3 5 page paper on credit card fruad

Write a 3- to 5-page research paper on Credit Card Fraud. Be sure to focus on how computers and other digital devices can be used to commit serious crimes. Include at least one example from an actual case. Please find additional resources besides your textbook; you will find a lot of great material by Googling around the Web. Also, don’t forget that there are excellent resources available through the databases at the College library (see the Reference librarian for assistance). This is an individual, not a team, assignment.
Written reports of no more than five pages are to be prepared in a professional manner using the APA style for your cover page and references. Format and neatness matter, as do spelling and grammar. Use one-inch margins, 12-point fonts, and double-spacing. Put page numbers on all pages but the first. Up to 30% may be deducted for work that does not meet professional standards.