for two articles one from the list provided in 3 2 and one of your choice complete the following
For Assignment 3.2, you will read and annotate or reverse outline two articles related to our question. Read both articles closely and critically to identify a main position and claims and evidence in support of the main position. Each member of your group should read a different article from the list:…
- Format the source according to a style and link to the text.
- State the main position in a complete sentence with a formatted quote (or paraphrased) and a signal phrase and citation.
- List any claims and/or evidence offered in support of the position.
- State any acknowledged oppositional positions or claims and any included refutation.
- Explain how the position in the article relates to a claim or position from our topic.
- Quote one piece of information from the article and explain how it could be used as context in your presentation or as evidence to support a claim (include the claim and your position).
Respond to 1-6 for your first article and then respond to 1-6 for your second article.
For your second article, you can use one of the articles previously engaged for context or find a new article. The second article should be explicitly connected to your position. As always, work as a group to discuss how to select the best sources to contribute to the overall goal of constructing the presentation. And consider how the article you select can work for your paper, as well.
For both articles, complete and submit the following:
- Format the source according to a style and link to the text.
- State the main position in a complete sentence with a formatted quote (or paraphrased) and a signal phrase and citation
- List any claims and/or evidence offered in support of the position.
- State any acknowledged oppositional positions or claims and any included refutation.
- Explain how the position in the article relates to a claim or position from our topic.
- Quote one piece of information from the article and explain how is could be used as context in your presentation or as evidence to support a claim (include the claim and your position).