nrp 511 week 3by admin According to the CDC, over 29 million Americans (9.3% of the population) has diabetes and 86 million are living with prediabetes, making diabetes the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. For an NP, a significant percentage of your patients will be dealing with diabetes, and so it is critical that you be proficient at diagnosing and treating it, as well as educating your patients about it. Research the following terms and their relevance in regards to diabetes and to metabolic syndrome: Nephropathy FBS >100 Decreased glucose uptake in peripheral tissue Neuropathy BP > 130/85 Increased glucose reabsorption in kidneys Peripheral vascular disease Trigs > 150 Microvascular disease Increased lipolysis of the fat Decreased incretins of the gut HDL < 40 in men, < 50 in women Retinopathy Cerebrovascular disease Waist >35″ in women, >40″ in men Brain neurotransmitter dysfunction Increased hepatic glucose production Increased glucagon secretion by alpha cells Coronary artery disease Impaired insulin secretion by beta cells Macrovascular disease Create a flowchart using symbols (boxes, shapes, and arrows) that illustrates the following: Which of the terms comprise metabolic syndrome? Which of the terms comprise the ominous octet? Categorize which complications are associated with microvascular disease and document both a subjective and objective component you would do to assess for each complication identified. Categorize which complications are associated with macrovascular disease and document both a subjective and objective component you would do to assess for each complication identified. Submit your flowchart. Resources Center for Writing Excellence Reference and Citation Generator Grammar and Writing Guides Learning Team Toolkit Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Use this space to build your submission. You can add text, images, and files. Add Content 0 0 admin admin2020-11-21 08:02:232020-11-21 08:02:23nrp 511 week 3