the relevance of gifs amp memes
The Relevance of GIFs & Memes:
- Post a copy of (1) an animated GIF that you feel communicates something of cultural value, and (2) a meme that uses phatic visual communication.
- Analyze your examples in terms of the specific concepts discussed in this week’s NearPod lecture–for example, does it convey cultural knowledge, does it use repetition strategically, etc. You should use at least 2-3 concepts directly from the NearPod, in addition to your own thoughts, to analyze the significance of the messages the GIF and Meme are intended to convey, or perhaps what they may unintentionally convey, or even perhaps how their intended message could or has been adapted to create a whole new meaning.
Instructions: Initial posts should include the original prompt/question as a header in bold; write a post of 150 words minimum–citing at least 2 specific concepts from the NearPod.