You should have a thesis that answers your question and that matches your conclusion(develop your thesis in your conclusion).
The body of your paper should be organized around your thesis–make a few points that support your overall thesis, and think about how best to divide up or organize your points of evidence.
Once you have your thesis and conclusion, and have organized and written about the points in between, and once you have all of your points where they should be, proofread your prose. Read your sentences aloud to make sure they are coherent, and too, gather up awkward, wordy phrases and replace them with concise language. Use a thesaurus.
Experiment and explore vocabulary–subscribe to “word-of-the-day” via email and use a thesaurus. There are many, many gripping, captivating, and engaging words!
Final Checklist:
use Times Roman 12
include page numbers
double space text
DO NOT add extra spaces between paragraphs (all text should be double spaced)
include footnotes or endnotes Chicago style
include a bibliography (Chicago style)
put your name, correct date, and assignment (H370 Paper #1, as appropriate)–along with a paper title, at the top
your paper text should be 4-6 pages
Please use these two textbooks:
1-James Henretta et al, America A Concise History V. 1 (9th Edtiion, on Reserve at Oviatt)
3-Alan Taylor, The Internal Enemy (on Reserve at Oviatt)
If you could please finish this paper in a day and a half.