.367187500000000   0.032355785369873
  1.363281250000000  -0.032149970531464
  1.365234375000000   0.000072024762630
  1.364257812500000  -0.016046690754592

   1.364746093750000  -0.007989262812771
  1.364990234375000  -0.003959101522923
  1.365112304687500  -0.001943659010067
ans =

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Human Resources Management Savvy Essay Writers

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Human Resources Management

What experience have you had with human resource professionals? Has it been generally positive or negative? Why?

Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”



Generally I have had positive interactions with HR professionals. I never wanted to avoid HR members so I have taken the time to meet with them and get to know them. Although I have had disciplinary actions from HR I understand that they had to do their job if I felt it was handled incorrectly I would speak with the HR professional in my department leader. So far everytime it has been rectified.

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4-2 Journal: Elder Justice Savvy Essay Writers

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4-2 Journal: Elder Justice



Review Chapter 6 in your text, The Aging Networks: A Guide to Programs and Services; review the website Elder Justice; and in a journal assignment, address the following:

  • What new or surprising information did you learn about elder justice?
  • How is elder justice a policy issue?
  • Do you believe that dying alone is elder abuse? Explain your thinking.
  • What are the implications of elder justice for community health?
  • How does the topic of elder justice intersect with your own life?

Cite from the text reading, the NCOA website, and the other course resources to support your responses.

To complete this assignment, review the Module Four Journal Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

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2 Discussion Posts (100 words each) Savvy Essay Writers

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2 Discussion Posts (100 words each)

Topic 1: Research in CJ

What is the importance of research within the confines of criminal justice? Give an example of a researched topic that has helped make advances in how some crimes are handled, i.e., Domestic Violence. (100 words)

Topic 2: Reflection

Take this opportunity to exchange any additional information and ideas relevant to this week’s Scenario Assignment. How will you use the scientific method of research to develop your hypothesis on the topic you will write about in your paper? (100 words)

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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