business law db 6
WARNING: Do NOT ‘copy and paste’ or ‘paraphrase’ excessively another student’s original answer. This is a form of plagiarism and will NOT be tolerated. You may refer to another student’s work in your student reply posts if proper credit is given to the original poster / student.
Who keeps the Engagement Ring?
The Facts:
- Alex (“A”) proposes marriage to Barbara (“B”)
- B accepts
- A gives B an engagement ring
- After 6 months A and B get tired of each other
- The engagement is broken off
Who keeps the ring?
- Post your answer and explanation. Use principles you have learned in my Lecture and Text. This is not based on your opinion alone; your conclusion MUST have a basis in the Law, therefore: YOU MUST refer to the Law and legal principles (say which one(s) and where you found them PRECISELY (“in the Textbook” is not good enough)
- Comment on a classmate postings. AGAIN – make reference to the legal principles you have learned in my Lectures, the Text and/or web based resources. YOU MUST SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER BY REFERRING TO ANY OF THESE RESOURCES; AN UNSUPPORTED ANSWER = AN AUTOMATIC “F”. Note: I am not looking for the correct answer (this is NOT Law School)… I just want a coherent answer. Do your best, make an honest effort.