answer 5 questions 300 words each
Answer following five questions, 300 words each question and with 2 references. Try to address to the point with out wasting word count. Answer in the context of Project Management. Course is Project Management and subject is Project Teams and Leadership so it is important to answer in right context. Some questions ask to write on personal experience or knowledge, just write it and I will amend accordingly.
Question 1:
Develop responses to the following: (Slides attached)
- how do you, or a Project Manager you have worked with, progress newly formed teams to what Tuckman termed ‘Performing’? Why is it important to get to this stage?
- which of Hackman’s five factors most resonates with you in project work? Why?
- describe the attributes and behaviours of the Project Manager who is the best communicator you have seen or are aware of.
Question 2: Has 2 parts, total of 300-350 words max for both parts.
a: Develop responses to the following: (Slides attached)
- how do you, or a Project Manager you have worked with, progress newly formed teams to what Tuckman termed ‘Performing’? Why is it important to get to this stage?
- which of Hackman’s five factors most resonates with you in project work? Why?
- describe the attributes and behaviours of the Project Manager who is the best communicator you have seen or are aware of.
b: Develop responses to the following: (slides attached)
- how should a project manager prepare project stakeholders for change?
- how has this been managed on projects you are familiar with?
- what works?
- what doesn’t work?
Question 3:
Develop responses to the following: (Slides attached)
- reflect on the ‘Management activity’ slides content and discuss how these may affect a Project Manager. Which of these is likely to be the most significant issue for a Project Manager? Why?
- consider Mintzberg’s ten managerial roles and identify what you consider the two most significant of these roles for Project Managers. Why?
Question 4:
Develop responses to the following:
- there are some important characteristics PMs should have. Discuss this with reference (and examples) to a PM’s:
–leadership and management style
–ability to handle stress.
Question 5: (slides attached)
Develop responses to the following:
Leadership is what makes things happen in organisations and projects. Argue (true or not):
- project managers can only display a transactional leadership approach
- there is no need for a project manager to be visionary
- project managers are better to be arrogant than charismatic.