following the lab report grading rubric and based on our lab data writing the lab report conclusion 9






V(charge)=0.64 Vpp=2.52V τ(charge)=5.2μs

V(discharge)=0.37 Vpp=1.48V τ(discharge)=5.8μs

The images that I post is the data. (show all equations and data in calculation part)

Using line to show all Vpp,and △t in every image, and calculate C(capacitance) charge and C discharge with all equations and data. Calculate the %error with τ(charge)and τ(discharge)with the τ(exp) and make a conclusion


  1. Includes a summary of the results of the experiment and the % error involved.
  2. Addresses the experimental objective and EXPLAINS if it was accomplished or not based on experimental results and % error involved.
  3. Provides and explains one systematic error involved in the experiment and explains how it affected the outcome of the experiment and the % error involved.
  4. Provides and explains one random error involved in the experiment and explains how it affected the outcome of the experiment and the % error involved.