political science hw 1
Utilizing your textbook, lesson 1 PowerPoint, and any web resources, please look up the actual definition of politics. Be sure to cite your sources for this post where applicable. For this post, reflect on how close to or how far from the true definition of politics were you. Share your thoughts of why you gave the initial response of politics that you did. Do you detect any misconceptions with regard to our pursuit of study in this course?
Follow-up with several more substantial posts and continue to reflect and exchange ideas with others. Enjoy learning more about this essential concept of our discipline as we begin to construct a more thorough understanding and appreciation of what politics is all about.
For an “A”: a discussion grade of “A” will require you to have all your postings completed before the deadlines (which are noted on the Calendar), demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding of the readings, responses (be tactful and nice) and questions for your classmates
At least two postings during each week of the discussion should be in response to your classmates’ postings. Your views, opinions, thoughts should be documented from the class material whenever possible. For example, if you express an opinion try to support it with material from the reading or document which serves as the basis for that week’s discussion.
There are pics in the file to respond to the students
The powerpoint to use to cite is in the file also