your task is to write an essay that tells the story of this one special food and your relationship with it we will call this essay a food memory your writing takes the reader on a journey where they will learn about your special food in your essay

This assignment is to help you think about your relationship to one special food.

How does this food link me to my family, or to others who share our cultural traditions? Food is so much more than can be expressed on a food label. Food is emotional, cultural, and holds multiple meanings.

Your task is to write an essay that tells the story of this one special food and your relationship with it. We will call this essay a “food memory!” Your writing takes the reader on a journey, where they will learn about your special food. In your essay, you will name and describe the food, include basics of preparation, and weave the story of how this food contributes to your identity, and or, to your place in your family’s culture.

The paper should be grammar- and spell checked. It should be about 600-650 words in length (2-3 pages). It is a creative writing piece, and I hesitate to give you any more guidance than this. Ask me in class if you have additional questions. You will print off a copy of your assignment and turn that in at our class on September 11.