discussion questions pt2

200 words

Discuss which resource(s) you found to be most useful in terms not only of researching the different types of industry and government regulations that exist, but which industry and government regulations must be implemented for a given security scenario.

What criteria are you using, or thinking of using, to determine which type of industry or government regulation is most appropriate for your particular individual assignment?

A cybersecurity risk management plan is a plan designed to protect a system exposed to the internet, internal employees, contractors, disasters, failures, etc.

Discuss some common cybersecurity risk response, change management, version control, and incident response processes that you might consider incorporating into the cybersecurity plan you will be creating for this week’s individual assignment. Are cybersecurity risk management processes similar from system to system? Where can you locate best practices for preventing or mitigating cybersecurity risk management threats?

Embedded systems are being integrated into many products. They are also being used to enable the Internet of Things. As embedded systems become more widespread, they present additional opportunities for hackers to exploit them to gain access to systems and data.

Discuss how organizations should analyze the security implications of embedded systems that they use. What are the consequences of having unprotected Linux operating systems installed on embedded systems? What steps should an organization take to secure the embedded systems that integrate with their technology architecture?


Review the article “8 ways electronic work instructions are transforming the shop floor” from this week’s reading assignment. This article discusses the importance of work instructions and how these instructions have improved a company that runs a shop floor environment. Assume that you are a manager for the company in this article. Considering the methods that have been used in the past and that are currently being used as mentioned in the article, explain what you feel the pros and cons are to electronic work instructions. Using outside research, what other work instructions might you introduce to the work place? You should include a minimum of two additional techniques not mentioned in this article. Use your course materials and outside research to generate a solid analysis on why these methods would be helpful. Your analysis should be supported by research

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • Use only 3 references cited one time each
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

help with replying to my peers discussion

Reply back to two peers with at 50 words each on their discussion. I will provide the initial discussion.


Write a paper of 500 words Debate the efficacies of public versus private-based quality initiatives. What roles do each play in the quality of U.S. health care? How would the elimination of one aspect affect the other?

APA format with citation of 2 creditable sources

deliverable 5 employee empowerment


Examine the role of employee empowerment and interpersonal interventions in organizational development.

Scenario Information

An American Internet Technology company has merged with a Canadian Social Media company. Because of this merger, performance is not as optimum as the executives would have hoped; morale is low, and stress is up. The new company has decided to hire you as an Organizational Development consultant. They have tasked you with finding out the issues and what they should do next to get back on track.


You recently observed the company and the interactions, communications, and stress of its employees. As part of this process as an OD consultant, you are to prepare a presentation on what you learned to incorporate into the company’s change plan; this can be a narrated PowerPoint, Prezi, or any presentation tool.

Note: You need to record yourself giving the presentation; you will need your voiceover (audio) with the PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. Make sure you address the following points in your presentation as you will be giving it to the executive team:

  1. Explain employee empowerment and its effect on the success of the company.

(Clearly explained employee empowerment and its effect on the success of the company using clear examples and well defined reasons).

  1. Discuss the different techniques and interventions of employee empowerment.

(Discussed the different techniques and interventions of employee empowerment using clear examples and well-defined reasons)

  1. Discuss what makes interpersonal communication a necessary factor for organizational effectiveness.

(Discussed what makes interpersonal communication a necessary factor for organizational effectiveness using clear examples and well-defined reasons).

  1. Explain workplace stress and its impact on productivity and morale.
  1. Conclude your presentation with your recommendation of employee empowerment intervention, improving interpersonal communication, and how to manage workplace stress.

(Conclusion provided a recommendation of employee empowerment intervention, improving interpersonal communication and how to manage workplace stress using clear examples and demonstrated the significance of those topics).

write a 300 word outline that details the emerging developments researched in the area

write a 300 word outline that details the emerging developments researched in the area of

· Technology use in all components of the criminal justice system

Include the following information in your outline:

· Minimum of two emerging developments

· Description (including history and evolution)

· Ethical implications

· Positive effects

· Potential repercussions


Please read chapter 4 attached and complete the below requirement.

Compare and contrast five clustering algorithms on your own. Provide real-world examples to explain any one of the clustering algorithm. In other words, how is an algorithm beneficial for a process, industry or organization.

What clustering Algorithms are good for big data? Explain your rationale?

Please locate and review an article relevant to Chapter 4. The review is between 200-to-250 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting.


– Typed in a word document.

– Please write in APA Style and include at least three (3) reputable sources.

– The complete paper should be between 500-to-800-words.

business and society 39

read each question very carefully and respond to all the key aspects of each of the questions as written.

You are free to use all the resources at your command in answering these questions, with the caveat that everything that you turn in must be written in your own words (no copying directly from any source without proper citations, attributions and quotation marks, etc.). If and when you use internet sources, please make sure that you identify these, along with the proper URLs, in your answers.


Please answer all of the following 5 questions IN 250 WORDS EACH:

Question 1:

Write a short essay outlining and critically evaluating the key practical applications of Dan Ariely’s suggestions on the different steps that firms can take to minimize dishonesty in the workplace.

Question 2:

Different economic systems provide different kinds of incentives for economic behavior. Niskanen, in his essay on “The Undemanding Ethics of Capitalism,” argues that through free exchange, capitalistic economies tend to provide us with direct monetary rewards for activities that benefit other people. As a result, according to Niskanen, capitalistic systems are less reliant than other economic systems are on the existence of benevolence, or general good will towards our fellow humans, for overall decency and behavior that benefits everyone. Niskanen’s point is that, since these other systems are less likely to provide direct rewards for simply providing others with the things that they want and value, those systems are also less likely to see behavior specifically designed to provide others with such things. Adam Smith famously put it thus: “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”

Others, for example Marx, Proudhon, Engels, and Polanyi, have argued that capitalism reduces some human interactions to formal exchange and that in the process something of value has been lost.

In this context, your assignment is to write a short essay critically evaluating Niskanen’s arguments on this issue.

Question 3:

As outlined in a recent Deloitte Insights report (see https://www2.deloitte.com/insights/us/en/focus/technology-and-the-future-of-work/redefining-work-workforces-workplaces.html ), the US workforce is changing: It is growing older, becoming more diverse, and for the most part it is also becoming better educated. At the same time, due to subcontracting, special arrangements, and increasing labor turnover, the relationship between employees and employers keeps changing.

These developments have a variety of different social and strategic implications for both employers and employees. Your assignment is to write a short essay outlining what you believe the most important of those might be.

Question 4:

Recently, it was discovered that
Facebook has been harvesting email directories from the computers of its users without their permission. The company claims that this was unintentional, but journalists at both
Business Insider and
Forbes seem to be skeptical of that claim.

(see: https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-uploaded-1-5-million-users-email-contacts-without-permission-2019-4 and

https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2019/04/26/facebook-regulators-finally-call-time-on-lack-of-respect-for-2-7-billion-users/#782d81221bb9 )

In short, on the one hand the company claims that this was just a mistake that was made in the context of trying to improve the user experiences with Facebook. On the other hand, harvesting email directories without permission seems quite brazen, and this may end up having serious long term consequences for the company and its shareholders. This information also comes at a sensitive time for the company, since, according to a recent article in the New York Times, a variety of different of regulatory agencies across the world “are preparing for a long-awaited showdown with Facebook, after years of disinterest and half-steps.”

(see: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/25/technology/facebook-regulation-ftc-fine.html )

In this context, your assignment is to write a short essay about what you see as the ethical issues associated with the alleged directory harvesting and privacy violations committed by Facebook. As part of your answer, make sure you also discuss what you believe the long term consequences of this may be for the company and its relationship with its users.

Question 5:

In 2015, the EPA charged Volkswagen with deliberately installing software designed to cheat on emissions tests for about eleven million diesel cars worldwide and about half a million in the US. (see:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_emissions_scandal )

The resulting scandal, which has sometimes been referred to as dieselgate, has seriously harmed the company and its stockholders. By now, Volkswagen has already paid out close to US $33 billion in a variety of fines and settlements due to this issue. And yet, Volkswagen’s problems are far from over. The company and its key officers face a variety of indictments in different countries, including both in the US and in Germany. Last year, the US Department of Justice charged the company’s CEO with wire fraud. (see: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-ceo-volkswagen-ag-charged-conspiracy-and-wire-fraud-diesel-emissions-scandal ).

More recently, based on ongoing investigations, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) has launched a lawsuit claiming that some of the company’s bond and securities sales in the US were fraudulently based on misleading information, since the company’s officers knew about the fraudulent emission tests and failed to disclose those. (see: https://news.sky.com/story/vw-and-ex-boss-sued-by-us-regulators-over-dieselgate-scandal-11665857 )

In Germany, the company’s top officers are now being sued for fraudulently manipulating information in order to generate bonuses which ranged from about $340,000 to $12.45 million for each of them. (see: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/former-volkswagen-ceo-charged-with-fraud-in-germany/2019/04/15/7cdee780-5f74-11e9-bf24-db4b9fb62aa2_story.html)

In this context, your assignment is to write a short essay about what you see as the key incentive conflicts and ethical lapses that eventually led to dieselgate and its aftermath. As part of your answer, also make sure to discuss what, if anything, you believe that the company and its shareholders could have done to prevent the tremendous losses that they have suffered due to this scandal.

go to the website https www commisceo global com country guides links to an external site links to an external site and select two different nations contrast the impact of culture on negotiations in those nations report your findings in a 1 000 wo

Report findings in 1000 words APA compliant paper must go to required website to complete paper

pscyhology discussion questions

150 words each. Academic resources. No plagirism.