what is your bad habit my bad habit is eating fast food
Body Paragraph 2
Brainstorm – Before you start writing, think about answers for the following questions.
- Think about your bad habit.
- Why do you think you might be craving it?
- What kind of cue, routine, and reward does your habit have?
- How can you change your routine in a way that still takes into consideration the cue, keeps the same reward, and meets the craving?
- What outside resources might help you make this change?
This is your Outline. Use it to write a paragraph.
Topic Sentence:
Changing a routine requires accurately identifying the craving, changing the routine that satisfies craving and uses outside resources for support.
Idea 1: Habit craving (You will need to create a sentence.)
Quote from text supporting the idea of craving in habit formation
Explanation of the craving in terms of your habit
Idea 2: Changing the routine but meeting the craving (You will need to create a sentence.)
Quote from text supporting the idea importance of routine change in habit change
Explanation of routine change in terms of your habit
Idea 3: Outside Support (You will need to create a sentence.)
Quote from text supporting the idea of using outside support in habit change
Explanation of outside support in terms of your habit change
note: use qoutes from the book the power of habit from chapter 2 and 3