please use goal setting assign template to fill the words.
Clearly articulate three (3) goals that you wish to achieve during this semester in Concert
Choir. Reflect on your previous singing/choir experiences and also your experiences in
the first few weeks of the course. For each goal, list 2–3 strategies and 2–3 resources
that will help you to achieve the goal. Be sure your writing is clear and precise. Short,
complete sentences and bullet points are acceptable. Type directly into the template
provided and edit your final version before submitting the assignment.
Goals should be attainable. Strategies should be realistic. Resources should be accurate
and beneficial. You can include links to websites, videos, articles, books, etc. (Marked
out of 5)
Evaluation: 5 – Goals are attainable and appropriate based on the student’s level of
experience. Identified strategies will help student to achieve the
corresponding goal. Resources provided are accurate and beneficial to
the student and the particular goal. Assignment shows evidence of clarity
of thought and commitment to progress throughout the semester.
Assignment could be a model for others.
4 – Goals are attainable and appropriate based on the student’s level of
experience. Difficulty appears in strategies and/or resources sections.
See description above in 5 to help clarify expectations for those sections.
Assignment shows some evidence of clarity of thought and commitment
to progress throughout the semester.
3 – Not all identified goals are considered attainable and appropriate
based on the student’s level of experience. Difficulty appears in strategies
and/or resources sections. See description above in 5 to help clarify
expectations for those sections. Assignment shows some evidence of
clarity of thought and commitment to progress throughout the semester.
2, 1 – Significant errors, misinformation, and/or lack of detail is present in
the assignment. Student is recommended to ask for assistance.
Due Date: Monday, Feb. 10. Submit via email to
Confirmation of receipt will be issued.
Resources: Goal Setting Assign Template ORIGINAL.docx