i need help with my assignment 95

The Power of Marketing

  • Marketers cannot create demand or make people buy things that they don’t want or need. However marketing is designed to persuade, inform, and remind people about the availability, choices, features, and advantages associated with new and existing products/services.
  • A friend of yours agrees with the following adage, “People don’t know what they want, they only want what they know.” Write a one-page paper expressing the extent to which you think marketers shape consumer wants, needs, and must haves.

Before you get started on that one page paper take the time to review the following video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK_hxXAYVzA It is a video authored by famous Co-Founder of Apple, Steve Jobs and his insights into the marketing world and how marketing = values and living in a noisy world.

artistic project a musical piece visual art film dance poetry this list could get long this one is much more open so talk to me about ideas 1

Extra credit possibilities:

-Artistic project. A musical piece, visual art, film, dance, poetry, this list could get long. This one is much more open so talk to me about ideas.

-Research paper.This is a music research paper but I encourage you to tie it into your own major or area of interest.For example, if your major is history, you might research the music that was being made during a particular era or event.If your major is early childhood development or neurology, you might research music’s effect on neurophysiology or behavior. If your major is cultural anthropology, you might research music’s role in the everyday life of your peers or in various social events.If your major is computer science, you might research how music is being used to help analyze large data sets or digital synthesis. If your major is business, you might research the effects of digital distribution on record sales or how music helps to drive the marketing of a given product or product line.If your major is premed, you might research music therapy and how it has been used to help treat various diseases.If your major is electrical engineering, you might research the various types of transducers used in audio engineering and how they’ve developed over the years.Etc.It doesn’t have to be tied to your major.I just want you to choose a topic that you will find interesting and useful.

-Concert reports, like the ones for assignments 5 and 6.However, for the extra credit reports you can choose any style or genre of music you wish.It still must be a live performance, meaning musicians performing for a live audience that includes yourself, and you still must turn in a ticket stub or program. Also a quick side note, for a large majority of popular music (and really all music) the performing artist is not the composer.There is a difference between ‘by’ and ‘performed by’.

-Listening response. You may also choose to write a listening response to an album of your choosing.Again, you can pick any style or genre you wish.The following are some suggestions for topics to research or discuss in your paper.The biography of the artists and composers. The production of the album. Where, when, and how it was recorded? Who played on it? Who produced it? Who engineered it? What equipment did they use? How long did it take to record? What was the historical context for this album? How was it received? Is there a theme that runs through the album?Your intellectual and emotional reaction to the album. Has this course changed the way you think about or listen to music and this album in particular, if so how? You don’t need to include all or any of these topics in your paper these are just suggestions.

I will accept extra credit papers and projects until the last day of class. The papers should be at least 3 pages of 12 point double spaced type each. Title pages and bibliographies do not count towards length Use Chicago style footnotes, bibliography, and formatting where necessary.

choose a favorite children s musician and research him her write a report on that musician that includes some biographical information the type of music he she produces any interesting facts about the musician and the reasons why you chose him her

Choose a favorite children’s musician and research him/her. Write a report on that musician that includes some biographical information, the type of music he/she produces, any interesting facts about the musician, and the reasons why you chose him/her.

Report should be detailed and thorough and at least three paragraphs in length. Save your paper in a Word document and upload your saved document here.


Please provide a Personal Statement regarding how your academic achievements, personal interests, and life experiences have helped prepare you to succeed academically and to be an active member of the CPS community. (400 words)

reading case study and answering discussion questions

Responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. All work must be 2 FULL pages, single spaced, 12 font Times New Roman. Please DO NOT include the question in the work. Answer both discussion questions.


For this assignment, choose a leader from history whom you admire. Then, write an essay discussing which of the following leadership styles correlates with the style employed by the leader you selected. Explain why you believe he or she demonstrated that style. Only one style selection is required; it is not necessary to discuss each style listed below:

  • laissez-faire,
  • transactional,
  • transformational,
  • servant,
  • authentic, and
  • leader-member exchange.

Utilize an academic online Library to locate one journal article to use as a reference that supports your essay. Your paper should be at least one to two pages in length.

Be sure to include the rubric elements from the guidelines below:

  • a clear and engaging introduction;
  • clear and appropriate content, including strong evidence of critical thinking;
  • organization that results in clarity and logical arrangement of points being discussed;
  • clear and concise writing, free from grammatical and structural errors;
  • academically sound, preferably peer-reviewed resources for support of discussion; and
  • all sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format.


Please write a 7 page case study analysis paper with Title Page and at least three (4) scholarly references in APA format. In addition a one page Executive Summary is required.

  • Prepare, with the help of the case study written rubric. Case Video and Written Cases are available on website: http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/0073521507/information_center_view0/index.html
  • There is no need to answer questions in part one and two, those are just a guide how to approach the writing of case study analysis.
  • Please discuss the new ideas and proposals for increasing the occupancy of the hospital beds, by applying new ways of marketing (social media), associations with local medical offices (family and pediatricians). open house invitations etc…sky is the limit!
  • Prepare Executive Summary (one page), case study analysis paper (7 pages) with Title page (use “Title_page_for_student_papers” in the classroom for reference of the format) and at least 4 scholarly references in APA format.
  • Please see attached guidelines

book chapter review 4


Review Chapters 1 and 2 in the course textbook.

  • Chapter 1, The Corporation and Its Stakeholder
  • Chapter 2, Managing Public Issues and Stakeholder Relationships

Along with the chapter readings, pay particular attention to the following case in Chapter 1:

Insuring Uber’s App-On Gap

Prepare a 500-word posting identifying the major points from the chapter readings. Conclude the post by considering the following case questions:

  1. Who are Uber’s relevant market and nonmarket stakeholders in this situation?
  2. What are the various stakeholders’ interests? Please indicate if each stakeholder would likely support, or oppose, a requirement that Uber extend its insurance to cover the app-on gap.
  3. What sources of power do the relevant stakeholders have?
  4. Based on the information you have, draft a stakeholder map of this case showing each stakeholder’s position on the issue and degree of salience. What conclusions can you draw from the stakeholder map?
  5. What do you think Uber should do in response to the bill introduced by Susan Bonilla, and why?

This initial post should be completed in next 2 days. Once i receive this post i will send 2 classmate’s post and provide me meaningful comment or question (150 words minimum) to the postings of two classmates. These comment post’s are required on 3rd day or earlier

I can send Scanned copies of this book pages if you need.


Assignment: Individual Reflection: Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth

Reflect on the process of creating goals for the BPPG in the previous courses of this program. Think about how you employed creativity to create this plan: you had to consider your currently existing

Individual Reflection

, imagine a future version of yourself who has grown and developed in exciting ways, and generate innovative plans to overcome any challenges you might face in the course of your personal and professional development.

As in previous courses, you will now add to your Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth. You should develop your BPPG from your learning in this course and design it to help you become a leader who knows how to demonstrate creativity, support creativity within your team, and use foresight to foster creativity and innovation.

Consider the following as you complete this Individual Reflection:

  • What can you do now to integrate the experiences and insights you had in this course with your personal and professional development goals?
  • What are the most important things you are taking from this course that will shape your future and enable you to make a positive difference?

All components of the Individual Reflection should be turned in as one document:

  1. The Executive Summary: Write an Executive Summary of the course to date (2–3 paragraphs) that addresses the following questions:
    • Which content and assignments in this course have had the biggest impact on your ability to foster a culture of innovation within an organization?
    • How have the content and assignments changed the way you think of the role of innovation within the organization and the way you will engage in the creative process?
    • How can the knowledge you gained in this course enable you to make a positive difference?
    • In what ways do you think innovation and creativity can influence positive social change within an organization, community, or more broadly?
    • How have the content and assignments continued to shape your goals?
  2. After considering what you have learned in the course, create a focused and succinct strategy for your personal and professional life that will enable you to be the innovation leader you described in your Week 7 Individual Reflection. As part of your strategy, be sure to include responses to the following:
    • List three areas you could focus on for your innovation strategy relative to your own organization, an organization for which you would aspire to work, or your personal life. Describe the importance of each of the focus areas chosen and provide examples with support from the resources.
    • Describe how you will measure progress toward your success.
    • Describe how being an innovation leader could potentially enable you to foster positive social change. To what extent do you think innovation can contribute to positive social change? Provide an example to support your position.
  3. Your action plan: Write a detailed action plan for one new goal for professional and personal development (you will continue to build on the list of goals you started in your previous course). These action plans should include the following:
    • Your specific goal for professional and personal development with an explanation as to why you selected it. Be sure to provide concrete and specific examples of why the goal is important, the extent to which this goal enables you to be an agent for positive social change, the personal or professional value you expect from achieving the goal, and how the goal relates to the resources you reviewed in the course.
    • Hint: If you want to expand upon a plan or initiative you have already proposed in a previous week, feel free to do so.
    • At least two objectives for the goal you have identified. Provide a rationale that explains how your objectives will help you to achieve your goal.

Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth (BPPG): A Potential for Self-Plagiarism

When developing your Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth (BPPG) for this course, you may find that you are utilizing some information that you presented in the discussions or assignments in this course or information that you have presented in previous courses, including previous BPPG submissions. Walden recognizes this situation with the caveat that you may use only small portions of your previously submitted work as background or foundational material for additional development in a subsequent assignment or research project Refer to Section 3 of the Student Handbook, Academic Integrity section in the Code of Conduct: found at: http://catalog.waldenu.edu/content.php?catoid=155&navoid=51011. However, when doing so, you must be careful not to commit a form of academic integrity known as self-plagiarism. If you reuse sections of your previously submitted work without providing the proper citation and reference, you are committing self-plagiarism. This is a violation of Academic Integrity as defined in the Student Code of Conduct.

To ensure that you follow the Academic Integrity standards you must take care to properly cite and reference any reused sections of previously submitted work. For example, if Johana Smithe reuses a section of their BPPG from the previous class, they would cite this section as a quotation: (Smithe, 20xx, p.y) and provide a reference in the Reference page: Smithe, J. (20xx). Blue print for professional growth for WMBA60xx. Unpublished manuscript, Walden University. Please take some time to review the information at the Writing Center concerning self-plagiarism and how to properly cite yourself.

Link to the Writing Center on Citing Yourself https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/apa/citations/citingyourself.

By Day 5

Submit your Assignment.

Guidance on Assignment Length: Your BPPG, including the Executive Summary (which should be 2–3 paragraphs in length and no more than one page single spaced or two double-spaced pages), strategy for your personal and professional life that will enable you to be an innovation leader, and your action plan should be 3–6 pages total (1.5–3 pages total if single spaced). Refer to the Week 8 Individual Reflection rubric (BPPG Rubric) for grading elements and criteria. Your instructor will use the rubric to assess your work.


Follow the instructions in the word doc file and do everything correctly in the excel sheet in the attachment.

Arc map data here in the zip file on the drop box:
