the end of privacy

The End of Privacy?

1.1 What does scholarly research have to say about the power of the Internet and other media to erode or eliminate personal privacy?

1.2 Who is invading our privacy? Is it corporations, government, other people, or ourselves?

1.3 How does “The Internet of Things” have the potential to create a further erosion of our privacy?

1.4 You predict along with the experts: What types of privacy are most endangered in the years ahead? What can we (as individuals or as a larger society) do about it?

A. Introduction (Brief)

B. Answer to Question 1

C. Answer to Question 2

D. Answer to Question 3

E. Answer to Question 4

F. Conclusion

1500 Words plus works cited page. Use miminum 10 sources if not more

create a wbs for a project 1

hi, I need to create a WBS for the interior design of the project. Details of the project work are in the document. Please hand it in as excel format.

there are 6 parts in the project:

1- government licence, drawings and survey

2- construction

3 – interior design (from Sep. 1st 2020 to Oct.1st 2020)

4- interior decoration

5- IT

6- Maintenance and closure

I am only doing the WBS on the 3rd part(interior design)

evidence based practice and nursing research

Module 5 Discussion

Please answer the following questions. Be concise and to-the-point. Use the extant readings to substantiate your post.

  1. Describe different types of mixed method (MM) research.
  2. Why do paradigms matter in MM research? What are your thoughts?
  3. Contrast different types of literature reviews of research evidence as they apply to qualitative, quantitative, and Mixed methods.
  4. What is the current outlook for funding MM research in nursing?
  5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various mediums for disseminating data (poster presentation, podium presentation, manuscript

APA- at least 2 citations from scholarly articles and one from the book which I will provide below- answer all questions…

discussion boards amp research paper topic chosen

Attached please find two discussion boards for two different courses and a research paper on which needs to just be layout properly to submit for approval them to procceed at a later time.

contemporary social problem

look for a modern problem on a current issues for instance abortion and write a brief essay on it.

how to write a good discussion

1. watch

2. Read: “Humanity in the Age of Frankenstein’s Cat (Op-Ed)” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

3. Read: Chap. 1-2 in Frankenstein’s Cat

4. Write a 200+ word answer to this question: “How should people responsibly deal with all of the challenging questions that biotechnology brings to the table?”

  • Please include one quote from the book or article
  • Please include one quote from the Ted Talk
  • Please include an in-text and works cited for all sources you use

write a synopsis 3

Apply the definition we arrived at to a marginalized group within our society and argue the consequences this group is experiencing.


Another source of information is non-fiction books credible sources have authored. Again you want to avoid books appealing to pop culture as they will not provide you with the width of information you need for your essay. The college library will probably be able to assist you with your research.Due:
May 6 at the end of the day

crime homework 9

please explain fully

Describe the intelligence process.

mgmt 410 case study

Assignment Instructions


This week you are required to submit a case study analysis. Your paper analysis should be between 3 – 5 pages, not counting the title and reference page. No submission should be fewer than 1050 words.

Include a clear and concise introduction.

Format your case study assignment paper so that the three questions asked below are clearly defined. Double-space your work, cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. If you use any quotes, you must increase the length of your paper to compensate. Make sure you have two additional references other than the text and use citations.

This case study analysis will be based on the 35 case studies in your textbook (page 540-541). You are to pick ONE (1) of the companies from your text. Choose a company different from the company you used for the week five paper. You may not have two papers about the same company. You may not use a paper or any part of a paper from a previous class. Name your selection on your title page.

No abstract is required.

Read the case study and answer the following questions in your paper.

1. Assess the effectiveness of your company’s leadership.

2. Discuss the basis of your company’s competitive advantage and the potential challenges to its strategy.

3. What growth strategies might your company pursue?

Submit your paper into the assignment section of the classroom.

Font and Spacing – Use Times New Roman 12 pitch font with double-spaced lines.

Length – Write a 3 to 5-page analysis, not including the title page and citation page. No fewer than 1050 words!

Reference Page – Include all scholarly sources including your textbook on a Reference page

Use the APA Style for documenting sources. You will need to include at least 2 scholarly sources in addition to your text. Finally, remember Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly source.

Punctuation, essay format (thesis, supporting paragraphs with transition and topic sentences, and summary) grammar and documentation count toward your grade.

Review the Grading Rubric attached here for detailed information about the essay grading criteria.

Late papers will have deductions.


Title:Exploring Strategy Text & Cases

Authors:Johnson, Gerry

Publication Information:

Ed.: 10th edition. Harlow, England : Pearson. 2014

Related ISBNs: 9781292002545. 9781292006895.

case review the mission of cvs corporate social 3 questions to answer

For this assignment, you will collaborate and discuss ideas with your fellow students pertaining to this case. Then you will provide your own answers to the Questions for Discussion.

  1. Read Case 20 in the text: The Mission of CVS–Corporate Social Responsibility and Pharmacy Innovation.
  2. In a Word document, answer these 3 Questions for Discussion=
    1. How has CVS handled its ethical challenges?
    2. Evaluate CVS’s decision to no longer sell tobacco products.
    3. What is the future of CVS in positioning itself as a health care company based on its decision to be socially responsible?