this discussion pertains to the article above about the cold war and china

CAPSTONE DISCUSSION ITEM CHINA FEB 2020 From World Policy Review.docx

This discussion is number 5 ( amazing grace has left the building), it is due Feb 24 – you have nine days.

This discussion pertains to the article above about the Cold War and China

Guidance and requirements:

  1. copy the exact title of the article from the reading
  2. write at one full page analysis of the article ( not the same as a position)
    1. first get a grip on what an analysis is
    2. see the information available to you as part of this course
  3. citations – please follow the source and sourcing document exactly per class discussion virtually every class period this term
    1. cite our class textbook-
    2. cite at least two other sources
  4. one more time, this only pertains to a couple of students, but nonetheless, it is worth repeating, please follow the source and sourcing document etc
  5. Please the last message regarding credit for discussion items and as per class discussion

Note:the book cite is below and i also attached the articale and the text book that you are going to use for atleast one citeation.

(BOOK): Snow, Donald M. “National Security (Sixth Edition).” New York, New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2017, Pp.128. Print