lesson plan 29

Transcript has been provided for example of what to include and focus on only


Apply to Your Educational Setting: Pick a content discipline, age level, and assumed student makeup for a learning environment in which you teach.

Create a 5-day content unit plan appropriate for the particular student mix and content area, along with commentary on your choices made while creating the plan.

The Unit Plan

Your unit plan should:

  • Apply a specific curriculum design approach to plan the arc of your unit across the lessons.
  • Apply components of brain-based principles and learning theory to support the curriculum and lesson plan design you chose.
  • Be sure to consider the specific student population you work with or the one provided in the simulation as you design your plan.


Problem-Based and Discovery Learning as Brain-Based Learning

Design-Based Learning

Discovery Learning

Developing Lesson Plans

You may find these resources helpful as you design your unit plan for your assessment.

Curriculum Design Considerations

Since your assessment asks you to design a unit plan, which involves considering broader curricular decisions that arc across multiple lessons, consider different design approaches you might apply. This article provides a variety of aspects to consider (for example, alignments and coherence), as well as different frameworks and approaches.

The following resources provide additional background on topics related to the assessment.