just answer the question 16
Please watch the rest of “Berkeley in the Sixties”. Here is a link to the folder for the film. You can download it and watch it (https://troyuniversity448-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jrbrooks_troy_edu/Esldf8w2UI5AiX2fTAqHUIsBPKYRrEfOAdVJZVMt-xB6Lw?e=4acyBN). If this does not work, you can rent it on Vimeo for $3 – https://vimeo.com/ondemand/berkeleyinthe60s
In 125-250 words, discuss two of the students’ different actions during the Free Speech Movement (FSM) at Berkley. What were the most effective strategies? Also, comparing today to this era, do you think mass student action is still possible in today’s climate? Finally, the film discusses various movements that sprung out of the FSM. What movement captured your attention the most and why? Posts should be well written – free of grammar errors. This is due by Friday at 3pm.