Final Paper Topic Feedback-APA format 3 references Savvy Essay Writers

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Final Paper Topic Feedback-APA format 3 references


Please read below statement: IMPORTANT




In this discussion, you will propose three topics for your an assignment for this course.

In your first post, propose three health disparity topics that resonate for you and would consider as topics of your assignment. To be a good topic, each proposed topic should be

 Topics to be used: Vaccination, alcohol use, economic stability 

  • Narrow enough to have a single or modest number of causes.
  • Broad enough to be significant to the population being affected.
  • Important to you.


For each of the three topics that satisfy the above criteria, write one paragraph that includes answers to the following questions:

  • Which populations are most affected?
  • What you think are the most significant underlying causes of this disparity (e.g., health behaviors, social determinants, etc.) and how you think disparity can be ameliorated?
  • Which level of prevention (i.e., primary, secondary, or tertiary) is most appropriate and why?
  • How can theory be used to better understand and address the health disparity?
  • Why does this subject interest you, and why do you want to find answers?

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Homework 3 Savvy Essay Writers

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Homework 3


Homework Assignment – 3. Submit in your assignment folder.

Your work for an International Company which also has sales and service operations throughout the US is almost every major city. Your role includes monthly financial statement preparation for both internal and external purposes, and a liaison to the Information Technology group of your Company. Your boss, the CEO, comes to you and states that because he (she) travels extensively around the US and the world visiting the Company’s sales and service operations, that he (she) would like to do a study of what it would take to move the general ledger and financial reporting functions to the Cloud in the future. The goal of the CEO is to be able to access anywhere, anytime the general ledger and financial reporting functions online, real time, while traveling so that she (he) can review the results of the sales and service operations directors during these travels.

Prepare a 2-3-page double-spaced report, summarizing the opportunities and threats of your Company not only implementing this request by the CEO to the Cloud, but also the future monitoring and other opportunities and threats which the Company must deal with if it decides to proceed with such an approach. Your report should include a very well-constructed table summarizing the opportunities and threats.

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SG3 Savvy Essay Writers

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1. Identify the missing S, M, A, R,T part .

2. Offer a revision to the objective in which the missing part is added. 

Post the objective. Example: To stop teenagers from using smokeless tobacco, schools will institute campus-wide tobacco-free policies by 2016.

  1. Identify the missing part: 

This objective is not SPECIFIC because it does not state what you want to happen, where, and to whom.

  1. Offer a revision:

At least 90% of county schools will institute campus-wide tobacco-free policies by 2016. 

Topic: Children in Chicago will not be subjected to or witness violent acts. 


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reference Savvy Essay Writers

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What is an  Annotated Bibliography


An Annotated Bibliography is a working list of references—books, journal article, Online documents, websites, etc. that you will use for an essay, research paper, or project. However, each reference citation is followed by a short summative and/or evaluative paragraph, which is called an annotation. ( See sample attached).
Administrative Notes:
This assignment is listed on the syllabus as “Mid-term research paper” and is worth 100 Points ( 20% of your grade). Your paper will be an annotated bibliography, specifically focusing on the “Discretion” topic (i.e. Protecting proprietary information  ) in the context of protecting National Infrastructure.

Annotated Bibliography sample attached.  Internet have many other samples of what this document should look like.

You paper must be in correct APA format, use correct grammar, and will need to include at least FIVE (5) resources (articles) related to Discretion with their respective short summaries for each article.
ALL of which must:
1) Be current. Published within the last 5 years.
2) Must be from Peer-Reviewed-Articles. ( University Library ).
3) All articles related to Chapter 7 Discretion.

Remember that an annotation is not the same as an abstract. Abstracts are descriptive. Your annotations are to be evaluative and critical. Give me enough information for me to decide if I’m interested enough to read the paper, and also how you perceive the paper. Don’t go skimpy on these annotations, but DO NOT write too much here. Quality is far more important that quantity. This exercise is for each of you to demonstrate that you can identify, categorize, and digest multiple research papers. 

Every resource you choose must be peer reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous reviews. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a conference or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not simply assume that a resource is peer reviewed – check it out. 

Here are a few URLs with additional information: (I strongly suggest that you look at these. Closely.)    <<<< Check out the “Rules! rules! rules!” section

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Ds 4 part 1 Savvy Essay Writers

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Ds 4 part 1

Discussion 2: Group Processes and their Impact on Individual Behavior

Humans are influenced by other people. The effects of being socialized in a socio-cultural environment are profound and pervasive. In this Discussion, while taking cultural variables into account, you are asked to consider how group processes may impact individual behavior. For instance, how you conform in your social behavior is influenced by culture and may impact your decisions and your behaviors in many aspects of your life at work, at home, and at play. For example, in some cultures people may adhere to adages such as “the squeaky wheel gets the oil” which emphasizes the role of independent action whereas in other cultures, the adage group members are expected to follow “the nail that sticks out gets pounded down” which emphasizes the value of group cohesion over independence.

For this Discussion, you will examine the impact of group culture on individual behavior.

To Prepare:
  • Consider the following topics and select one topic for this Discussion: 
    • Romantic love/interpersonal attraction 
    • Obedience and conformity 
    • In group vs. out group 
  • Based on the topic you selected, search the Walden Library for an article related to your topic as well as related to culture, group processes, and behavior/cognition.
By Day 4

Based on the topic you selected, post and discuss the findings from your article and indicate how culture may affect individual behavior. Make sure to include group processes and behavior/cognition in your post.

Note: Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and identify current relevant literature to support your work.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

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Board2 Savvy Essay Writers

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The Redskins name and logo have been a point of controversy for several years. While some have no problem with the team’s name and logo, others find both highly offensive. Regardless of your opinion, imagine you are working in the marketing department of Native American Team names and have been tasked with generating idea regarding what marketing and public relations activities the team can conduct that will hopefully lead to improved public perception of the logo and name. Brainstorm at least 3 marketing/public relations tactics and elaborate on each of your ideas in 500 words.

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Order # 9601 Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Order # 9601

Title: Human resource management – Strategy and comparative – schrm Hartley case study 1350 words

Paper type Case Study

Paper format Harvard

Course level Undegraduate

Subject Area Management

# pages 4   ( or 1200 words Minimum)

Spacing Double Spacing

# sources 10

Paper Details

Human resource management – Strategy and comparative – schrm Hartley case study 1350 words by 11th December

> HRM student

Case is attached

More ppt in the second email.

Harvard reference at least 10 references

SCHRM Hartley case study Farnham 4e

> Hi,

> All coursework should be word processed, in an easy to read font such as Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman. Use a font size no smaller than 11 point and no larger than 14 point. Allow a reasonable amount of space within and between paragraphs, preferably using 1.5 line spacing. Above all, allow a decent size page margin all round, so that we have enough space to write comments Avoid the use of bullet points in the text unless absolutely necessary. Assignment 1 (the case study) should be written in report format (see further details under assignment 1 below):

> Read the Hartley Electronics Ltd case study that is reproduced as Appendix 1 at the end of this handbook. The case is Case Study 5.1 in Farnham, D. (2015) Human Resource Management in Context: Strategy, Insights and Solutions, 4th ed., London, CIPD, pp. 199-200, from which it has been reproduced by acknowledgement. For assignment 1, you are asked to take on the role of an external consultant and to write a report to the chief executive that:


> Read the Hartley Electronics Ltd case study that is reproduced as Appendix 1 at the end of this handbook. The case is Case Study 5.1 in Farnham, D. (2015) Human Resource Management in Context: Strategy, Insights and Solutions, 4th ed., London, CIPD, pp. 199-200, from which it has been reproduced by acknowledgement. For assignment 1, you are asked to take on the role of an external consultant and to write a report to the chief executive that:




> 1) identifies the main human resource problems facing the company and, more importantly,




> 2) provides a reasoned argument justifying whether the company should adopt a ‘best practice’, ‘best fit’ or resource-based view of the firm model of HR strategy to achieve a long-term solution to these HR problems.




> A few cautionary notes: things to avoid for this assignment




> You are not being asked to do the five tasks that follow the printed case study on pp. 200-201 in the Farnham book. Please address the two tasks given above for this assignment.




> Assignment 1 is intended to assess learning outcomes 2-7 inclusive. The assessment will be assessed generally in line with the generic university grading criteria for FHEQ level 6 work, which are reproduced for reference later in this unit handbook.




> Specific assessment criteria include the following.




> · Your report should demonstrate critical awareness of the three theoretical perspectives outlined above from relevant literature and how the perspectives can be applied to the case study.




> Further information. In the second part of your answer you should concentrate mainly on one preferred approach out of the three perspectives. However, you should initially justify why you are focusing on your chosen approach in preference to the other possible perspectives and indicate why you think this approach is more applicable to the case than the other two. After identifying what you think are the main HR problems (and why), provide a brief critical review of the potential advantages and disadvantages of each approach in relation to the case, provide a justification for choosing one approach. Then apply the approach to the case study, critically assessing how it may contribute to providing a long-term resolution to the HR problems you identify.




> In identifying what you consider to be the main HR problems in the first part of the task, it is preferable to discuss relatively few problems in greater depth than to discuss lots of HR issues superficially.




> · Your report should be no longer than 1,500 words max. (excluding footnotes and reference list) and include an accurate, actual word count.




> · Your report should conclude with a recommendation justifying a particular course of action, which should follow logically from your preceding argument.




> Further information. Remember that the assignment is essentially a report and should be written in report rather than essay format. For further general guidance see ASK Handout WA12a: Reports and essays – key differences, available from:


> (You do not, however, need to go to extremes of numbering paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, and please try to avoid using bullet point lists.)

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Building Your Benefit Plan Savvy Essay Writers

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Building Your Benefit Plan

 Building Your Benefit Plan 


A health insurance covers the costs of a variety of services that promote sound physical and mental health.

In this assignment, you will learn the key elements of building your benefit plan.


Respond to the following:

  • Evaluate the key factors that you would consider when developing the components of your health insurance coverage.

Support your assumptions by citing in APA format any reputable source material used for this discussion.

 Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation 

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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10 slide science power point Savvy Essay Writers

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10 slide science power point

Worldwide energy consumption varies dramatically, but the impacts are shared by all. The most commonly used fuel sources for energy around the world are the fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. Combustion of fossil fuels releases pollutants into the atmosphere, where the emissions from all countries combine to cause local, regional, and global issues. One of the primary pollutants of concern is carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide emissions are responsible for climate change, and governments around the world have taken steps to control carbon dioxide levels, but not all countries are successful in reducing carbon emissions.

While all countries produce pollution, and emit greenhouse gases, the emissions are greatly unequal across the globe. Consider what kinds of factors would determine how much energy is used by a country, a region, a household, or an individual. What factors would influence the fuel choices made by these people and institutions?

In this Assignment, you will be using knowledge you have gained from the Reading assignments in your textbook. You can also use the Library and other scientifically-based sources to support your assignment. Please keep in mind that Wikipedia is not considered a reliable resource.

Conduct research to determine the common fuel sources, sources of emissions, and applicable regulations of a country of your choice and create a PowerPoint presentation designed to educate your classmates.

  1. Define fossil fuels, non-renewable energy, and renewable energy. Provide examples of each.
  2. Identify a country that uses a fossil fuel as its primary source of energy.
  3. Discuss why the country continues to rely on fossil fuels.
  4. Provide examples of manufactured products or agriculture that are dependent upon fossil fuel use in that country. Consider the level of industrialization in the country and discuss.
  5. Discuss both the local and global impacts of the continued use of fossil fuels. Reflect on the environmental, human health, and economic concerns in both the long- and short-term. Be specific and detailed in your discussion.
  6. Identify at least one regulation or law that the country put in place to reduce or control emissions or air pollution. Discuss the regulation or law and what factors it is designed to address. How effective has this regulation or law been? Have emissions or pollution levels decreased?
  7. What solutions or new regulations would you implement in order to reduce fossil fuel usage in the country you chose? You can look to other countries around the world or the United Nations for examples of energy and emissions regulations.
  8. Global efforts are being made to reduce fossil fuel usage and pollution. Countries must work together to solve these problems. Analyze possible cultural differences and diversity concepts that would emerge if you recommended your changes stated above to another country? For example, what language barriers or religious and social differences would you encounter? Describe how countries can bridge cultural differences through strategic partnerships. 

A PowerPoint template is available for your use in creating this presentation. The template should be used as a guide only. Add your own wording into this template by writing over the existing information on each slide. The PowerPoint presentation should contain approximately 10 slides in total.

Information provided on the slides should be brief and bulleted. In the notes section, you will include your all your talking points as you would present them to your audience. Remember, you want to tell the story during the presentation rather than having your audience reading your slides along with you during the entire presentation. The Writing Center has an excellent resource on Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations:

The presentation slides should:

  • Include a title slide, introductory slide, in-text citations where applicable, conclusion slide and a reference slide.
  • Use images (with citations) as appropriate to create an effective and professional presentation.
  • Include short descriptions and labels. Do not write out full paragraphs of information on each slide.
  • Talking points that would be presented to audience are included for each slide (as appropriate).
  • Be free of industry jargon. Be mindful of your audience.
  • Use APA style for all citations.
  • Avoid plagiarism. Do not cut and paste directly from the source in the slides. Note: no more than 10% of your paper should be directly quoted from any outside source.
  • Utilize a minimum of three reliable resources.
  • Make certain that your presentation is free of grammar and spelling errors.

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Apply: Productivity Tools for Businesses Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Apply: Productivity Tools for Businesses


urpose of Assignment

In this assignment, you CREATE A MICROSOFT WORD DOCUMENT THAT ANTICIPATES the Week 5 assignment of the same name, “Individual: Apply: Productivity Tools for Business.” In that assignment you apply integrated office software and social media applications to create business opportunities and/or resolve specific business needs.

Assignment Steps


Create a WORD document that declares your intention regarding the Week 5 assignment, which is to “Create a 15- to 20-slide presentation on the benefits of using social media and cloud-based software to create, promote, and run a business. Include the following:

  • Research at least four different social media applications that can be used to establish, promote, and/or conduct business.
  • Explain the rationale and benefits to using them in the workplace, such as why or how they increase market share or productivity.
  • Describe the potential risks that a business should be aware of when considering using these tools.
  • Discuss any additional technology considerations that should be considered before using these types of tools.
  • Evaluate the benefits of using networking, cloud-based, and integrated software solutions to complete business projects, and provide two or three examples.
  • Discuss new technologies and trends that may impact future business solutions.
  • Explain how consumer or market changes help drive opportunities and updates in business workflows and productivity software use.
  • Discuss ethical implications associated with unsecured financial transactions, the potential leak of personal data, unsolicited communication, or other questionable activities.”

Your WORD document need only be one (1) page in length, and may be in outline form. The intent of this assignment is to let me help guide you regarding the Week 5 assignment.

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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