3 page essay urgent due in 2 hours

  • 3-Page Essay, Microsoft Word format ONLY – (9 points)

Write a 3-page minimum, double spaced, 12 point font essay about the story of your life. The story of your life can include:

  • Your family
  • Your community
  • Friends and acquaintances
  • Extracurricular activities & hobbies:
  • Important events in your life
  • Your major (and your minor if applicable)
  • And how all these things made you who you are
  • Previous disability-related experience
  • How your culture views people with disabilities
  • What you hope to learn from this course

We also want you to include:

  • Previous disability-related experience
  • How your culture views people with disabilities
  • What you hope to learn from this course

I have two paragraphs written down but you need to write it in different words because I had already submitted this to a different class and can’t use it for this

I wrote about myself and family and culture and my major is criminal justice and doing a minor in psychology

my culture loves helping people with disabilities