Unit 1 training and development Savvy Essay Writers
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Unit 1 training and development
Instructions for completing the table below: You have been hired by Carter to develop an effective safety training program for his employees. Carter is concerned about being in compliance with regulations and standards, so your first task is to identify 10 training requirements from the OSHA staInstructions for completing the table below: You have been hired by Carter to develop an effective safety training program for his employees. Carter is concerned about being in compliance with regulations and standards, so your first task is to identify 10 training requirements from the OSHA standards that apply to Carter’s operations. Carter’s operation will be required to meet more than 10 OSHA standards; however, your job is to identify what you feel are the 10 most important. List the 10 requirements in the order in which they should be developed and specify which department(s) should receive the training. Then, provide a brief justification (rationale) for each training requirement identified—why is it one of the most important?ndards that apply to Carter’s operations. Carter’s operation will be required to meet more than 10 OSHA standards; however, your job is to identify what you feel are the 10 most important. List the 10 requirements in the order in which they should be developed and specify which department(s) should receive the training. Then, provide a brief justification (rationale) for each training requirement identified—why is it one of the most important?
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