There are 7 deliverable’s to this assignment. All are short papers. Below are the assignments and grading rubic. Any questions, please let me know.
Deliverable 1 – Physics Principals Research Paper
Analyze why physics is central to understanding our world.
In a two-page paper, research how physics is used in a specific profession of your choice. You should identify two physics principles used in the profession as well as explain, in detail, how they are used.
Grading Rubric
F |
F |
C |
B |
A |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Not Submitted |
No Pass |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Not Submitted |
Student attempted to identify physics principles used but incorrectly identified all of these. |
Student attempted to identify physics principles used but identified some incorrect principles. |
Student listed physics principals, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but explanation lacked detail. |
Student correctly identified principles used in chosen profession with details. |
Not Submitted |
Student provided an incomplete explanation of how physical principles are applied. |
Student provided an explanation of the application of physics principles, but it is significantly underdeveloped. |
Student provided general overview of how physics is applied in chosen profession. |
Student provided accurate explanation of how physics is applied in chosen profession. |
Deliverable 2 – Scientific Method Research Paper
Explore how the development of the scientific method impacts our worldview.
Identify a current problem in physics by searching for news articles and current events. One reputable source of news in physics is Choose one article, and in two pages, describe how the scientific method is being used to solve the problem mentioned in the article. Identify the initial observations that identified the problem, the hypothesis, tests, and any revisions of the original hypothesis. Cite the article in APA format as well as other references you might use.
Grading Rubric
F |
F |
C |
B |
A |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Not Submitted |
No Pass |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Not Submitted |
Identified some of the steps in the scientific method but did not address the overall scientific method. |
Identified most of the steps in the scientific method but did not address the overall scientific method. |
Identified the steps in the scientific method but is unable to link the steps to the overall scientific method. |
Correctly identifies the steps in the scientific method represented in the current research and explained how they relate to each other within the scientific method. |
Deliverable 3 – Classical Physics Compare/Contrast Paper
Explore the physical principles of classical physics.
In a two-page paper, identify the classical physics principles contained within the following scenario. Explain how these principals connect to work done by Galileo or Newton. Finally, consider the different fields in which Galileo and Newton did research, and give an example of one of these fields in use in your life. For instance, Newton developed the field of optics. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you are using Newton’s physical optics theories every day. Aside from glasses or contacts, how do the theories of Newton or Galileo affect you in your daily life?
Mandy took a trip to Rome, Italy. She gazed out over the open ocean 20,000 feet below as her airplane began its descent to her final destination. She could watch the Sun setting in the west. Over the Eastern horizon peeked a full moon, just rising, displaying its cratered face. As the plane neared the ground, Mandy could not help but think that she was in a giant metal object hurtling through the sky. Without the specific shape of its wings, the plane would fall to the ground no differently than a large metal projectile.
Grading Rubric
F |
F |
C |
B |
A |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Not Submitted |
No Pass |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Not Submitted |
Student listed physics principals, but they are incomplete. |
Student listed physics principals, but lacks complete identification or explanation of some basic elements. |
Student listed physics principals, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but explanation lacks detail. |
Student listed physics principals including identification of a strong majority of elements, and includes excellent descriptive details. |
Not Submitted |
Student provided personal experience, but it is incomplete. |
Student provided personal experience, but it is significantly underdeveloped. |
Student provided personal experience, descriptions of scenarios are clear, but they lack analysis. |
Student provided personal experience; descriptions of scenarios are clear; analysis of provided in detail. |
Deliverable 4 – Electricity, Magnetism, and Light Compare/Contrast Paper
Connect the principles of electricity, magnetism, and light to modern applications of physics.
In a two-page paper, identify the physics principles contained within the following scenario. Explain how these principals connect to electricity, magnetism, or light in modern applications in physics. Finally, consider the different concepts in which James Clerk Maxwell did research, and give an example of one of these concepts in use in your life. For instance, Maxwell’s research led to the development of radio waves. If you listen to a radio, then you are using Maxwell’s research. Provide another example from your own experience, compare, and contrast your scenario to the provided scenario below.
Mandy took a trip to Rome, Italy. Once landed and inside the terminal, she turned her cell phone back on, but it was not charged. She found a charging station with a USB adaptor port. The USB was universal, providing 5 volts in any country you were in, and a small red LED next to her phone’s screen told her the phone was successfully charging. This USB port seemed to have very high amperage, meaning it charged her phone quickly. She was aware, though, that almost all of Italy’s electricity was generated by burning fossil fuels, and thus she was determined after this to use the portable solar charger she had bought rather than wall electricity.
Grading Rubric
F |
F |
C |
B |
A |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Not Submitted |
No Pass |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Not Submitted |
Student listed physics principals, but they are incomplete. |
Student listed physics principals, but lacks complete identification or explanation of some basic elements. |
Student listed physics principals, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but explanation lacks detail. |
Student listed physics principals including identification of a strong majority of elements, and includes excellent descriptive details. |
Not Submitted |
Student provided personal experience, but it is incomplete. |
Student provided personal experience, but it is significantly underdeveloped. |
Student provided personal experience, descriptions of scenarios are clear, but they lack analysis. |
Student provided personal experience; descriptions of scenarios are clear; analysis of provided in detail. |
Deliverable 5 – Einstein’s Physics Compare/Contrast Paper
Point out how Einstein’s special and general relativity theories impact modern technology.
In a two-page paper, identify the physics principles contained within the following scenario. Explain how these principals connect to Einstein’s theory of relativity or in modern applications in physics. If you use a GPS option on your car or a mobile device, you are using Einstein’s theory of relativity. Finally, provide another example from your own experience, then compare and contrast your scenario to the provided example below.
Mandy took a trip to Rome, Italy. She gazed out over the open ocean 20,000 feet below as her airplane began its descent to her final destination of Rome. It had been a long flight from New York to Rome, but she as she stretched, and her bones creaked as though she was old, she knew that in fact, she was a tiny bit younger than her compatriots back home, thanks to traveling at hundreds of miles per hour. In fact, time for her was running slowly compared to her friends in New York for two reasons: the speed at which she had traveled and the height of the airplane above the Earth. Neither, though, were noticeable.
Grading Rubric
F |
F |
C |
B |
A |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Not Submitted |
No Pass |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Not Submitted |
Student listed physics principals, but they are incomplete. |
Student listed physics principals, but lacks complete identification or explanation of some basic elements. |
Student listed physics principals, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but explanation lacks detail. |
Student listed physics principals including identification of a strong majority of elements, and includes excellent descriptive details. |
Not Submitted |
Student provided personal experience, but it is incomplete. |
Student provided personal experience, but it is significantly underdeveloped. |
Student provided personal experience, descriptions of scenarios are clear, but they lack analysis. |
Student provided personal experience; descriptions of scenarios are clear; analysis of provided in detail. |
Deliverable 6 – Quantum Mechanics Research Paper
Outline the major features of quantum mechanics and how they are applied to various fields.
In a two-page paper, research three examples of technologies that use quantum mechanics. Explain, in your own words, how these applications impact society. If you or someone you know has ever had an MRI scan for a medical diagnosis, you have experienced the result of quantum physics for measuring bodily structures. Finally, provide another specific example from your own life that could be influenced by these applications.
Grading Rubric
F |
F |
C |
B |
A |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Not Submitted |
No Pass |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Not Submitted |
Student listed 1 – 2 examples of technologies that used quantum mechanics, but did not offer detail. |
Student listed 3 examples of technologies that used quantum mechanics, but lacked complete identification or explanation of some basic elements. |
Student listed 3 examples of technologies that used quantum mechanics, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but explanation lacked detail. |
Student listed 3 examples of technologies that used quantum mechanics including identification of a strong majority of elements, and includes excellent descriptive details. |
Not Submitted |
Student provided personal experience, but it is incomplete. |
Student provided personal experience, but it is significantly underdeveloped. |
Student provided personal experience, descriptions of scenarios are clear, but they lack analysis. |
Student provided personal experience; descriptions of scenarios are clear; analysis of provided in detail. |
Deliverable 7 – Vlog Presentation
When possible, synthesize content from the individual course modules. Your content should expand, elaborate, and evolve from the activities in the individual modules, and coalesce to present a cohesive message to the viewer.
Using any slide share or movie making software, you can utilize information gathered throughout the course to create a visual travel log. This multi-media presentation will include images, video, and voice over dialogue consisting of a mix of research and original content that demonstrates your analysis of course concepts. The movie will be accompanied by a paper that supplies the dialogue for the visuals of your film.
You may use examples of physics principles in use in everyday life that you previously gave as examples in Modules 01-06, but you cannot reuse the same wording as used in previous modules. For example, if you had mentioned using glasses for Module 03, you can once again bring up that concept here, but you cannot read from your Module 03 submission paper.
- Three-minute video in MPEG-4 format.
- Original voice over (written) dialogue and accompanying paper.
- Images that help “tell your story.”
- 30 seconds of original video connecting your experience to your topic.
Narrative concept
Imagine you are a writer for Physics Today (or insert whatever physics pop journal you wish), and you are to create a travel vlog for your an overseas trip. In your presentation, your editor wants you to include all relative physics concepts that you encounter in your journey.
For the heart of the presentation, your editor has deemed it essential to address the following core issues and questions:
- Identify physics principles in various real-world examples.
- Identify the use of the scientific method in a modern physical problem.
- Identify the use of classical physics principles in relation to a real life situation.
- Identify physics principles in various real-world examples, and connect to your own experience.
- Identify physics principles in various real-world examples and modern technology.
- Identify a technology that uses quantum mechanics, and connect to your own experience.
- Grading Rubric
F |
F |
C |
B |
A |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Not Submitted |
No Pass |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Not Submitted |
Attempted to identify physics principles used but incorrectly identified all of these. |
Attempted to identify physics princi-ples used but identified some incorrect principles. |
Listed physics principals, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but explanation lacked detail. |
Identified several of physics principles in various real world examples. |
Not Submitted |
Identified some of the steps in the scientific method but did not address the overall scientific method. |
Identified most of the steps in the scientific method but did not address the overall scientific method. |
Identified the steps in the scientific method but is unable to link the steps to the overall scientific method. |
Correctly identifies the steps in the scientific method represented in the current research and explained how they relate to each other within the scientific method. |
Not Submitted |
Listed physics principals, but they are incomplete. |
Listed physics principals, but lacks complete identification or explanation of some basic elements. |
Listed physics principals, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but explanation lacks detail. |
Listed physics principals including identification of a strong majority of elements, and includes excellent descriptive details. |
Not Submitted |
Listed physics principals, but they are incomplete; provided personal experience, but it is incomplete. |
Listed physics principals, but lacks complete identification or explanation of some basic elements; provided personal experience, but it is significantly underdeveloped. |
Listed physics principals, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but ex-planation lacks detail; provided personal experience, descriptions of scenarios are clear, but they lack analysis. |
Listed physics principals including identification of a strong majority of elements, and includes excellent descriptive details; provided personal experience; descriptions of scenarios are clear, analysis of provided in detail. |
Not Submitted |
Listed physics principals, but they are incomplete; provided personal experience, but it is incomplete. |
Listed physics principals, but lacks complete identification or explanation of some basic elements; provided personal experience, but it is significantly underdeveloped. |
Listed physics principals, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but explanation lacks detail; provided personal experience, descriptions of scenarios are clear, but they lack analysis. |
Listed physics principals including identification of a strong majority of elements, and includes excellent descriptive details; provided personal experience; descriptions of scenarios are clear, analysis of provided in detail. |
Not Submitted |
Listed a technology that used quantum mechanics, but did not offer detail; provided personal experience, but it was incomplete. |
Listed a technology that used quantum mechanics, but lacked complete identification or explanation of some basic elements; provided personal experience, but it was significantly underdeveloped. |
Listed a technology that used quantum mechanics, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but explanation lacked detail; provided personal experience, description of the scenario was clear, but lacked analysis. |
Listed a technology including identification of a strong majority of elements, and includes excellent descriptive details; provided personal experience; description of the scenario was clear, analysis of provided in detail. |