
Recommendation Report Instructions

Attached Files:

**** Below are the instructions for your recommendation report which will be completed in stages with the final draft due Week 7. The assignments in weeks 4-6 will assist you in the preparation of the recommendation report. I will be explaining the details of the project in this week’s live chat.

The assignment is based on this scenario:

You are a manager/supervisor in a company or organization in your desired future industry. At a recent staff meeting the decision maker within your company/organization (Vice President, Captain, Director, etc) stated that he/she is aware of the negative publicity the company/organization has received due to an issue covered in the media.

The decision maker wants to implement some type of action to address the issue and asks you to prepare a report that includes an analysis of the situation, recommendations to address/resolve/prevent the issue, and a visual aid.

In order for you to complete this assignment you will need to conduct some research about the issue (causes, prevalence, statistics, liability/costs) and methods to address/remedy/prevent the issue.

Your research should include: at least FOUR scholarly/trade journal articles (use library electronic databases) and at least THREE Internet sources.

The report format is based on figure 15.3 in your textbook pgs. 701- 717. There is also a student written sample report with instructor commentary attached, that should be used as a formatting guideline for the report. I will use the sample student report during the live chat to review the proper format.

Progression of Assignments:

Week 4 – locate/read data and identify the issue AND prepare an Annotated Bibliography.