facilitators and barriers to cultural competence 1
Watch the following videos:
- Watch: Cultural Competence: What Does It Mean For Educators? (Links to an external site.) (what does cultural competence mean for educators)
- V-FF.Gloria Ladson-Billlings Cultural Competency.wmv (Links to an external site.) (cultural competence)
- Parents’ Perspective on Diagnosis: What I Wish Professionals Knew (Links to an external site.) (parent perspective on diagnosis)
- Engaging Diverse Families: What Parents Want Teachers to Know and Do (Links to an external site.) (engaging diverse families; what parents want professionals to know and do)
- Cultural competence in education (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video - How to communicate effectively with parents
- Father of Children with Autism (Links to an external site.)
- https://www.nea.org/assets/docs/PB13_CulturalCompe… (Links to an external site.) (cultural competence brief)
- http://www.couragerenewal.org/9-best-teaching-practices-for-cultural-competency/ (Links to an external site.) (cultural competency best practices)
- https://www.mbaea.org/media/documents/Young_Children__Sept_2009_Partnerin_D7536CF6133CB.pdf (Links to an external site.) (partnering with families of children with special needs)
- https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/clde/challenge/#content (Links to an external site.) (cultural and linguistic differences in students)
- https://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/position-statements/PSDIV98.PDF (Links to an external site.) (Linguistic and cultural diversity position statement; NAEYC)
- Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to examine facilitators, barriers, and possible solutions to issues of implementing cultural competence in the classroom.
- Directions: 

Given the information you have gained from the course content:
- List and describe 5 facilitators of cultural competence in the classroom.
- List and describe 5 possible barriers to cultural competence in the classroom.
- Provide 5 possible solutions to the barriers you have listed.
- Save in Word or PDF and submit to the assignment dropbox.
- Directions: 

Given the information you have gained from the course content: