Graduate Student Success Discussion 6 Savvy Essay Writers

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Graduate Student Success Discussion 6

Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers.  

This week you will be sharing your personal brand and a video recording of your elevator pitch!

Share your Personal Branding Statement first. This should not be any more than 1-2 sentences. Next, share who you are “in the elevator with” and what job you hope for. This will help your peers identify with the context of your post and help them evaluate the effectiveness of your pitch. Also share what area(s) you want your peers to address when they provide feedback. Finally, you are to upload your video recording of your elevator pitch and be sure sure the recording works. This should not be any longer than 20 seconds. 

In your follow-up posts to your peers, discuss one strength and one area of opportunity for improvement.  Address how the strength worked in your peer’s favor.  Make sure to provide a specific suggestion on how to improve the area of opportunity. You may comment on topics such as;






Memorable nature

Information given during the pitch

Other things that stand out

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Week 02 Application Assignment – Case Study 2 Savvy Essay Writers

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Week 02 Application Assignment – Case Study 2

Read the case study “Consolidated Products” at the end of Chapter 3 and answer the questions at the end of the reading.




Consolidated Products is a medium-sized manu-

facturer of consumer products with nonunion-

ized production workers. Ben Samuels was a

plant manager for Consolidated Products for

10 years,and he was well liked by the employ-

ees.They were grateful for the fitness center he

built for employees, and they enjoyed the so-

cial activities sponsored by the plant several

times a year, including company picnics and

holiday parties. He knew most of the workers

by name, and he spent part of each day walk-

ing around the plant to visit with them and ask

about their families or hobbies.

Ben believed that it was important to

treat employees properly so they would

have a sense of loyalty to the company. He

tried to avoid any layoffs when production

demand was slack,figuring that the company

could not afford to lose skilled workers that

are so difficult to replace.The workers knew

that if they had a special problem, Ben

would try to help them. For example, when

someone was injured but wanted to continue

working, Ben found another job in the plant

that the person could do despite having a

disability. Ben believed that if you treat peo-

ple right, they will do a good job for you

without close supervision or prodding. Ben

applied the same principle to his supervisors,

and he mostly left them alone to run their

departments as they saw fit. He did not set

objectives and standards for the plant, and

he never asked the supervisors to develop

plans for improving productivity and prod-

uct quality.• high-high leader

• initiating structure

• Leader Behavior Description

Questionnaire (LBDQ)

• monitoring• Multifactor Leadership

Questionnaire (MLQ)

• participative leadership

• peer leadership

• planning• recognizing

• relations-oriented behavior

• supportive leadership

• task-oriented behavior

Under Ben, the plant had the lowest

turnover among the company’s five plants,

but the second worst record for costs and

production levels. When the company was

acquired by another firm, Ben was asked to

take early retirement, and Phil Jones was

brought in to replace him.

Phil had a growing reputation as a man-

ager who could get things done,and he quickly

began making changes. Costs were cut by

trimming a number of activities such as the

fitness center at the plant, company picnics

and parties, and the human relations training

programs for supervisors. Phil believed that

training supervisors to be supportive was a

waste of time. His motto was: “If employees

don’t want to do the work,get rid of them and

find somebody else who does.”

Supervisors were instructed to establish

high performance standards for their depart-

ments and insist that people achieve them.A

computer monitoring system was introduced

so that the output of each worker could be

checked closely against the standards. Phil

told his supervisors to give any worker who

had substandard performance one warning,

then if performance did not improve within

two weeks, to fire the person. Phil believed

that workers don’t respect a supervisor who

is weak and passive. When Phil observed a

worker wasting time or making a mistake,he

would reprimand the person right on the

spot to set an example. Phil also checked

closely on the performance of his supervi-

sors.Demanding objectives were set for each Consolidated Products

Consolidated Products is a medium-sized manu-

facturer of consumer products with nonunion-

ized production workers. Ben Samuels was a

plant manager for Consolidated Products for

10 years,and he was well liked by the employ-

ees.They were grateful for the fitness center he

built for employees, and they enjoyed the so-

cial activities sponsored by the plant several

times a year, including company picnics and

holiday parties. He knew most of the workers

by name, and he spent part of each day walk-

ing around the plant to visit with them and ask

about their families or hobbies.

Ben believed that it was important to

treat employees properly so they would

have a sense of loyalty to the company. He

tried to avoid any layoffs when production

demand was slack,figuring that the company

could not afford to lose skilled workers that

are so difficult to replace.The workers knew

that if they had a special problem, Ben

would try to help them. For example, when

someone was injured but wanted to continue

working, Ben found another job in the plant

that the person could do despite having a

disability. Ben believed that if you treat peo-

ple right, they will do a good job for you

without close supervision or prodding. Ben

applied the same principle to his supervisors,

and he mostly left them alone to run their

departments as they saw fit. He did not set

objectives and standards for the plant, and

he never asked the supervisors to develop

plans for improving productivity and prod-

uct quality.• high-high leader

• initiating structure

• Leader Behavior Description

Questionnaire (LBDQ)

• monitoring• Multifactor Leadership

Questionnaire (MLQ)

• participative leadership

• peer leadership

• planning• recognizing

• relations-oriented behavior

• supportive leadership

• task-oriented behavior

Under Ben, the plant had the lowest

turnover among the company’s five plants,

but the second worst record for costs and

production levels. When the company was

acquired by another firm, Ben was asked to

take early retirement, and Phil Jones was

brought in to replace him.

Phil had a growing reputation as a man-

ager who could get things done,and he quickly

began making changes. Costs were cut by

trimming a number of activities such as the

fitness center at the plant, company picnics

and parties, and the human relations training

programs for supervisors. Phil believed that

training supervisors to be supportive was a

waste of time. His motto was: “If employees

don’t want to do the work,get rid of them and

find somebody else who does.”

Supervisors were instructed to establish

high performance standards for their depart-

ments and insist that people achieve them.A

computer monitoring system was introduced

so that the output of each worker could be

checked closely against the standards. Phil

told his supervisors to give any worker who

had substandard performance one warning,

then if performance did not improve within

two weeks, to fire the person. Phil believed

that workers don’t respect a supervisor who

is weak and passive. When Phil observed a

worker wasting time or making a mistake,he

would reprimand the person right on the

spot to set an example. Phil also checked

closely on the performance of his supervi-

sors.Demanding objectives were set for each Consolidated Products

Consolidated Products is a medium-sized manu-

facturer of consumer products with nonunion-

ized production workers. Ben Samuels was a

plant manager for Consolidated Products for

10 years,and he was well liked by the employ-

ees.They were grateful for the fitness center he

built for employees, and they enjoyed the so-

cial activities sponsored by the plant several

times a year, including company picnics and

holiday parties. He knew most of the workers

by name, and he spent part of each day walk-

ing around the plant to visit with them and ask

about their families or hobbies.

Ben believed that it was important to

treat employees properly so they would

have a sense of loyalty to the company. He

tried to avoid any layoffs when production

demand was slack,figuring that the company

could not afford to lose skilled workers that

are so difficult to replace.The workers knew

that if they had a special problem, Ben

would try to help them. For example, when

someone was injured but wanted to continue

working, Ben found another job in the plant

that the person could do despite having a

disability. Ben believed that if you treat peo-

ple right, they will do a good job for you

without close supervision or prodding. Ben

applied the same principle to his supervisors,

and he mostly left them alone to run their

departments as they saw fit. He did not set

objectives and standards for the plant, and

he never asked the supervisors to develop

plans for improving productivity and prod-

uct quality.• high-high leader

• initiating structure

• Leader Behavior Description

Questionnaire (LBDQ)

• monitoring• Multifactor Leadership

Questionnaire (MLQ)

• participative leadership

• peer leadership

• planning• recognizing

• relations-oriented behavior

• supportive leadership

• task-oriented behavior

Under Ben, the plant had the lowest

turnover among the company’s five plants,

but the second worst record for costs and

production levels. When the company was

acquired by another firm, Ben was asked to

take early retirement, and Phil Jones was

brought in to replace him.

Phil had a growing reputation as a man-

ager who could get things done,and he quickly

began making changes. Costs were cut by

trimming a number of activities such as the

fitness center at the plant, company picnics

and parties, and the human relations training

programs for supervisors. Phil believed that

training supervisors to be supportive was a

waste of time. His motto was: “If employees

don’t want to do the work,get rid of them and

find somebody else who does.”

Supervisors were instructed to establish

high performance standards for their depart-

ments and insist that people achieve them.A

computer monitoring system was introduced

so that the output of each worker could be

checked closely against the standards. Phil

told his supervisors to give any worker who

had substandard performance one warning,

then if performance did not improve within

two weeks, to fire the person. Phil believed

that workers don’t respect a supervisor who

is weak and passive. When Phil observed a

worker wasting time or making a mistake,he

would reprimand the person right on the

spot to set an example. Phil also checked

closely on the performance of his supervi-

sors.Demanding objectives were set for each department, and weekly meetings were held

with each supervisor to review department

performance. Finally, Phil insisted that su-

pervisors check with him first before taking

any significant actions that deviated from es-

tablished plans and policies.

As another cost-cutting move, Phil re-

duced the frequency of equipment mainte-

nance, which required machines to be idled

when they could be productive. Because the

machines had a good record of reliable oper-

ation, Phil believed that the current mainte-

nance schedule was excessive and was cutting

into production. Finally, when business was

slow for one of the product lines,Phil laid off workers rather than finding something else

for them to do.

By the end of Phil’s first year as plant

manager,production costs were reduced by

20 percent and production output was up

by 10 percent. However, three of his seven

supervisors left to take other jobs, and

turnover was also high among the machine

operators. Some of the turnover was due to

workers who were fired, but competent

machine operators were also quitting, and

it was becoming increasingly difficult to

find any replacements for them. Finally,

talk of unionizing was increasing among

the workers. ■




1. Describe and compare the managerial behavior of Ben and Phil.To what extent does

each manager display specific relations behaviors (supporting,developing,recogniz-

ing) and specific task behaviors (clarifying,planning,monitoring)? To what extent

does each manager use participative or inspirational leadership?

2. Compare Ben and Phil in terms of their influence on employee attitudes,short-term per-

formance,and long-term plant performance,and explain the reasons for the differences.

3. If you were selected to be the manager of this plant,what would you do to achieve

both high employee satisfaction and performance?

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art in healthcare help Savvy Essay Writers

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art in healthcare help



Next month, the agency you work for is opening a sister office in a neighboring city. The Board has tapped you as Director for the new location, and you’re thrilled with your promotion. In your capacity as Director, you’ve recently hired several new employees. The latest hires are coming in for training next week, and you want to make sure they understand your vision for appropriate office culture.

On one hand, you want everyone to feel completely comfortable in their work environment. On the other hand, you believe that the best ideas are often the result of creative collaboration between peers, and that some conflict is an inevitability of this process. You’ve learned from your previous position that the best approach to leadership is clear communication of expectations. To convey your complex ideas to incoming personnel, then, you have decided to prepare a professional presentation to share at an upcoming orientation session.

Your goal is to present a “creativity constitution” for the new office. Fortunately, you’ve done something similar to this in segments at your old job. You have the relevant experience to draw on in generating strategies for enhancing both the art aesthetic and level of productivity at work. You also have exposure to methods of avoiding/resolving conflict as passionate ideas bump up against one another. This will surely prove useful in completing your upcoming task.

You have already decided to mimic your old boss and mentor, and to preface your constitution with a brief explanation of why the forthcoming presentation will prove to be so useful for each trainee. Next, for the heart of the presentation, you have deemed it essential to address the following core issues and questions:

  • How should new employees determine whether to display their preferred workplace art?
  • How should art be presented and understood when engaging on the topic with co-workers?
  • How should employees specifically approach each day and every item they encounter in the workplace and the world?
  • How will the creative talents of the employees be challenged while keeping their minds active for the creative process?
  • What activities and problem-solving systems can be utilized, and how will these systems benefit the staff and work environment?
  • What connections can be made between the employees’ level of happiness, stress, and morale to the elements of art and creativity?

You read over your list of questions, satisfied. As you close your laptop, you remember to apply another bit of helpful advice from your ex-boss: Whatever techniques and strategies I decide to recommend should be supported by a high level of thorough analysis.

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Two Different Questions Savvy Essay Writers

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Two Different Questions


Write an Intelligence Gathering Plan For this activity, design a passive and active intelligence gathering plan for an organization of your choice. Your intelligence gathering plan should identify the following:The target, How you would gather data, including what data you would look for, What tools you would use.  Repeat the activity, documenting how you would perform active intelligence gathering, including how you would determine network topology, what operating systems are in use, and what services are accessible. Remember to account for variables like wired and wireless networks, on-site and cloud hosting, and virtual versus physical hosts.

You may want to reference a resource like OSSTMM, NIST SP 800-115, or before you write the plan.

In your comments to classmates be sure to indentify what they missed or better tools or technicques that they could use.

Once you are done, use one or more of the references listed earlier to review your plan. Identify what you missed and what additional data you could gather.

Your plan should be at least 1 page (200 words).  



ONE page paper on        Zika Virus-  

Apa with references

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Anatomy And Physiology Revealed- Nervous Savvy Essay Writers

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Anatomy And Physiology Revealed- Nervous


Please review the identified anatomy dissections, histology images, and animations for the Module 07-09 Anatomy and Physiology Revealed (APR): Nervous module. Download the attached document, which contains the identified anatomy dissections and histology images that you are required to learn for your Module 07-09 Anatomy and Physiology Revealed (APR): Nervous module. 

Once you have reviewed the identified anatomy dissections and histology images, you will be required to take the APR quiz on this specific APR module of content.  You must score at least a 92% on it, but will have multiple attempts to achieve that score.  Once completed with the APR quiz, please submit the summary page to the dropbox to document your completion and score.  Please refer to the Student Resources in the left-hand course menu for instructions on how to take the APR quiz and submit your summary page.          

To access the McGraw-Hill Anatomy and Physiology Revealed, please follow the instructions listed in the Student Resources link in the left-hand course menu titled, “BSC2346L APR Login Instructions”. 

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Healthy Policy – Brief Analysis Paper: Local Medicaid Policy Savvy Essay Writers

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Healthy Policy – Brief Analysis Paper: Local Medicaid Policy

Review Box 11-1 (“Vignette”) in Chapter 11 of your textbook.(attached) Develop a strategy to help the governor evaluate whether to expand Medicaid and create a state-run insurance exchange.

Be sure to advise the governor on how to engage with key stakeholders. Explain the role stakeholders should have in shaping these policy choices. Your strategy should suggest an approach to resolving value conflicts among stakeholders.

Within the analysis, be sure to address each question in the given prompt and include the following elements:

  1. Your analysis of the issue or situation
  2. Your assessment of the impact on key stakeholders
  3. Your clear recommendations on a course of action or policy

Guidelines for Submission: Brief analysis papers should be 1–2 pages in length with one-inch margins, 12-point font, double spacing, and APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Assignment: Organizational Lapses Accident Report Savvy Essay Writers

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Assignment: Organizational Lapses Accident Report

For this assignment, you will select one accident from the list provided in the link below and identify two SMS principles that were missing from the organization that caused or contributed to the accident.

The National Archives Catalog: Search Results (Links to an external site.) (Select anything 1990 or later)
AS 408 Commercial Aviation Safety: Significant Aviation Accidents in History (Links to an external site.) (Select anything 1990 or later)

This report must be two (2) pages in length (one page for each SMS principle) and must include a title and reference page.

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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HELP THIS WORK HAS 3 PARTS Savvy Essay Writers

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Part One:

Compare and contrast the three different explanations of how vertical integration can create value. Include an argument for which explanation you think is best and why? HAS TO BE 150 WORDS.

Part Two:

Compare and contrast the three types of corporate diversification. Include a brief example of each strategy in your answer.

Part Three:

Write a 3 to 5 page paper (750 to 1200 words, not including the cover page and reference page) in APA format in response to the prompts below. Please click here to view the criteria by which you will be assessed for the achievement of the CLO for this unit.  Please use this APA Sample provided in Unit 1 to complete your assignment. This assignment will also assess the Institutional Learning Outcome of Critical Thinking. Visit the LIRN and find peer reviewed journal articles that support your positions in the responses. Write your paper in an essay format.

a.    Substitute the example firm from the Chapter 6 Problem Set 6.12 on page 184 with the company you selected in Unit 1, and explain why you would or why you would not recommend vertical integration.

b.   Examine the corporate Web site for your selected company and explain how you would characterize their corporate strategy. Are they following a strategy of limited diversification, related diversification, or unrelated diversification? [From Chapter 7, Problem Set 7.6 on page 214].

View eTextbook: Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts, 5th Edition

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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(IKEENA)500 WORDS DUE BY 24 HOURS Savvy Essay Writers

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 Hello       relating to the previous 2 pages can you assist with below 

“This progress report will be 2-pages, double-spaced, and should be broken up into 3 parts: literature review, work planned, and the APA-formatted citations of the source materials you have found so far (and plan to use in the final report). My goal is for each of the assignments in the course to directly relate to the final report.  My hope is that much of it will be able to be incorporated directly into your final report, for example, the literature review and citations.

In the “literature review” section, summarize the key sources that you have read. By going through this process now, you will save a lot of time later while putting together your Project Report.  Ultimately, you will create text that links all of the articles together in a seamless flow, but for now you are welcome to just summarize them separately.

The progress reports are intended for you to tell me how things are going. I need to see that you have been working on your project, but I do understand that sometimes your work may not pan out exactly as expected.

In Summary: 2 Pages, double-spaced, citations count towards the page count.

Use Times New Roman or Calibri font at 12pt.  Use 1-inch margins on all sides.  ” 

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Power Point Presentation (8 slides) Savvy Essay Writers

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Power Point Presentation (8 slides)

Please read the entire posting!!!

 Logic models may serve several purposes during the various stages of program evaluation.  

Create a power point presentation to present your own logic model for The Department of Family and Services evaluation plan.  


  • Create a PowerPoint or similar slideshow to display your logic model, other foundation, and related descriptions of your plan. It is not necessary to display the PowerPoint in the video. You should upload the file to your Feedback Group members. There is no required number of slides; it is possible that you will have just a partial slideshow to share at this point and that is acceptable as long as your peers see enough work to be able to provide feedback. At least some slides should use the assertion-evidence technique outlined in this week’s Learning Resource.

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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