managerial economics week 8 final project

Final Project:-

Here are the 4 Organization which I have selected.

I choose Product BEER and the organization are:

1. Budlight

2. Corona

3. Bell’s

4. Motor city

Compile a list of 4 companies that show the potential for project related to this course. Please make sure to relate your research paper to following subjects below.

1. Determine elasticity measures based on various demand and supply variables.

2. Use statistical measures, including spreadsheets, to estimate demand forecasts.

3. Utilize production theory and cost analyses in managerial decision-making.

4. Be able to identify the microeconomic characteristics of industrial organization.

5. Use economics to describe market structures: competition, monopoly, and oligopoly.

6. Understand and use company statistics and company information in managerial decision-making.

7. Describe the importance of regulation in managerial decision-making

Once your instructor has approved the list, select an organization for this project.

Step 2: Make recommendations

Assume that you have recently been appointed the Chief Strategic Officer at a company that has to reshape the company and establish new strategy based on managerial economics components inclusive of pricing changes, competition evaluations, product development (looking into substitutes, complimentary and market product scanning),. It is your primary responsibility to ensure that company makes the best decisions on strategic development, your assessments on strategic moves have to be based on marginal calculation, as example – sales expansion based on MR vs MC calculation, price elasticity and other subjects covered in classroom.

Based on an analysis of market and competition performance, including both risks and the potential for return, address each of the following points to present recommendations on potential strategic development decision of your company.

Overview of Final Project

Our weekly discussions uncovered many economic topics in the workplace. For the final project and presentation consider a change that you believe would be profitable for your company in the long run (with short run analysis too). If you are not currently working, you will be assigned one (I do not want “recycled papers”).

Your written report should include:

Clear statement of the problem

Academic support of problem/solution (minimum of two, one can be your text)

Industry support of problem/solution (minimum of one)

Clear statement of proposed change(s) and expected outcome(s).

The first page should be an Executive Summary using bullet points (this may be very similar to the sheet you use for your presentation)

The report should be in APA format and include:

Title page

Do not do an abstract, instead insert your Executive Summary here.


Literature review (academic and industry information that helps frame your recommendation)

Empirical analysis (specific details regarding the problem and proposed solution – your introduction may have briefly described the problem, here you add more details)


This may be brief and should include a restatement of problem and solution.

You may also add any future considerations related to your recommendation that were outside the scope of the topic you investigated.

For your final presentation:

You will have 3-5 minutes to present your recommendation to the class.

Treat your professor as the CEO and the rest of the class as high level executives.

You may only have one single sided sheet of paper to put on the document camera for the presentation (no PPT). If you have a chart, table and/or graph, you may have one additional single sided sheet that has only the chart, table or graph (max of 3 figures on the sheet).

Note: Avoid putting too much information on your sheet(s). Do not write out lengthy bullet points, you should be prepared enough to look at a bullet to prompt you on what to speak about. Think about eye contact, voice volume and hand gestures.

Points Possible:

100 (Written)

30 (Presentation)

Presentations are Friday evening of our last class meeting (see Friday Sessions schedule)

Written Project Due Date: Your written report is due the Sunday after our final in-class session at 11:59, p.m.

Final Written Project

Our weekly discussions uncovered many economic topics in the workplace. For the final project and presentation consider a change that you believe would be profitable for your company in the long run (with short run analysis too). If you are not currently working, you will be assigned one (I do not want “recycled papers”).

Your written report should include:

Clear statement of the problem

Academic support of problem/solution (minimum of two, one can be your text)

Industry support of problem/solution (minimum of two)

Clear statement of proposed change(s) and expected outcome(s).

The first page should be an Executive Summary using bullet points (this may be very similar to the sheet you use for your presentation)

The report should be in APA format and include:

Title page

Do not do an abstract, instead insert your Executive Summary here.


Literature review (academic and industry information that helps frame your recommendation)

Empirical analysis (specific details regarding the problem and proposed solution – your introduction may have briefly described the problem, here you add more details)


This may be brief and should include a restatement of problem and solution.

You may also add any future considerations related to your recommendation that were outside the scope of the topic you investigated.

Points Possible: 100

Due Date: Your written report is due Sunday after our final Friday in-class sessions at 11:59, p.m.

Final Presentation

Our weekly discussions uncovered many economic topics in the workplace. For the final project presentation consider a change that you believe would be profitable for your company in the long run (with short run analysis too). If you are not currently working, you will be assigned one (I do not want “recycled papers”).

For your final presentation:

You will have 3-5 minutes to present your recommendation to the class.

Treat your professor as the CEO and the rest of the class as high level executives.

You may only have one single sided sheet of paper to put on the document camera for the presentation (no PPT). If you have a chart, table and/or graph, you may have one additional single sided sheet that has only the chart, table or graph (max of 3 figures on the sheet).

Note: Avoid putting too much information on your sheet(s). Do not write out lengthy bullet points, you should be prepared enough to look at a bullet to prompt you on what to speak about. Think about eye contact, voice volume and hand gestures.