15 slides due in 20 hours Savvy Essay Writers

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15 slides due in 20 hours

 Instructions: Assume that you are a staff officer within the Department of Homeland Security and must provide a briefing on the future transportation security of the United States to a new political appointee. In a PowerPoint presentation, predict future security requirements and the level of security of the United States transportation network. Discuss technological advances as well as other changes you see fit. At a minimum, address the following:

Ground transportation security concerns
Aviation transportation security concerns
Maritime transportation security concerns
For each category, identify specific examples to illustrate your findings. Provide recommendations for mitigating risks in the future to avoid potential threats.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Support your presentation with at least seven scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 15- slides (with a separate reference slide)
Notes Length: 200 words for each slide

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.

Number of Pages: 1 Page

Page Line Spacing: Double spaced (Default)

Number of Slides : 15 slides

Deadline: 20  hours

Academic Level: Post-graduate

Paper Format: APA 

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Typical Healthcare Risks Savvy Essay Writers

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Typical Healthcare Risks


You have established the risk management context. Using the 2nd step in the risk management process is necessary to identify actual and potential risks, their consequences, mitigation strategies, barriers, and prevention. Then you can determine risks that must be managed. Select a specific risk from the following:

  • Accidents
  • Injuries
  • Falls
  • Medical error
  • Human error

Decide approaches for identifying risks such as brainstorming, brainwriting, interviews, reviewing reports (patient records, committee reports, incident reports etc.), and conducting root analysis.

  1. Determine who should be involved in the process.
  2. Decide the scope of the risk, consequences, mitigation strategies, prevention, and barriers.
  3. Identify the type of information required.
  4. Establish a risk register and document identified risks.

Identify 2-3 sources for your report.

Submit a 5-page report to management.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

  • Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
  • Length: 5 pages minimum
  • Abstract: This is a summary of your paper, not an introduction. Begin writing in third person.
  • Body: This begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
  • Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

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STAT PROJECT 3 Savvy Essay Writers

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Project#3– Methods of Quality Improvement

Individual Project

The data set shows 48 samples (for 48 hours) of size n=7 collected to test the production process of a filling machine for soft drink bottling.  The target filling is 20 fluid ounces.

Your tasks:

Select a random sample of 24 hours of data.  [Feel free to do it manually, if you cannot use the sample selection procedure in the software. ]                  Using the sample data, accomplish the following:

Part 1

1.     Construct an xbarchart.  Need to use graph paper.

2.     Calculate and plot the centerline and upper and lower control limits for the charts.

3.     Calculate and plot the A, B and C zone boundaries of the x-bar chart.   

4.     Plot the 24 sample means on the x-barchart.

5.     Based on x-bar findings, is the process under statistical control?  Explain and justify your answer.


Part 2

6.      Construct an R-chart. Need to use graph paper.

7.     Calculate and plot the centerline and upper and lower control limits for the charts.

8.     Calculate and plot the A, B and C zone boundaries of the R-chart.   

9.     Plot the sample ranges on the R-chart.

10.  Analyze the pattern of the R-chart.

11.  Based on R-chart findings, is the process under statistical control?  Explain and justify your answer.


Part 3


12.  Theoretically, what is the difference between x-bar chart and R-chart? Explain briefly.

13.  How are they used?  That is, what is their purpose? Explain briefly.


Part 4


14.  Compare the findings from your x-bar chart and R-chart.

15.  Explain why rational sub-groupings are used in constructing control charts?

16.  What are the major findings from the study? Explain briefly.

17.  What are your conclusions from the study?  Explain briefly.




Submit your findings and analysis in a report format (used in Project 1).  



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Discussion: Supplementing Actual Flight Training with Time in the Simulator Savvy Essay Writers

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Discussion: Supplementing Actual Flight Training with Time in the Simulator

Many DOD components are accomplishing more training in the simulator instead of the aircraft due to limited financial resources and the benefit of reduced wear and tear on aging aircraft fleets. Commercial airlines do much of their initial training and their recurring training in the simulator. Cover the following points in your posts.

  • Where do you stand on the premise of supplementing actual flight training with time in the simulator?
  • Be sure to identify the positive and negative aspects of replacing actual flight time with simulator time.

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Research Project Topic: Stock Market In this course you will be required to research the stock market and become familiar with stock market performance indicators. You will also take part in a simulation to see just how good of an investor you can be. I Savvy Essay Writers

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Research Project Topic: Stock Market In this course you will be required to research the stock market and become familiar with stock market performance indicators. You will also take part in a simulation to see just how good of an investor you can be. I


Research Project Topic: Stock Market

In this course you will be required to research the stock market and become familiar with stock market performance indicators. You will also take part in a simulation to see just how good of an investor you can be.

It is important to note that you will be monitoring your stocks for a six-week period. You must begin now so that you will have time to complete all parts of this assignment. Plan ahead!

The problem: You have just inherited $100,000 from your millionaire great-uncle. The stipulation is that you must invest it in the stock market until you turn twenty-one. First, you must familiarize yourself with the stock market and then decide what some good investments might be.

Your assignment: Follow the research guidelines explained later in this section as you research and respond to the following questions. You will complete this project in four separate parts. Your findings for each part should include and address each of the proposed questions. You will submit each part as instructed on page 15.

Part 1:
Research: Learn the key terms and basic functionality of the stock market.

  1. Research the stock market. What is a stock? What is a share? What is an exchange? Identify the various exchanges where stocks can be traded and discuss their similarities and differences (i.e. NYSE, NASDAQ). What types of companies are traded on each?
  2. Research stock market performance indicators, such as the DOW Jones and S&P 500. What do the indicators measure? How do they help predict the performance of the market? What are their flaws?
  3. Research the sectors of the market. Identify three companies in each sector.
  4. Research companies in which you would invest. What characteristics do they have that make them good prospects? In other words, why might you choose to invest in each one of them?
  5. Compile the answers to these questions in a research report consisting of four to five well-developed paragraphs. This will be the first part of your Research Project.
  6. Make sure you give credit to the sources you use. (See information later in this section for citing examples.)

Part 2:
Invest: Choose 5–10 companies of your choice to invest your $100,000. Now apply what you have learned about the stock market to the Stock Market Game; complete a six-week stock market game simulation.

  1. The following two websites ( http://www.howthemarketworks.com and http://www.WallStreetSurvivor.com) have stock market simulation games and you will have the choice of which one you would like to use. You will have to sign up for a free account in order to start this project.Make sure you visit both sites and pick which one you would like to work with. When selecting your game, you will have the option to join a class or play individually. Select play individually.
  2. Be sure to read the directions on how to play the game, and go to the help screen if you ever have questions. Be sure to contact your teacher if you have any problems with the website or the game.
  3. While playing the game, be sure to stay active. You will want to check your stock’s progress DAILY and follow the news to get information on your company.
  4. Give a weekly report for as long as you play the game for your companies. For at least four of your companies, write a weekly summary on the business, earnings statements, or any news having an impact on your company’s share prices. Create a table with a report summary for each company for each week during the six-week period.
  5. Include your reports and summaries in the second part of your Research Project.

Part 3:
Draw Conclusions: After you complete the simulation, you will compile a report on your achievements of the game.

  1. Did you have overall positive or negative earnings (list the total portfolio amount)?
  2. What was your most profitable stock? If you did not have any that made you money, which company lost the least?
  3. What company cost you the most money?
  4. How many transactions did you make throughout the game, and what was the dollar amount that the transactions cost you?
  5. Did the transactions have positive or negative externalities on the outcome of your game?
  6. What was the economy’s overall performance during these weeks?
  7. Write an overall analysis that discusses your stock investments as well as a general trend you might have noticed in the stock market as a whole. Your analysis should be three to four well-developed paragraphs. This will be the third part of your Research Project.
  8. Make sure you give credit to the sources you use. (See information later in this section for examples.)
  9. Part 4:
    Make Inferences: Discuss what you have learned from this activity.
    1. Based on your findings, where do you think you might invest the money left to you by your great-uncle?
    2. Can you think of any other influences that might affect your decision on where to invest your money?
    3. Identify the things you learned about the economy by participating in this simulation.
    4. Did you like playing the game, and would you recommend it to others?
    5. Respond to these questions in three to four well-developed paragraphs. This will be the fourth, and final part of your Research Project.

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Topic numer 2 Savvy Essay Writers

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Topic numer 2



Length:  1300-1600 words (However, the length of this paper matters much less  than the quality of your argument and your understanding of the course  material.)

For  your final paper in this course, you will present your position on a  question and defend your view with reasoning. Then, you will present an  opposing view and reasons in favor of it, then respond to that opposing  view. These elements form a complete philosophy paper.

Please  note that this essay will be submitted through SafeAssign, which  automatically checks for plagiarism. If you are caught plagiarizing, you  will automatically fail the course. This assignment does not require,  or allow, consultation of outside sources, such as websites. You are  being graded on your own understanding of the assigned readings,  lectures, etc. If you have questions and do not understand the material,  you should consult your Instructional Associate and/or discuss your  questions within your discussion section

For  this essay, we provide you with three options to choose from. Select  ONE of the following prompts to write your final paper. If you have  questions about the prompts, please ask your instructor, since  understanding the prompts is key to success on this assignment. Before  you begin writing, look over the rubric categories and what to aim for,  since that will help you know what an “A” paper looks like.

  1. Think  about Stewart’s pragmatist definition of learning as something that  results from the disruption of and challenge to our habits (unconsidered  beliefs) and also think about Durkheim’s conception of education as the  process of imposing social facts on the individual, which if  successfully transferred, then become habits. [You may want to go back  and listen to those lectures again.] Given these conflicting ideas about  learning and education, what do you think the education system should  look like and how should teaching be designed? That is, should education  and teaching impose habits (a la Durkheim) or break them (a la  Stewart), or should it do both in different contexts? In answering this  question, demonstrate your understanding of Durkheim’s and Stewart’s  views. Remember that you will need to consider an intelligent opposing  viewpoint, so make sure your viewpoint is debatable and something with  which another philosopher could disagree.
  2. Do  science and religion give us the same kind of knowledge, thus competing  with one another, or do they give us different kinds of knowledge, and  function in different and complementary arenas? This debate draws on the  essays we read by Galileo and Hume. [You may also find it helpful to  read ahead in McFague’s essay.] Specifically, Galileo argues that  science and religion provide different kinds of knowledge and do not  compete, while Hume evaluates religion on empiricist grounds (those used  in science) and finds it lacking. Take a position on this question and  defend your view with logical reasoning. Demonstrate that you understand  Galileo’s and Hume’s views (and McFague’s if you choose to engage with  her). Remember that you will need to consider an intelligent opposing  viewpoint, so make sure your viewpoint is debatable and something with  which another philosopher could disagree.
  3. Given  what you now know of Peirce, Bacon, Kuhn and Polkinghorne, which one of  their positions, with respect to the universality and objectivity of  the scientific method, is more convincing to you? After stating your own  position, engage with an intelligent opposing position to your own in a  thoughtful and respectful way.

For  this essay, first (1) state your own position on the issue you chose,  (for example, if you are writing about the third topic choice above, you  must choose one of the philosophers’ positions (Peirce, Bacon, Kuhn, or  Polkinghorne) on the question of whether or not the scientific method  is universal and objective) then, (2) generously present an opposing  view or potential critique of your own position (i.e. without making the  opposing view look weak or silly; it should be something that an  intelligent person could believe). In this presentation, provide some of  the reasons an opposing view would make sense, and finally (3) respond  to the opposing argument with reasoning and evidence (perhaps by showing  why your own position is still right or better, or by modifying your  position based on your opponents’ argument). That is, this assignment  asks you to thoughtfully and respectfully present a position you do not  agree with, provide some of the logical reasons why an intelligent  person might hold such a view, and then thoughtfully engage with those  logical reasons. In the third section of the paper (responding to the  opposing argument), you may conclude that your own position was too  simplistic or was mistaken in some way and adopt a new, revised  position, or you may continue to hold your original position and defend  it against the objections of your opponent.

In  this essay you must use rational argumentation and support your claims  with evidence and logic. It is not enough to say that your position is  correct because you want it to be, or that’s your experience of the  world, or it’s how you see things, or it just seems right to you. In  academic work those are not sufficient reasons to take a position. You  must draw on things like logic (does ‘b’ follow from ‘a’ as the author  claims it does?), textual evidence (what does Hume say on page 34 and is  it right, logical, and consistent with his other claims?) and external  evidence. This last category (external evidence) is the most dangerous  category. Certain kinds of things might seem like appropriate evidence  to you but they will not meet the standards of academic work in this  context. In a literature class, a novel might be sufficient evidence for  a particular type of claim, but if you are making an argument about how  knowledge works in a philosophy paper I will not find literary sources  (even the Bible) particularly convincing. The same goes for websites and  blogs, political commentary, your personal experiences and anecdotal  evidence, folk wisdom, etc. The distinguishing factor is whether a  source has authority that can be widely recognized by educated and  intelligent people. If a person does not have authority to speak on a  particular topic (if they do not back up their claims with evidence, if  they have not studied the matter carefully, if they just make  pronouncements and radical claims, if the source is primarily intended  to do other things than provide argumentation (such as inspirational,  religious and literary texts)), then they should not be cited as  authoritative evidence in your paper. The source or author may have  authority in other contexts, but what matters is whether or not they can  be widely accepted as having authority in this particular context. Be  sure to consult the “reasoning” section of the Belmont guide to writing  an argument, which I have made available on Blackboard. Also consult the  list of logical fallacies to evaluate your own reasoning and to check  for logical fallacies.

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Movie Character Health Assessment Presentation Savvy Essay Writers

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Movie Character Health Assessment Presentation

In this assignment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation based on the application of the functional health assessment of a movie character. To complete this assignment, choose a movie from the following list and identify a character from the movie on whom you would like to do a health assessment. If you wish to use a character from a movie not included on the following list, get the approval of your instructor.

Away From
HerLorenzo’s Oil
My Sister’s Keeper
Rain Man
Steel Magnolias
The Elephant Man
The Mighty
The Tic Code

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides using the template “Movie Character Presentation.”

Provide an introduction and background overview of the movie character (client).

Assess the client using the “Functional Health Pattern Assessment.”

Based on your “observations” and thoughts, document your assessment, providing examples from the movie.

Describe any observed or potential cultural, geographic, religious, ethnic, or spiritual considerations of this client.

Describe two normal health patterns of the client as well as two abnormal health patterns that you observe, and provide examples.

Develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client based on your assessment.

Identify and describe three interventions for the client: health promotion, health prevention, and maintenance.

Identify at least two possible resources or community services to which you would refer this client and provide rationale for your choices.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Post your assignment to the Movie Character Health Assessment Presentation Main Forum as directed by instructor. Respond to other learners’ posts in a manner that initiates or contributes to discussion. Each person should make at least three substantive comments.

Submit your assignment to the drop box addition to posting it to the Movie Character Health Assessment Presentation Main Forum.

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Savvyessaywriters.org is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Interdisciplinary communication Savvy Essay Writers

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Interdisciplinary communication

Scenario:- you have been invited to design a medication assistance program.You need to submit a proposal regarding who you would invite to the CEO. Considering the perspective of prescribers, discharge planners, financial navigators, suppliers, book keepers and subsidies. 


If you were to seek the input of 5-7 stakeholders, who would you invite to the planning table and why. Consider the need for a group facilitator, who would that perisn be and why.

Hint: open with a paragraph of each stakeholder you would invite and close with a summary of what you hope to achieve.

– 2-3 pages APA style.

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ASTR 100 Chapter Review Savvy Essay Writers

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ASTR 100 Chapter Review



1. In the scientific method, a hypothesis _____.


       A. is a statement of fact


       B. makes a prediction that can be tested


       C. is usually proven to be correct


       D. can only be tested once


       E. none of these


2. Which of the following can’t be considered an acceptable hypothesis?”


       A. Dark matter, (invisible matter which still has gravitational attraction), determines the orbits of stars in the the galaxy


       B. Mass increases with velocity


       C. Matter came into existence together with time      


       D. The megagalaxies of the universe will become invisible to each other in time.


       E. all are acceptable hypotheses


3. A theory is an integrated explanation of numerous “proven”_____.


       A. facts


       B. laws


       C. controls


       D. hypotheses


       E. guesses


4. What is the correct sequence of steps in the scientific method?


I. State a problem


II. Analyze and interpret data


III. Develop a hypothesis


IV. Share the results with other scientists


V. Design and perform experiment to test the hypothesis


       A. I – II – III – IV – V


       B. III – I – V – II – IV


       C. V – IV – III – II – I


       D. I – III – V – II – IV


       E. V – II – I – III – IV


5. Ptolemy’s model sought to explain retrograde motion by _____.


       A. adding circles to epicycle orbits


       B. adding circles to elliptical orbits


       C. adding epicycles to elliptical orbits


    1. D.adding epicycles to circular orbits


6. Due to retrograde motion some planets will rise in the west and set in the east. True or False


7. Which of the following is correctly ordered from largest to smallest in size?


       A. Moon, neutron star, white dwarf, galaxy


       B. galaxy, white dwarf, Moon,  neutron star,


       C. galaxy, planet, neutron star, white dwarf,


       D. galaxy, neutron star, Moon, white dwarf,


 8. Inner planets have _____ than outer planets.


       A. lower densities


       B. higher densities


       C. thicker atmospheres


       D. higher masses


 9. A main sequence star’s energy is normally generated by ____  .


       A. proton-proton fusion of hydrogen


       B. the fusion of hydrogen and helium


       C. both of the above


       D. neither of the above


10. Measurements indicate that a certain star has a very high intrinsic brightness (100,000 times as bright as the Sun. and yet is relatively cool (3500 K.. How can this be?


       A. The star must be in the upper part of the main sequence.


       B. The star must be very large.


       C. The star must be quite small.


       D. There must be an error in observation, because no star can have these properties.


11. Population II stars ____ than population I stars.


       A. have higher percentages of hydrogen and helium


       B. more likely found in  the galactic halo


       C. give off more red light.


       D. all of the above


12. The average temperature at the surface of Venus is SUBSTANTIALLY greater than the average temperature at the surface of Earth because ____.


       A. it is much closer to the Sun


       B. it rotates more slowly and in a retrograde direction


       C. of the percentage of carbon dioxide in its thick atmosphere


       D. clouds of sulfuric acid in its atmosphere reflects sunlight back into space


13. Which of the following is NOT explained by the Solar Nebula theory?


       A. common revolution of  Venus’ orbit


       B. the rotation of Venus


       C. common age of Solar System objects

    1. D.different composition of inner and outer planets


14. Suppose that in 2012 NASA’s Kepler Mission discovers a series of planets with the following characteristics moving around a star that resembles our Sun : irregular, with solid surfaces; mean densities about  that of H2O; radii  less than 1000 m; no atmospheres. What would these planets be classified as, in comparison to our Solar System?


       A. Cometary nuclei


       B. Asteroids


       C. Terrestrial planets


       D. Jovian planets


15. A typical ____ galaxy has ____ than a typical ____ galaxy and therefore has ____ active star formation.


       A. elliptical, more gas and dust, spiral, more


       B. irregular, more gas and dust, elliptical, more


       C. elliptical, more gas and dust, spiral, less


       D. spiral, less gas and dust, elliptical, more


16. Newton’s _____ provides an explanation for Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.


       A. second law of motion


       B. first law of motion


       C. law of gravity


       D. third law of motion


17. Scientists estimate the Universe is about _____ old.


       A. 1.4 x 104 years


       B. 1.4 x 107   years


       C. 1.4 x 1010 years


       D. 1.4 x 1013 years


18. The Milky Way galaxy is no more than about 55,555  _____ in diameter.


       A. parsecs


       B. astronomical units


       C. light years


       D. solar diameters


19. The closest star to the Sun is a few ____ away.


       A. miles


       B. million light-years


       C. astronomical units


       D. parsecs


20. Our Solar System is only a few  _____ in radius.


       A. light-years


       B. solar diameters


       C. light-hours


       D. light-seconds


21. The lifetime of a typical star of type A or type O is a few _____ years.


       A. thousand


       B. billion


       C. million


       D. hundred


22. Galaxies throughout the Universe appear to be distributed:


       A. mostly in a single spherical shell surrounding a void in space, presumed to have been caused by a vast explosion at the time of the Big Bang.


       B. uniformly throughout space.


       C. in groups and surfaces surrounding vast voids, much like the surfaces of giant bubbles.


       D. around a single point in space, the presumed location of the original Big Bang that created the Universe.


23. Current evidence indicates the Universe’s expansion ____.


       A. is speeding up


       B. is slowing down


       C. has stopped


       D. is constant


24. How far we can see into the universe is determined by


       A. the time since the beginning of the universe


       B. the speed of light


       C. the increasing power of new telescopes


       D. both  A. and B. only


25. Which of the following play a role in creating the the elements found in the cores of terrestrial planets?


       A. high mass stars


       B. heavy element fusion


       C. supernovae


       D. all of the above


26. A successful theory of Solar System formation must be able to primarily explain:


       A. The fact that Mars has satellites.


       B. The fact that Pluto’s orbit is very elliptical.


       C. The fact that the planets all revolve in the same direction in the same direction.


        D. None of these, they’re all accidents of history


27. Scientists can determine what a distant star is made of by looking at ____.


       A. its continuous spectrum


       B. its absorption spectrum


       C. similar stars


       D. samples obtained from the star




28. What is the distance of a galaxy with a recession speed of 280,000 km/sec? (use H = 70 km/sec/Mp       C.    

       A.  210,000 km/sec


       B.  4 Mpc


       C.  4,000 Mpc     


       D.  140,000 km   


       E.  7,000,000 km    


29. A galaxy located at a distance D of 1 million light years away has an angular size A= 5 degree. What is the approximate diameter of this galaxy? (use d = 2 π A D / 360).         

       A. 58,500 pc        


       B. 87,000 light years       


       C. 1 million light years    


       D. 360,000 light years     


       E. 6 million light years       


30. Which particular property of the Cepheid variables makes them suitable as standard candles? 


       A. Their pulsation period is related to their luminosity.  


       B. Their luminosity is related to their mass.


       C. Their speed is related to the red shift of their spectral lines. 


       D. They are very abundant in all galaxies.          


       E. They are more likely to appear in the spiral arms of galaxies, and therefore clearly visible.  




31. The distance of a faraway galaxy can be determined by:            




       A. The parallax method   


       B. Observation of Cepheid variable stars in that galaxy.


       C. Observation of quasars.          


       D. Recessional velocity.  


       E. The annual parallax.       


32. What is the “rotation curve” of a galaxy?            


       A. It is a graph of the orbital velocities at various distances from the center of the galaxy.      


       B. t is a graph of the speed at the center of the galaxy.  


       C. It is the recession speed of galaxies at various distances from the Milky Way.         



  1. D.It is the speed of the globular clusters in a galaxy.

33.       In their search for dark matter, astronomers can exclude candidates whose presence is detectable Which of the following candidates can be ruled out?   

       A. Black holes     


       B. Neutrinos        


       C. Hot or cold gas           


       D. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPS).      


       E. Dead white dwarfs        


34. Which of the following statements about Quasars is not correct?          


       A. Their spectra have the largest red-shifts observed.    


       B. They are probably the most distant observable objects.         


       C. They have abnormally high luminosities.       


       D. Their cores are extremely large, probably several thousand light years across.         


       E. Sometimes they appear in pairs, due to gravitational lenses formed by intervening galaxies.              


35. What observational evidence suggests that the centers of quasars are small, about a fraction of a light year? 


       A. The fact that quasars emit long wavelength radiation           


       B. Photographs of quasars          


       C. They emit radiation over a very wide range of wavelengths.


       D. The intensity of their radiation fluctuates over periods of months.   


       E. All of the choices are correct.    


36. What is the origin of synchrotron radiation in radio galaxies?    


       A.  High speed electrons spiraling around the magnetic field lines        


       B. Supernova explosions 


       C. Neutron stars at the center of the radio galaxy          


       D. Hydrogen gas 


       E. Radiation from a massive black hole at the center of the galaxy          


37. What is the origin of the lobes often observed on opposite sides of radio galaxies?      


       A. Gas ejected from the core of the galaxy        


       B. High speed electrons colliding with gas surrounding the galaxy       


       C. Hot planetary nebulas surrounding the galaxy           


       D. Black holes orbiting the center          


       E. Material pulled in by gravity  


38. Astronomers speculate that most galaxies have a massive black hole at their center. What could be the origin of the suspected black hole?      


       A. First, a supernova explosion formed a black hole, which in time became more massive by accretion.         


       B. The collision of galaxies         


       C. The gravitational attraction drew in stars from the disk.       


       D. The rapid rotation of the galaxy that compressed material to high densities.           


       E. Dark matter at the galactic center         


39. Which of the following provides evidence for the existence of dark matter?    


       A. The orbital speeds of stars in galaxies are higher than what can be accounted for by the detectable mass in the galaxy.


       B. The orbital speeds of galaxies in clusters are higher than what can be accounted for by the detectable mass of the cluster.      


       C. The ability of rich galaxy clusters to prevent their hot gases from expanding.             


       D. All of the choices are correct.


       E. Only the orbital speeds of galaxies in clusters are higher than what can be accounted for by the detectable mass of the cluster and the ability of rich galaxy clusters to prevent their hot gases from expanding provide evidence.              


40. What is the most likely outcome after the collision between two spiral galaxies?          


       A. The destruction of most of their stars


       B. Enhanced formation of new stars      


       C. Formation of a larger galaxy  


       D. All of the choices are correct.


       E. Only enhanced formation of new stars and formation of a larger galaxy are correct.           



Section-2 :


 you must show your work and explain your reasoning in detail. 


1. Comet Halley has an orbital period of 75 years and when it enters the inner Solar System, it passes within a few AU of the Sun.


 A.  Determine the average distance of Comet Halley in AU.


 B.  Right now, Comet Halley is just about past the orbit of Neptune, which has an average distance from the sun of about 30 AU. Explain how this is possible given the average distance you found from its orbital period.


2. HIPPARCOS (an acronym for HIgh Precision PARallax COllecting Satellite was a scientific mission of the European Space Agency (ES       A., launched in 1989 and operated between 1989 and 1993. It was the first space experiment devoted to astrometry, the accurate measurement of star positions, distances from us, parallaxes, and proper motions.


 A.  If the measured parallax shift of star A was 0.1 arcsecs and the parallax shift of star B was 0.05 arcsecs, which star was farther away from the Earth, why?


 B.  What is the distance of the farthest star in parsecs?


 C.  What is the distance of the farthest star in light-years?


3. There are two optical telescopes operating at the exact same frequency.


 The first telescope is a 10 m telescope that is planned to be located at the L2 Lagrangian point 1.5 million kilometers past the orbit of the Earth. The second telescope is a 2 m telescope that is planned to be placed on the far side of the moon (average distance to the moon is 380,000 km from the Earth..




 A.  Which of the two telescopes will have the greater light gathering power (10 m or 2 m)?




 B. Explain your answer to part (A).




If the 10m telescope were placed on the Earth on top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii at 14000 feet instead of at L2, which telescope NOW has the greater light gathering power, by what factor




            C.. The 10 m telescope has a _____ (greater/smaller. light gathering power )




            D.. by a factor of _____ times.




            E.  Compare your answers to parts C. and  D. to your answer to part   A.. Explain any differences.




4. There was a great debate concerning the value of the Hubble constant. (NOTE: The presently accepted value of the Hubble constant is 72 km/s/Mpc as listed in your formula sheet.. One party believed the Hubble constant (Ho. was closer to 50 km/s/Mpc and the other party believed the Hubble constant was closer to 100 km/s/Mp       C. Assuming you measure a recessional velocity of a galaxy of 10,000 km/s, what is the distance to that galaxy given the two different Hubble constants




 A.  Distance to galaxy using 100 km/s/Mpc = _____ Mpc




 B.  Distance to galaxy using 50 km/s/Mpc = _____ Mpc




 C.  How do the different Hubble constants affect the calculated age of the universe?




5. If you triple the distance between two celestial objects, how does the resultant gravitational force between the two objects compare to the original force? (for example, 2 times, 10 times, 100 times?.




 A.. The force is _____ times    B. _____ (greater/weaker)..




6. Two stars have the same radius but have very different temperatures. The red star has a surface temperature of 3000 K and the blue star has a surface temperature of 15,000 K. By what factor is the blue star more (or less. luminous compared to the red star? (for example, 2 times, 10 times, 100 times?.




  A. The blue star is _____ times    B.   _____ (more/less) luminous.


Section: Section-3 follows. Explain in detail.


1. Below are HR diagrams taken of 4 star clusters. Identify the ages of the star cluster from YOUNGEST to OLDEST and describe in detail how you can determine the relative age of each cluster. Use the HR diagram provided at the end of this exam as a guide in your decision making process.


2. Assume that the four planets listed in the table below are all terrestrial-type worlds, they formed at the same time, they orbit the same star, and each has nearly circular orbits. Which of the four planets should show the most seasonal variations over its orbit? Explain your reasoning. Which of the four planets is the most likely still to be geologically active? Explain your reasoning.


Planet   Tilt (Deg)  Radius (km)     Density (g/cm3)     Average Distance from Star (AU.


A              1.0         1,111                  5.90                                 1.1


B            23.5         4,051                 4.25                                  2.0


C            47.0        6,950                  4.52                                  3.5


D             0.0         3,397                  3.10                                  5.4






3. Below are images of two moons in the outer solar system. Describe in detail which moon has the younger surface and WHY.


4. The Big Bang theory of Cosmology is accepted by nearly all astronomers. Please list, and describe, three major observations that support this theory.


5. What is the what attribute of the planets of the outer solar system made them grow so much larger than the Terrestrial Planets?


6. Why is Europa, a moon of Jupiter considered a prime candidate for finding extraterrestrial life, what are the conditions that allow this? 


7. Describe one topic in this course that  you found particularly interesting  and why (do not use what you led discussions on).


8.If the moon rises at 8:55PM tonight a) at what time will it rise tomorrow, &nb

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Module 01 Written Assignment – Company Analysis-H410/4110 Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Module 01 Written Assignment – Company Analysis-H410/4110


You have been selected as the Team Lead for your department. Management has asked you for a report on the following topics. Research each topic and summarize in an executive summary. Cite your sources in an appendix on the last page of your document.

Make sure that your research has information from at least 2 sources other than your textbook.

  • 1.The role of managers and technology
  • 2.Ways to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce cost through new technology
  • 3.Deficiencies in clinical use of technology
  • 4.Technology and medical errors
  • 5.Concentration on profit margins

Your appendix should be APA formatted and your work should be free from grammatical errors.


Module 01 Written Assignment – Company Analysis

Scoring Rubric:



Each topic is addressed-45

Additional research has been performed-45

APA formatting and free of grammatical errors-10



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