
This past week we focused on race and racism. These are very touchy subjects, and the topics of race and racism are complex and multi-layered. Addressing race and racism in the context of a college classroom presents us with a unique set of challenges. But it seems now, more than ever, we need to engage in open, honest dialogue about these issues.

You will be given three possible essay topics to write about. You have to choose one of them. The three possibilities are:

1. In class on Friday, I showed a slide that said, “Is there a rationality behind holding racist beliefs?” Do you agree or disagree? Why? Provide reasons for your agreement or disagreement.

2. On Wednesday during class, I administered a racial privilege quiz. The point of the quiz was to identify people with racial advantage and disadvantage. This quiz was like a diagnostic. It was meant to determine if, in your everyday life, you have signs and symptoms of racial advantage or disadvantage. What score did you receive on the quiz? Do you think that score accurately represents the forms of racial advantage and/or disadvantage you experience in your daily life? Why or why not?

3. From our course readings for this week, both Blumer and Bonilla-Silva claim that racism is not just about “ideology” or individual feelings. Citing from each of the readings, respond to the following: How do this week’s readings challenge “commonsense” or popular ideas about racism?

This essay must be between 500-600 words.


Part 1

We are discussing the human socialization process and how it influences our psychosocial development. After you have read the reading assignment and lecture for the week, please respond to all parts:

1. Compare and contrast George Herbert Mead’s and Charles Horton Cooley’s theories of human development. Why are these theories part of the symbolic interactionist paradigm.

2. List and describe the key agents of socialization. How did each agent shape and influence your life? Which of these agents has been the most important in your life?

3. Look in the South University Online library and the Internet for information on “Feral Children.” Define feral children and explain why sociologists use feral children to support their arguments of the importance of socialization.

Part 2

Using the textbook and online resource, write a 1000-word (minimum) paper. Refer to the APA resources found in the course home page, and thoroughly address each of the following questions:

Families have changed greatly over the past 60 years, and they continue to become more diverse.

  • Why is the family considered the most important agent of socialization?
  • What caused the dramatic changes to the American family? What are those changes?
  • Describe the differences in marriage and family life that are linked to class, race, gender, and personal choice.
  • Do you feel the trend toward diverse families is positive or negative?
  • If the trend changed toward traditional (pre-World War II) families, how would that affect women’s rights?


comparing between whaT YOU WILL WATCH in the movie with this book (Introduction to Corrections Book by Robert D. Hanser)

every movie you watch one page


For Discussion Forum 3, please address any of the questions below. As always: you are required to make a minimum of THREE (3) posts per module. At least one of your three posts should be your own original comment; at least one – should be a response to or comment on something another classmate has posted; the third post can be either your own original post or a comment on a classmate’s post. Keep in mind that your response should NOT simply be a summary of the assigned reading. A higher grade will be awarded to posts that demonstrate student’s ability to provide an original interpretation of the topic while also applying relevant concepts, issues, and theories covered in the module.

1.Some historians (and Mikhail Gorbachev himself) believe that “Chernobyl was the real reason the Soviet Union collapsed (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..” Discuss why this nuclear meltdown might indeed be one of the causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

2. As you read in this module’s materials, in 2002, the radioactive “Exclusion Zone” surrounding the Chernobyl powerplant was deemed safe enough to permit guided tours of the area. In 2011 Chernobyl was officially declared a “tourist attraction” (one day round-trip tour from Kiev is $165 per person). What do you think about disaster tourism (or, for that matter, of any type of the so-called “thanatourism” or the “dark” tourism that takes travelers to concentration camps, dungeons, prisons, or graveyards)? Where does one draw the line between memorialization and commercialization? Should there be any clear guidelines on the ethics of marketing and promoting these sites? Make sure to draw parallels and cite materials from this module.

3. Many of this module’s texts (both literary and cinematic) focus on the fate of local residents and rescue workers who were directly exposed to radiation or evacuated from their homes in the aftermath of the explosion. Discuss any of the texts (poem, film, story) that left the deepest impression on you. How does this particular text (or texts) describe the way the Chernobyl catastrophe changed / upset / undermined people’s everyday lives?

4. Discuss the documentary Babushkas of Chernobyl. What stood out to you / surprised you the most? Why do you think these ladies insist on living on farms that the Ukrainian government and radiation scientists have deemed uninhabitable? How do they manage to get by, isolated, in an abandoned landscape guarded by soldiers, and rife with wild animals? How has the radiation affected them these past 3 decades? How is it possible that these women’s connection to their community stronger than “radiophobia” (fear of radiation)? Lastly, does it seem like the Ukrainian government is providing these women with sufficient support? And, to give you a slightly different perspective on “uprooting” one’s family, here is another story and a reaction from Chernoby’s survivors to the film from TED Talk (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. How do you compare Tania’s story to the story of the film’s babushkas who wanted to have their dead bodies “smuggled” back into the “Exclusion zone” to make sure they are buried in their homeland?

5. Many of the module’s personal narratives focus on human trauma and suffering that thousands of people had to endure after the Chernobyl disaster. From what you learned in this module, do you feel that the Soviet government’s response to the catastrophe was adequate / appropriate? Was there anything specific that the Soviet government did (or didn’t do) that surprised you?


Describe your Facebook account creation process. Was it easy? Any tips you would like to share with your classmates that helped you with the process?


For the third section of your Term Project you are to write a 3 page paper, APA formatted. The paper will include an effective Introduction and Conclusion. It will also include proper headings and titles per APA guidelines.

Section III of your paper will address the following material for learning.

Senge (2010) provides the 11 laws of the Fifth Discipline. When you think about your company what are 3 laws that you believe you have experienced. Identify each law, define it and describe how you’ve experienced this law at work. Finally, discuss what you’ve learned from this law.

Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. New York: Doubleday.


Write 3 paragraphs explaining the theory.

Choose one out of the list:

·Field & Capital (Bordieu)

·Social Capital, Institutionalization & Trust (Putnam)

-Four Motifs (Berger)

-Power/Language (Foucault)

-Meaning Management (Fairhurst)

-Frames of Identity & Organization (Ashcraft

psychology practitioners scholars

  • Read Capella’s Learning Model Quick Reference and Examples [PDF], which provides an overview of Capella University’s expectations for learners at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels.
  • Read McClintock’s 2004 article, “Scholar Practitioner Model,” in DiStefano, Rudestam, and Silverman’s Encyclopedia of Distributed Learning, pages 394–397. This laid the theoretical foundation for Capella’s learning model.

As stated in the unit introduction, connecting scholarship and practice is critical for professionals in psychology. In one of the unit studies, you examined both the scholar-practitioner model, as presented in the McClintock article, and Capella’s learning model, which is based on the ideas in the McClintock article. In Capella’s learning model, the master’s level degree program is described as practitioner-scholar, to distinguish it from the doctoral degree program, which is described as scholar-practitioner.

This discussion will provide you with an opportunity to enhance and deepen your understanding of the scholar-practitioner model in general and the practitioner-scholar expectations at Capella in particular. At the same time, it will enable you to get valuable feedback from your peers on your vision statement and action plan. Your thinking and exchanges in this discussion will support your success in the assignment that you will submit in the next unit.

In your initial post:

  • Compare McClintock’s scholar-practitioner model and Capella’s scholar-practitioner learning model. You probably notice that only Capella uses the term practitioner-scholar. What aspects of McClintock’s model supports Capella’s learning model?
  • Describe the role of a practitioner-scholar within the field of psychology.
  • Discuss how the role of a practitioner-scholar will influence you to become a wise consumer of research and theory.
  • Summarize your vision of a career in psychology and your main SMART goals. How did the practitioner-scholar model help clarify and strengthen your vision of your future in the field, and your professional goals?
  • Explain how this model might apply to your studies as a graduate learner in psychology at Capella.

Be sure to integrate both readings into your discussion response and cite them in APA style.


Capella University. (2003). Learning model quick reference and examples. Minneapolis, MN: Author.

McClintock, C. (2004). Scholar practitioner model. In A. DiStefano, K. E. Rudestam, & R. J. Silverman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of distributed learning (pp. 394–397). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.