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Assignment 2: LASA 1 Principles of Persuasion

An environmental organization would like to film a pro-recycling public service announcement and have brought you on as a consultant to help them better understand the principles of persuasion and how they should be applied in this PSA. As part of your presentation to the organization you will need to educate them on the principles of persuasion (using what has been learned through previous research) that will need to be applied to their PSA. 

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150 words to in two hours Savvy Essay Writers

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150 words to in two hours



  1. Compare how artists from different cultures and periods of time represent the human form in works of art?
    1. Include artworks in your post and reference specific details from them as evidence of your ideas.
    2. Why do many cultures create idealized representations of the human form in their art?
  2. Think about the idealized bodies represented in contemporary visual culture.
    1. Might such images have the power to influence the way we look at and think about our bodies in life?
    2. What are examples of shifting perceptions of the human form in contemporary society?
      1. Reference at least two contemporary images.
      2. Include these images in your post and discuss specific details from them to support your claims.

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Unit 4 Assignment – Scholarly Article Review and Analysis Savvy Essay Writers

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Unit 4 Assignment – Scholarly Article Review and Analysis

Read the article found in Doc Sharing:

  • Anonymous. (2006).When to coach – and when not to coach; Strategies to help board performance. Development and Learning in Organizations, 20(5), 21.

A Scholarly Article Review and Analysis is a research paper that focuses on a particular article read and analyzed by the student. For each Scholarly Article Review and Analysis paper Assignment, you are to download the identified article, from Doc Sharing. You are to analyze the article based on content and accuracy to actual events that may be taking place in organizations.


You will conduct research into the professional and academic literature on this topic and write up a report of your findings. This report should be three to five double spaced pages in length and include at least three (3) referred or peer-reviewed references outside of those you have covered in the course (i.e. the textbook). All references and citations should follow APA format.


Directions for Submitting Your Scholarly Article Review and Analysis (SARA) Paper


Put your Scholarly Article Review and Analysis Paper in a Word document and save it in a location and with a name that you will remember. When you are ready to submit it, click on the Unit 4: Scholarly Article Review and Analysis Paper link under the Dropbox and follow the instructions. Make sure you save a copy of the paper you submit.

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Differential Diagnosis And Neurodevelopmental Disorders Savvy Essay Writers

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Differential Diagnosis And Neurodevelopmental Disorders

social work clinicians keep a wide focus on several potential syndromes, analyzing patterns of symptoms, risks, and environmental factors. Narrowing down from that wider focus happens naturally as they match the individual symptoms, behaviors, and risk factors against criteria A–E and other baseline information in the DSM-5.

Over time, as you continue your social work education, this process will become more automatic and integrated. In this Discussion, you practice differential diagnosis by examining a case that falls on the neurodevelopmental spectrum.

To prepare:

  • Read the case provided by your instructor for this week’s Discussion and identify relevant symptoms and factors. You may want to make a simple list of the symptoms and facts of the case to help you focus on patterns.
  • Read the Morrison (2014) selection. Focus on Figure 1.1, “The Roadmap for Diagnosis,” to guide your decision making.
  • Identify four clinical diagnoses relevant to the client that you will consider as part of narrowing down your choices. Be prepared to explain in a concise statement why you ruled three of them out.
  • Confirm whether any codes have changed by checking this website: American Psychiatric Association. (2017, October 1). Changes to ICD-10-CM codes for DSM-5 diagnoses. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from

By Day 3

Post a 300- to 500-word response in which you address the following:

  • Provide a full DSM-5 diagnosis of the client. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention). Keep in mind a diagnosis covers the most recent 12 months.
  • Explain the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the specific criteria for the diagnosis.
  • Identify which four diagnoses you initially considered in the case of the client, using the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria to explain why you selected these four items. In one or two sentences each, explain why three of these diagnoses were excluded.
  • Explain any obvious eliminations that could be made from within the neurodevelopmental spectrum.
  • Describe in detail how the client’s symptoms match up with the specific diagnostic criteria for the primary disorder that you finally selected for him. Note two other relevant DSM-5 criteria for that illness from the sections on “diagnostic features” and “development and course” that fit this case.

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one page assignment Savvy Essay Writers

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one page assignment

watch the video then answer the 3 questions below: 

1. What was it about the lecturer that you found most interesting?

2. What did you learn about their responsibilities or changes due to COVID that you did not know before their presentation?

3. If you were currently in their role, what would be the most challenging aspect of their responsibilities that you would have to face?

I expect you to completely answer the 3 questions.  I am looking for quality over a certain number of pages.  At the same time, enough content is necessary for me to qualitatively grade your effort.

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Dan Savvy Essay Writers

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You will pick one of the following topics only to do your paper on:

  • According to Socrates, must one heed popular opinion about moral matters?  Does Socrates accept the fairness of the laws under which he was tried and convicted?  Would Socrates have been wrong to escape?
  • Consider the following philosophical puzzle: “If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?” (1) How is this philosophical puzzle an epistemological problem? And (2) how would John Locke answer it?
  • Evaluate the movie, The Matrix, in terms of the philosophical issues raised with (1) skepticism and (2) the mind-body problem. Explain how the movie raises questions similar to those found in Plato’s and Descartes’ philosophy. Do not give a plot summary of the movie – focus on the philosophical issues raised in the movie as they relate to Plato and Descartes.
  • Socrates asks Euthyphro, “Are morally good acts willed by God because they are morally good, or are they morally good because they are willed by God?” (1) How does this question relate to the Divine Command Theory of morality? (2) What are the philosophical implications associated with each option here?
  • Explain (1) the process by which Descartes uses skepticism to refute skepticism, and (2) what first principle does this lead him to? (3) Explain why this project was important for Descartes to accomplish.    

What you are submitting now is your outline (not the full assignment) for your week 7 Philosophical Essay (not the actual paper – that is due in week 7). There is a Word file marked Outline Template for your use.  Please download it and use it for this assignment.

In two to three full pages you need to include the following:

I. Your rough draft introduction with a clear thesis. How to Write a Thesis Statement 

The following is an example (do not copy/paste and use) of a thesis statement/beginning introduction:

Thesis Statement:

In this essay I evaluate the philosophical puzzle: “If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?”  In my evaluation I explain that this question raises the epistemological problem of how a subjective experience, such as sound, relates to what can be known of reality. I demonstrate that this question is a puzzle because it exposes the limits of what we can claim to know based on sensory experience. Lastly, I will explain how the empiricist, John Locke, would evaluate and answer the puzzle.

II-IV. A list of three or more body paragraphs with transitioning sentences. This is just an outline of three or more body paragraphs.  You are not writing the entire paragraph here.  Just the outline.

For example:

I.  Discuss morality:

  1. Explain morality.
  2. Then a sentence that transitions to your next paragraph such as:  The next area for discussion is skepticism.

Your next paragraph outline like above and so forth.

V. Your rough draft of a conclusion

VI. Your Works Cited of at least three reliable/scholarly resources


  • Purpose: Clearly articulated thesis statement of appropriate scope that (1) tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the question, and (2) tells the reader what you intend to accomplish in your essay.   Body paragraphs with transitioning sentences. Conclusion. Works Cited in MLA formatting.
  • Support: List of three or more reliable/scholarly resources.    
  • Syntax, Style, Grammar, and Formatting: The writing contains sentences that are always complete and grammatically correct, and free of confusion and ambiguity. The essay follows MLA formatting and adheres to the additional guidelines detailed in the syllabus.    
  • Looking Ahead: The 4 – 5 full page (not to exceed 6 pages) Philosophical Essay you will be writing due Week 7 is designed to be a thoughtful, reflective work.  It will be your premier writing assignment focused on the integration and assessment relating to the course concepts.  It is 4 – 5 full pages of text. This does not include a cover page or a Works Cited page.


Supporting Materials

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Government Due in 2 hours Savvy Essay Writers

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Government Due in 2 hours


As we read in our lectures this week, philosopher John Locke asked: “If a man in the state of nature is free, if he is absolute lord of his own person and possessions, why will he give up his freedom? Why will he put himself under the control of any person or institution?”

John Locke’s answer was: “that the rights in the state of nature are constantly exposed to the attacks of others. Since every man is equal and since most men do not concern themselves with equity and justice, the enjoyment of rights in the state of nature is unsafe and insecure. Hence each man joins in society with others to preserve life, liberty, and property.”

In at least 400 words answer the following questions:

  • In your own words, what is freedom? (*Note: dictionary definitions of the word freedom will not be accepted)
  • In your own words, what is liberty? (*Note: dictionary definitions of the words liberty will not be accepted)
  • Does your definition of freedom agree with Locke’s definition of freedom? Why or why not?
  • Does your definition of liberty agree with Locke’s understanding of liberty? Why or why not?
  • John Locke argues that freedom and liberty are very different things. Do you agree or not? Why or why not?
  • Finally, how did these ideas of liberty and freedom connect to the creation of the Constitution?

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

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A3: Units 5 & 6 (The SupremeCourt And Civil Liberites) Savvy Essay Writers

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A3: Units 5 & 6 (The SupremeCourt And Civil Liberites)

Read Units 5 &6, watch the following videos and integrate them with lecture/discussion material and respond to the following questions (1-2 paragraphs per question).

1. Define and Discuss the concept of judicial review and its importance to our constitutional system.

2. Discuss the judicial selection process. What criteria do presidents use when selecting Justices on the Supreme Court?

3. What are civil liberties? Give some specific examples of the most important civil liberties.

4. Discuss Ted Nugent’s take on gun control. Do you think he has some good points or is he off his rocker?

5. Discuss 3 key events or developments in Civil Rights history that helped change the course of American history and politics.

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Oral Health of Americans Savvy Essay Writers

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Oral Health of Americans

Conduct a search for programs at the local, state or federal level that are addressing your chosen issue Oral Health of Americans and write a minimum 2250 word paper that:


Provides an overview of the program.


Classifies which of the three core functions and ten essential services this program addresses.


Describes the health education components of the program.


Identifies the social marketing elements of the program.


Summarizes information provided to the media regarding the program.


Addresses how the program deals with cultural competency or health disparities, including cultural and  ethical values that impact behaviors as they relate to the public health issue.


Explain the collaboration between stakeholders for program success.


Describes health policy recommendations that the program is aiming to develop or could use to advance the program.


Evaluates the effectiveness of the program through statistics or successes.


Identifies challenges within the program, including but not limited to reaching the target audience and funding.


Suggests next steps for the program, such as spin off programs based on the successes, or expansion to other areas of the community, state or nationally.




The paper should be at least 2250 words in length in

APA format.


Include the list of references from the annotated bibliography written during Unit 8, plus any additional supporting sources in APA format



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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Research Project (Part 1) Savvy Essay Writers

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Research Project (Part 1)

(This is the1st part of assignment, will ask for more in later weeks. (will be using the same person for future assignments.)

In this module (module 3), you will begin to compose data for a scholarly paper that relates to the technologies we are learning  about and how the solutions could assist in improving the business processes of an enterprise.

Project Submission 1 requires you to select a title for your project, choose five IS-related solutions on which to conduct research during later modules, and build a four-page, ‘barebones’ template in current APA style format. The template that you create in this module will become a working document and end up as your final paper submission in Module 8.

The document that you submit for this project submission should consist only of a

  • Page 1: Title page
  • Page 2: Abstract page with only the centered word “Abstract” (no bold font)
  • Page 3: Body of text page that contains only the list of your five IS-related solutions followed by only the centered word “Conclusion” in bold font
  • Page 4: Reference List page with only the centered word “References” (no bold font)

Detailed Instructions:

Title Page (Page 1): Page one of your ‘barebones’ template is a properly formatted APA style title page. The title page contains a page header that includes the words “Running head:” in ‘sentence case’ as shown in the quotation marks. The title of your paper (also known as the running head) is presented next in UPPERCASE letters following the words Running head:.” The page number is placed at the right-side tab location on the same line as the title of your paper. All the following pages will only present the title of the paper in all UPPERCASE letters, without the preceding words “Running head:.” The page numbers will be included in the page headers in a similar manner as presented on the title page.

Abstract Page (Page 2): Only the centered word “Abstract” (NOT in bold font) is presented on this page in this assignment.

Body of Text Page (Page 3): Page three of your template should contain only a list of the five IS-related solutions that you selected from the thirteen IS-related solutions provided. In later milestones, you will replace the titles in the list with centered titles and the IS-related solution data.

Conclusion Section: Center the word “Conclusion” in bold font after the list of the five IS-related solutions that you selected on the body of text page. You will fill in the conclusion data when you finish composing the final draft of your document in the last research project assignment.

Reference List Page (Page 4): Only the centered word “References” (NOT in bold font) is presented on this page in this assignment.

5 chosen IS-related solutions: 1. Cloud Computing, 2. Database Management System (DBMS), 3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM), 4.Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), 5. Supply Chain Management (SCM)

In attachment is APA style template that the professor gave us.

Another attachment is an explanation for the entire research project. 

This part is only for project 1 (Module 3)

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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