this discussion pertains to the article above about the cold war and china
CAPSTONE DISCUSSION ITEM CHINA FEB 2020 From World Policy Review.docx
This discussion is number 5 ( amazing grace has left the building), it is due Feb 24 – you have nine days.
This discussion pertains to the article above about the Cold War and China
Guidance and requirements:
- copy the exact title of the article from the reading
- write at one full page analysis of the article ( not the same as a position)
- first get a grip on what an analysis is
- see the information available to you as part of this course
- citations – please follow the source and sourcing document exactly per class discussion virtually every class period this term
- cite our class textbook-
- cite at least two other sources
- one more time, this only pertains to a couple of students, but nonetheless, it is worth repeating, please follow the source and sourcing document etc
- Please the last message regarding credit for discussion items and as per class discussion
Note:the book cite is below and i also attached the articale and the text book that you are going to use for atleast one citeation.
(BOOK): Snow, Donald M. “National Security (Sixth Edition).†New York, New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2017, Pp.128. Print