the role of fathers

Articles :

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize the role of fathers in children’s language and literacy development.

Directions: Consider what you have just read in the required readings for this week` and the three articles “Building blocks for father involvement Head Start” 1, 2 & 3, then ask yourself:

  1. How are the ideas or information presented on father involvement connected to what you already knew?
  2. What new ideas did you get that extended or broadened your thinking in new directions?
  3. What challenges or puzzles have come up in your mind from the ideas and information presented on father involvement?
  4. Then, use the Connect-Extend-Challenge(Word) handout to synthesize the information you’ve just read.

Second assignment

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to interpret different ways of facilitating parent engagement and leadership.

Directions: As you are reading the materials for this week, make note of things that you find interesting, important, or insightful. When you finish:

  1. First, choose 3 items that stood out most from this weeks course content. Then:
    – For one of these, choose a color that you feel best represents or captures the essence of that idea.
    – For another one, choose a symbol that you feel best represents or captures the essence of that idea.
    – For the other one, choose an image that you feel best represents or captures the essence of that idea.
  2. Create a PowerPoint presentation.
    • First share your color
    • Then share the item from your reading that it represents.
    • Tell why you chose that color as a representation of that idea.
    • Repeat the sharing process until you have shared your Color, Symbol, and Image.
  3. Upload your PowerPoint. Then, respond to one of your classmates and provide your feedback using the Ladder of Feedback rubric.