write a report on your finding
Goal of this segment: Write a report on your findings
Main focus: Question/Topic you focused on in the research segment
Topic: How family economic inequality affects the future generation (focus on the impact on their education and income).
What should always be covered:
Why did you pick your topic? Why is it interesting? (Refer back to magazine article and empirical evidence.)
– Magazine article: https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/06/what-matters-inequality-or-opportuniy/393272/
– Topic: how family economic inequality affects the future generation (focus on the impact on their education and income).
Analysis of Existing Research:
What is the state of research on the topic?
-Research article: (I upload on the attachment—content server). Intergenerational income immobility in Finland: contrasting roles for parental earnings and family income.
Description of research methods, datasets etc.
What is the main takeaway from the literature? Compare and contrast findings. What is your take on the topic? What is missing in the existing literature?
Length: 3-4 pages. Use of tables and figures is encouraged, but they should be placed in the appendix.